Safemetrics分享 以勤奋、谦虚、严谨、规范、持久的习惯和态度做安全科学研究。 'Wonder en is gheen Wonder'



已有 12042 次阅读 2023-10-31 18:30 |个人分类:知识图谱|系统分类:科研笔记

1939:Bernal JD. The social function of science. London: Routledge. 1939. 科学的社会功能。

1963:D. J. S. Price, Little Science, Big Science[M]. Columbia Univ Press, 1963. 《小科学,大科学》。

1963:Thomas S. Kuhn. The Structure of Scientific Revolutions[M]. University Of Chicago Press. 1963.  《科学革命的结构》提出了“范式”的概念,并从科学史观的角度阐明了科学的演化。

1979: Garfield E. Citation Indexing: Its Theory and Application in Science, Technology, and Humanities[M]. Wiley, 1979. (尤金·加菲尔德著,侯汉清等译,刘煜等校,《引文索引法的理论及应用》[M],北京图书馆出版社,2004.) 普赖斯奖获得者作品。

1984:Ziman, J. An Introduction to Science Studies: The Philosophical and Social Aspects of Science and Technology. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.1984.约翰·齐曼著(英);刘珺珺,张平,孟建伟译. 元科学导论[M]. 长沙:湖南人民出版社, 1988.

1984:赵红州,科学能力学引论[M].北京:科学出版社,1984. (国内科学计量学创始人作品)

1986:Callon M, Law J, Rip A. Mapping the dynamics of science and technology: sociology of science in the real world[M]. Basingstoke: Macmillan Press, 1986. 提出了共词分析。

1990:Egghe L, Rousseau R. Introduction to informetrics. Quantitative methods in library, documentation and information science[M]. Elsevier Science Publishers, 1990. 情报计量学导论(利奥•埃格赫,罗纳德•鲁索,田苍林、葛赵青译,情报计量学引论[M].北京:科学技术文献出版社,1992.)

1995:梁立明. 科学计量学:指标·模型·应用[M]. 北京:科学出版社,1995.

2001:蒋国华. 科学学的起源[M]. 河北教育出版社,2001.(最新版:蒋国华. 科学学的历程[M]. 北京:首都经济贸易大学出版社. 2024.)本书带你全面了解科学学和科学计量学的简史。(国内科学计量学创始人作品)

2005:Egghe, Leo. Power laws in the information production process: Lotkaian informetrics[M]. Emerald Group Publishing Limited, 2005. 信息生产过程中的幂律(普赖斯奖获得者作品)

2006:Moed H F. Citation analysis in research evaluation[M]. Springer Science & Business Media, 2006. 研究评价中的引文分析(普赖斯奖获得者作品)

2010:Vinkler P. The evaluation of research by scientometric indicators[M]. Chandos Publishing, Oxford, 2010. 基于科学计量指标的研究评价(普赖斯奖获得者作品)

2012:Chen C. Turning points: the nature of creativity[M]. Springer Science & Business Media, 2012. 转折点:创造性的本质

2014:Chen C. Mapping Scientific Frontiers: The Quest for Knowledge Visualization [M]. London, England: Springer-Verlag, 2014. 科学知识前沿图谱(国际科学文献可视化领军学者陈超美教授著作)

2014:Cronin B, Sugimoto C R. Beyond bibliometrics: Harnessing multidimensional indicators of scholarly impact[M]. MIT press, 2014.超越文献计量学(普赖斯奖获得者作品)

2015:Roemer R C, Borchardt R. Meaningful metrics: A 21st century librarian's guide to bibliometrics, altmetrics, and research impact[M]. Amer Library Assn, 2015. 有意义的测度:21世纪图书馆员关于文献计量学、替代计量学和研究影响的指南

2015:Zhao D, Strotmann A. Analysis and visualization of citation networks[M]. Morgan & Claypool Publishers, 2015. 引文网络分析与可视化

2015:Holmberg K J. Altmetrics for information professionals: Past, present and future[M]. Chandos Publishing, 2015. 面向信息从业者的替代计量学:过去、现在和未来

2016:Ding Y, Rousseau R, Wolfram D. Measuring scholarly impact[M]. London: Springer International Pu, 2016. 测度学术影响力

2016:Todeschini R, Baccini A. Handbook of bibliometric indicators: Quantitative tools for studying and evaluating research[M]. John Wiley & Sons, 2016. 文献计量指标手册

2016:Sugimoto C. Theories of informetrics and scholarly communication[M]. De Gruyter, 2016. 信息计量学理论与学术交流(ISSI前主席作品)

2017: Ball R. An introduction to bibliometrics: New development and trends[M]. Chandos Publishing, 2017. 文献计量学导论

2017:Cantu-Ortiz, Francisco J., ed. Research analytics: Boosting university productivity and competitiveness through scientometrics[M]. CRC Press, 2017.研究分析:通过科学计量学提高大学生产力和竞争力

2017:Moed H F. Applied evaluative informetrics[M]. Berlin: Springer International Publishing, 2017. 应用评价性信息计量学(普赖斯奖获得者作品)

2017:Qiu J, Zhao R, Yang S, et al. Informetrics: theory, methods and applications[M]. Springer, 2017. 信息计量学:理论,方法与应用(邱均平教授作品)

2018:Erdt, M., Raamkumar, A. S., Rasmussen, E., & Theng, Y. L. (Eds.). Altmetrics for research outputs measurement and scholarly information management[M]. Springer Singapore, 2018. 面向研究产出计量与学术信息管理的替代计量学

2018:Ronald Rousseau, Leo Egghe and Raf Guns. Becoming Metric-Wise: A bibliometric guide for researchers[M]. Chandos-Elsevier, 2018.《成为指标熟稔者-面向科研人员的文献计量学指南》(普赖斯奖获得者作品)

2018:Sugimoto C R, Larivière V. Measuring research: What everyone needs to know[M]. Oxford University Press, 2018.每个人都需要知道的研究测量(ISSI前主席作品)

2019:Braun T, Bujdosó E, Schubert A. Literature of analytical chemistry: A scientometric evaluation[M]. CRC Press, 2019. 分析化学的科学计量与评估(普赖斯奖获得者再版作品)

2019:Glänzel, W., Moed, H.F., Schmoch, U., Thelwall, M. Springer Handbook of Science and Technology Indicators[M]. Springer Handbooks. Springer, Cham. 2019.《科学技术指标手册》(普赖斯奖获得者作品)

2020:Ball R. Handbook bibliometrics[M]. Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co KG, 2020. 文献计量学手册

2020:Sooryamoorthy R. Scientometrics for the humanities and social sciences[M]. Routledge, 2020. 人文社会科学领域的科学计量学

2021:Leydesdorff L. The evolutionary dynamics of discursive knowledge: Communication-theoretical perspectives on an empirical philosophy of science[M]. Springer Nature, 2021. 交流互证知识之演化动力学:观察一种经验性科学哲学之交流理论视角((普赖斯奖获得者作品))

2021:Wang, D., & Barabási, A. The Science of Science[M]. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 2021.《科学的科学》。

2022:Lamba M, Madhusudhan M. Text Mining for Information Professionals[M]. Springer. 2022. 面相信息从业者的文本挖掘教程。

2023: Kulczycki E. The Evaluation Game: How Publication Metrics Shape Scholarly Communication[M]. Cambridge University Press, 2023. 评价游戏(评价博弈)

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