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已有 8135 次阅读 2015-12-10 22:43 |系统分类:论文交流| weiqin


    《摘要》在全球范围内,农作物产量受水和养分的严重制约。土壤覆盖可以减少蒸发和改变土壤温度。然而,相关土壤覆盖的研究结果有时是相互矛盾的。覃伟、胡春胜、Oene Oenema关于土壤覆盖对小麦和玉米产量的影响---meta分析研究结果最近发表在自然《科学报告》。


    最近,在一项中科院与瓦格宁根大学联合项目中,覃伟、胡春胜、Oene Oenema通过meta分析方法,发现土壤覆盖可以减少蒸发量,改变土壤的温度,从而影响作物产量。数据来自于19个国家进行的74个研究,其中包含1300多个产量和水肥投入数据。作者按:“我们的研究结果表明,与无覆盖进行比较,土壤覆盖显著增加产量,以及水氮利用效率(高达60%)。在增产增效方面,玉米比小麦效果强,地膜覆盖比秸秆覆盖效果强。有趣的是,地膜覆盖在低温地区效果更好,而秸秆覆盖则表现出相反的趋势。土壤覆盖的增产效果随着水投入增加趋于减小。土壤覆盖效果与土壤有机质含量没有显著关系。我们的结论是土壤覆盖能显著提高玉米和小麦产量以及水氮利用效率,特别是在干旱和低养分投入农业体系,从而有助于缩小理论产量与实际产量。”





    这篇文章主要是通过meta研究方法,构建了全球小麦与玉米生产体系针对土壤秸秆覆盖及覆膜研究的大数据库,深入分析并定量化秸秆覆盖及覆膜对产量的贡献(高达60%),以及气候变化、土壤性状及有机质、以及作物类型对水氮利用效率和相互作用的影响。该研究于20151120日发表于Scientific Reports《科学报告》,并得到瓦格宁根大学(瓦大)官方新闻网的报导。



Soil mulching enhances yields and water and nitrogen use up to 60%  

(Highlight) Global crop yields are limited by water and nutrient availability. Soil mulching is expected to reduce evaporation and to modify soil temperature. However, reported effects of mulching are sometimes contradictory. Wei Qin, Chunsheng Hu and Oene Oenema published this week in Nature’s Scientific Reports a meta-analysis of the effects of mulching on wheat and maize.

Wheat and maize account for some 70% of the world’s cereal production. Their yields, however, are significantly limited by the availability of water and nutrients, especially in arid and semi-arid regions. In regions with sufficient water and nutrient input, the water and nutrient use efficiencies of wheat and maize are often low due to suboptimal management, which leads to large losses. Forecasts project that food production, including wheat and maize, will have to double in order to feed the growing world population, now 7 billion but expected to be 9 to 10 billion in 2050. This will increase the pressure on the use of our limited natural resources, such as land, water and nutrients. So there is an urgent need to increase water and nutrient use efficiencies in the major cropping systems, especially in rainfed agricultural systems. Mulching could be a useful option. But in the field, there are differences in climatic conditions, soil characteristics, crop species, and water and nitrogen input levels. This might influence the effects of mulching.

In a joint project, Wageningen University and the Chinese Academy of Sciences examined the effect of soil mulching with plastic or straw. Wei Qin, Chunsheng Hu and Oene Oenema found that it reduces evaporation, modifies soil temperature and thereby affects crop yields. They did a metaanalysis of the effects of mulching on wheat and maize, using 1310 yield observations from 74 studies conducted in 19 countries: “Our results indicate that mulching significantly increased yields, yield per unit water and yield per unit nitrogen by up to 60%, compared with no mulching.

Effects were larger for maize than wheat, and larger for plastic mulching than straw mulching. Interestingly, plastic mulching performed better at relatively low temperature while straw mulching showed the opposite trend. Effects of mulching also tended to decrease with increasing water input. Mulching effects were not related to soil organic matter content. We conclude that soil mulching can significantly increase maize and wheat yields, yield per unit water and yield per unit nitrogen, and thereby may contribute to closing the yield gap between attainable and actual yields, especially in dryland and low nutrient input agriculture.”

Link of the article: http://www.nature.com/articles/srep16210


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