These days amazingly so many scholars are complaning about the rude comments and unpolite behaviors in Sciencenet.
Just as the Second Law of Thermodynamics states that the total entropy of a syetem plus that of its surroundings always increase. The sciencenet web site is a system naturaly. If everyone do whatever he wants to do, the system will soon be chaos surly.
But all of us hope it is a cozy place for scholars to communicating freely and happily. Such a lovely place must be a highly ordered system. Everyone of us should put in energy continually to keep it a well-ordered. That means everyone of us must control ourself to behavoir properly, decently and politely.Just as Prof. Yu-Chi Ho said:"One nevertheless needs to observe some
elementary rules of behavior. For otherwise, civilized discussion
and societal progress will be impossible. ".
I learn a lot in Prof. Yu-Chi Ho's "A Plea for help"
It is painful not to be angry with some disagreements. It is painful to be misunderstood. It is painful to have nobody sympathizing and resonanting with you.......
But the degree of Enduring pain is the index of valuing mental maturation.