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已有 5202 次阅读 2011-7-24 09:20 |个人分类:自我介绍|系统分类:人物纪事

一. 1998-2003:二值图像水印研究
    --施老师返美后,跟Alex Kot教授做本科毕业设计及读硕

   A. 美国专利:

  B. 期刊论文:
  1. Haiping Lu, Yun Q. Shi, Alex C. Kot and Lihui Chen, "Binary Image Watermarking through Blurring and Biased Binarization", International Journal of Image and Graphics Special Issue on Image Data Hiding, Vol. 5, No. 1, Page: 67-87, Jan. 2005.
  2. Haiping Lu, Alex C. Kot and Yun Q. Shi, "Distance-Reciprocal Distortion Measure for Binary Document Images", IEEE Signal Processing Letters, Vol. 11, No. 2, Page: 228-231, Feb. 2004.
  C. 会议论文:
  1. Haiping Lu, Alex C. Kot and Rahardja Susanto, "Binary Image Watermarking through Biased Binarization", inProceedings of the 2003 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia & Expo (ICME 2003), Baltimore, Maryland, vol. 3, pp. 101-104, Jul. 2003.
  2. Haiping Lu, Alex C. Kot and Jun Cheng, "Secure Data Hiding in Binary Document Images for Authentication", inProceedings of the 2003 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS 2003), Bangkok, Thailand, vol. 3, pp. 806-809, May 2003 (invited paper).
  3. Haiping Lu, Alex C. Kot and Jiancheng Zeng, "Image-Based e-Document Authentication", in Proceedings of the First Malaysia-France Regional Workshop on Image Processing in Vision Systems and Multimedia Communications, Kuching, Malaysia, Apr. 2003.
  4. Haiping Lu, Xuxia Shi, Yun Q. Shi, Alex C. Kot and Lihui Chen, "Watermark Embedding in DC Components of DCT for Binary Images", in Proceedings of the IEEE International Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing (MMSP 2002), US Virgin Islands, pp. 300-303, Dec. 2002.
  5. Haiping Lu, Jian Wang, Alex C. Kot and Yun Q. Shi, "An Objective Distortion Measure for Binary Document Images Based on Human Visual Perception", in Proceedings of the Sixteenth International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR 2002), Quebec City, vol. 4, pp. 239-242, Aug. 2002.

二. 2001-2002:指纹识别技术



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