ICSE (Int. Conf. Software Engineering)
FSE (ACM Symp. Foundations of Software Engineering)
OOPSLA (ACM Conf. Object-Oriented Programming, Systems, Languages, and Applications)
ASE (ACM/IEEE Int. Conf. Automated Software Engineering)
ESEC (European Software Engineering Conference)
ISSTA (Int. Symp. Software Testing and Analysis)
ECOOP (European Conf. Object Oriented Programming)
ICSM (Int. Conf. Software Maintainance)
ICSP (Int. Conf. Software Process)
ICSR (Int. Conf. Software Reuse)
ICST (Int. Conf. Software Testing, Verification and Validation)
SPLC (Int. Software Product Line Conference)
CBSE (ACM Int. Symp. Component-based Software Engineering)
RE (IEEE Int.Conf. Requirment Engineering)
WICSA (Working IEEE/IFIP Conf. Software Architecture)
GPCE (Int. Conf. Generative Programming and Component Engineering)
MoDELS (ACM/IEEE Int. Conf. Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems)
AOSD (Int. Conf. Aspect-oriented Software Development)
ESEM (Int. Symp. Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement)
XP (Int. Conf. Agile Software Development)
SEKE (Int. Conf. Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering)
COMPSAC (IEEE Computer Software and Application Conf.)
APSEC (Asian and Pacific Software Engineering Conf.)
SERA (ACIS Conf. Software Engineering Research, Managment, and Application)
QSIC (Int. Conf. Quality Software)
FASE (Int. Conf. Fundamental Approaches to Software Engineering)
WCRE (Working Conf. Reverse Engineering)
ISSRE (Int. Symp. Software Reliability Engineering)
CSMR (European Conf. Software Maintenance and Reengineering)
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