min f(x) = 1/2 xTAx + bTx + c,
其中x∈ Rn,A是对称正定矩阵,c是常数。
首先,任意给定一个初始点x(1),计算出目标函数f(x)在这点的梯度,若||g1|| = 0,则停止计算;否则,令
d(1) = -▽f(x(1)) = -g1。
沿方向d(1)搜索,得到点x(2)。计算在x(2)处的梯度,若||g2|| ≠ 0,则利用-g2和d(1)构造第2个搜索方向d(2),在沿d(2)搜索。
x(k+1) = x(k) + λkd(k) ,
f(x(k) + λkd(k)) = min f(x(k)+λd(k))。
计算f(x)在x(k+1)处的梯度。若||gk+1|| = 0,则停止计算;否则,用-gk+1和d(k)构造下一个搜索方向d(k+1),并使d(k+1)和d(k)关于A共轭。按此设想,令
d(k+1) = -gk+1 + βkd(k),
d(k)TAd(k+1) = -d(k)TAgk+1 + βkd(k)TAd(k) = 0,
βk = d(k)TAgk+1 / d(k)TAd(k)。
在FR法中,初始搜索方向必须取最速下降方向,这一点决不可忽视。因子βk可以简化为:βk = ||gk+1||2 / ||gk||2。
The algorithm is detailed below for solving Ax = b where A is a real, symmetric, positive-definite matrix. The input vector x0 can be an approximate initial solution or 0.
#x0为初始值向量To illustrate the conjugate gradient method, we will complete a simple example.
Considering the linear system Ax = b given by
we will perform two steps of the conjugate gradient method beginning with the initial guess
in order to find an approximate solution to the system.
[edit]SolutionOur first step is to calculate the residual vector r0 associated with x0. This residual is computed from the formula r0 =b - Ax0, and in our case is equal to
Since this is the first iteration, we will use the residual vector r0 as our initial search direction p0; the method of selecting pk will change in further iterations.
We now compute the scalar α0 using the relationship
We can now compute x1 using the formula
This result completes the first iteration, the result being an "improved" approximate solution to the system, x1. We may now move on and compute the next residual vector r1 using the formula
Our next step in the process is to compute the scalar β0 that will eventually be used to determine the next search direction p1.
Now, using this scalar β0, we can compute the next search direction p1 using the relationship
We now compute the scalar α1 using our newly-acquired p1 using the same method as that used for α0.
Finally, we find x2 using the same method as that used to find x1.
The result, x2, is a "better" approximation to the system's solution than x1 and x0. If exact arithmetic were to be used in this example instead of limited-precision, then the exact solution would theoretically have been reached after n = 2 iterations (n being the order of the system).
optim(par, fn, gr = NULL, ...,
method = c("Nelder-Mead", "BFGS", "CG", "L-BFGS-B", "SANN"),
lower = -Inf, upper = Inf,
control = list(), hessian = FALSE)
1 Wiki http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Conjugate_gradient_method
2 http://www.cnblogs.com/yangxi/archive/2011/10/20/2219408.html
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