在这我谈谈自己大学的同学和我认识的一些研究生他们的境遇,结合自己的思考,我们这代人出路在何方?不过我又不想说了,很多在读的研究生也明白。当然抱怨和愤青似的呐喊无济于事。只能用行动向未来证明,一代胜过一代,既然读了研究生,就会以最高的标准要求自己,即使未来不搞所谓的学术,也断然不能不学无术!I have a dream that one day our teacher will work together with us talking about schorship probelms,I have a dream that one day our teacher is a real "teacher",but not a boss or official,I have a dream that one day we graduate students will never like a labor,I have a dream that one day those who engage in schorship will feel themselves abandaned by the chinese! Good night!