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国际物理学顶级期刊上发表的奇文(献给2月14日的物理男们) 精选

已有 26819 次阅读 2014-2-18 10:21 |系统分类:论文交流| 物理, 奇文, 朗道集结号

   来自新浪微博@陈耿炎 的消息:国际物理学顶级权威的期刊(Nature Phyiscs)上发表了这篇奇文,描述一个实验物理学家无法自拔地暗恋一名小提琴妹子的悲催故事,可见物理学界的闷骚宅男遍地都是,这篇YY奇文才能深深触动期刊编辑和审稿人冰冷的心、苛刻的眼光,一路过关斩将、最终发表。

    此文已经由@朗道集结号 (微信号:ldjjhwx)的粉丝姜伟涛(QQ号:245460901,微信号:professor-physics)翻译成中文,现将原文及中译文发来。









Howto lose the one you love


Out of sight, out of mind.


First off, the obligatory warning. Don't try this athome, kids! In the hands of inexperienced laymen, the method I am about to describewill inevitably be a disaster. Like, fatal-type disaster. Consider yourself forewarned.

That said, I have to admit that Jillian was truly oneto die for. I'd never seen a woman whose visage struck me so deeply — smack-dabin my gut, and various regions nearby. Whenever I saw her in the flesh, the MormonTabernacle Choir would insinuate itself into my brain, and I would reel in responseto the ecstasy of her divine musical theme.

Many wise men throughout the ages have written aboutthis sensation. Suffice it for me to say that, if she were a predator and I wereher prey, I'd gladly give up my bodily organs for her to feast upon.

Unfortunately, that was never to be. Jillian didn'teven know I existed. Complete bummer.

And why shouldn't that be the case? I was an experimentalphysicist and she a talented concert violinist. We had nothing at all in commonbetween us, aside from the fact that we both lived in the same apartment building.Furthermore, judging from my surreptitious surveillance of her, she already hadan intimate relationship with her orchestra's bassoon player. Even more of a completebummer. In the time it would take me to become a competent enough bassoonist tochallenge his role, all the protons in the Universe would have disintegrated.

It was a no-win situation.

Which is why I began to contemplate suicide.

Trouble was, I didn't want to die. All I wanted todo was to forget about Jillian, completely and irrevocably. Then I could move onwith my life. It was a real dilemma. Just as it is, I'm sure, for a million othersocio-phobic nerds like me.

So here is where it gets a little complicated. Staywith me; don't sweat the physics stuff. It's not that hard to follow.

Quantum mechanics boils down to one simple principle:sometimes you win, sometimes you lose and sometimes you get rained out. You can'tbe sure of the result until you read about it in the sports section of the newspaper.

But that's just one interpretation — and there's everyreason to believe it's the wrong one. We both win and lose. We go on to glory inone version of the Universe, and go down to ignominious defeat in another. (And,not to neglect the other possibility, we get soaking wet in a third.) The fieldof play is called the multiverse.

But you already knew that, right? Lately, it's allover TV, movies and the Internet. Few, however, realize that the concept is morethan 50 years old. Sometimes it takes that long to agglomerate something into thepopular zeitgeist.

It may be difficult to understand how we can exploitthis fact to our personal benefit — but that's what this exposition is all about.

Like I said, don't sweat the small stuff. Bottom line,here's what you need to kludge together to solve the age-old problem of unrequitedlove:

1) One big-assed electrical generator, capable of deliveringinstantaneous jolts of 20 or more amps on demand.


2) Two very large copper cables connected to the positiveand negative poles of said generator, terminating in handgrips that you will graspwhile standing barefoot in a tub of salt water.


3) A quantum trigger. An old radium-dial watch willdo nicely.


4) A photomultiplier tube, to detect the random photonsthat emanate from the radium source.


5) A video camera, focused on the page of the telephonedirectory that lists the name of your love interest.


6) A PC programmed to fire off the generator's outputwhen instructed by the quantum trigger, but also to cease firing when the videocamera detects the disappearance of said name in the directory.

Simple, right? Remember, you both win and lose. Theradium watch dial can either produce a photon within the computer's scanning cycle,or not. Both possibilities are real. The 'you' that survives this process will bethe winner, set free, free, free. No more Jillian. No more love dilemma.

True, millions — possibly billions, trillions, quadrillions— of yourselves will die to get there. But they're just bodies under the bridge.

Yet, it's not all so simple. The astute reader willquestion why and how I can refer to Jillian at all in my tale, when she has neverexisted in my current Universe.

The answer? I never pulled that quantum trigger. Callme a hopeless romantic, but I just couldn't envisage living in a Universe whereI didn't love Jillian.




   CARY CUBA’Sspeculative fiction has appeared in more than 50 magazines and anthologiesincludingJim Baen’s Universe,Flash Fiction Online,Daily SF and GrantvilleGazette:Universe Annex.He lives in South  Carolina with his wife and an inordinate number offreeloading critters.See thefoggiestnotion.com

作者信息:加里·古巴所著的推理小说在多种杂志和选集中出现过,譬如Jim Baen's UniverseFlash Fiction Online, Daily SF GrantvilleGazette: Universe Annex,他和妻子,以及不计其数的家养动物,一起住在南卡罗莱纳州。详见thefoggiestnotion.com




[1]Mormon Tabernacle Choir









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