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(201)functional behavioral assessment of problem behavior

已有 1228 次阅读 2019-4-25 19:34 |系统分类:科研笔记

Functional Behavioral Assessment, Diagnosis, and Treatment

Third Edition

Ennio Cipani, PhD

pages 46-53

what is baseline data?

baseline data is the measurement of the target behavior in its current natural state prior to the proposed intervention.baseline data presents the level of the target behavior prior to the intervention and reflects the level of behavior under the current conditions,whereby such a level of behavior would be predicted in the future should the baseline conditions remain in effect.

baseline data have several purpose:

1.baseline data give you a quantitative view of the level of the target behavior at the current level(经常发生,有多经常,用数据说话

2.it provides you with a basis for comparison when deploying a treatment(行为干预前后发生次数数据作对比

3.it often is used in designing the initial behavior criterion for reinforcement for both the target problem behavior as well as the replacement behavior

conducting an functional behavioral assessment

generate a hypothesis about the reason for the maintenance of problem behavior prior to prescribing a treatment.

there are at least five common methods,varying in form and reliability,for collecting evidence via an functional behavioral assessment:

(a)behavioral interviewing

uncovering the problem behaviors maintaining contingencies,given the right questions

provide information that enlightens the selection about what other functional behavioral assessment methods to use to complement the interview


use of specific questions can help to discern possible functional relationships between the problem behavior and the current maintaining contingencies

questions for ascertaining an access function

1.is the problem behavior maintained by accessing some event,or set of events,directly or through social mediation?does such behavior serve to access that event every time or intermittently?is there a reliable relation between the problem behavior and the presentation of this event?what is the specific object,activity,or event that the client is attempting to access through this behavior?(通過間接/直接的方式獲取某種物品或進行某種活動)

2.are there other behaviors in the client's repertoire that also can produce this desired event or set of events?are they as efficient at producing the specific positive reinforcer as the problem behavior?is the problem behavior more likely to produce the desired event than these other behavior?which behavior produces the greatest density of specific reinforce-ment in terms of the event?(為什麼會一直用採用這種行為方式去獲取某種物品或進行某種活動)

3.does the problem behavior produce more than one positive reinforcer?what are the conditions under which it produces one reinforcer in contrast to another reinforcer?in other words,what are the different antecedent conditions in which the behavior may serve different purposes?(some problem behaviors may produce different reinforcers under different conditions,例如寶寶哭了,他可能是想要寶寶,想要吃東西,想換衣服等等)

questions for ascertaining an escape function

1.is the problem behavior maintained by escaping(or in some cases completely avoiding)some event,directly or through social mediation?does such behavior serve to escape that event every time,or on some intermittent schedule?is there a reliable relation between the problem behavior and the termination or postponement of the aversive events?what is the specific object,activity,or event that the client is attempting to escape through this behavior?

2.are there other behaviors in the client's repetoire that also can escape(or avoid)such aversive conditions and events?are they as efficient at escaping the aversive conditions as the problem behavior?which behavior produces the greatest density of reinforcement upon its occurrence,given the presence of the aversive event(or its impending presentation)?

3.does the problem behavior successfully escape most aversive conditions?is the behavior successful at escaping many instructional conditions or requests?what are the presenting aversive conditions when such a behavior serves an escape function or purpose?is there more than one event or activity in which the client uses these behaviors to escape?

例子:possible parent interview questions for toy-throwing bahavior(p.52)








(b)A-B-C descriptive analysis method

(c)scatter plot data

(d)analogue assessment

(e)in-situ hypothesis test


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