共同创造无病毒病的世界!分享 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/u/zhangqw 研究方向:(1)腺病毒基因组学、流行病学;(2)腺病毒疫苗及载体;(3)抗病毒药物



已有 3333 次阅读 2011-5-7 15:30 |系统分类:科研笔记| style

前段时间美国的Seto教授发email和我一起讨论adenovirus的命名和分类方法,非常赞同他利用基因学来重新认识腺病毒的理论,也很有幸作为co-author。该论文已在线发表在Journal of Virology。以下是其中主要的思想内涵,供同行一起讨论。

Using the whole genome sequence to characterize and name human adenoviruses

Donald Seto1*, James Chodosh2, J. Rodney Brister3, Morris S. Jones4 and members of the Adenovirus Research Community5

JVI Accepts, published online ahead of print on 30 March 2011

J. Virol. doi:10.1128/JVI.00354-11

1.   “Type” will succeed “serotype”, thus reflecting the prevalence of genome sequence data usage; it is also already in usage as per the ICTV definitions.

2.   Previously named HAdVs transition to the new format; e.g., “serotype HAdV-C1” will become “type HAdV-C1”, where the letter C indicates the adenovirus species (currently species A-G). Each adenovirus type will have a unique, consecutively assigned number, i.e., there will not be an HAdV-D54 and an HAdV-C54.

3.   Acceptance of a new type will require analysis of the complete genome sequence, including phylogenomics.

4.   Serum neutralization will continue to be used as an additional criterion, per the ICTV definition.  This should be by actual serum neutralization and hemagglutination inhibition, rather than imputed derivation by limited DNA sequencing of the epitopes.

5.   Naming priority will follow the order in which accessions are released in the public sequence databases. Adherence to the Bermuda principles will be encouraged, whereby sequences are released as soon as possible (see http://www.ornl.gov/sci/techresources/Human_Genome/publicat/hgn/v7n6/19intern.shtml).

6.   Recombination is an accepted feature of HAdV evolution and will be accommodated. Recombinants will be classified as novel types if there are sufficient genomic, biological or pathogenic differences from related types. Until peer-reviewed publication, a provisional standardized name will be used that reflects critical serological markers and similarities to established types in species, penton base and serology-based motifs in hexon and fiber, plus the year and place of isolation. Thus, the provisional name for HAdV-D53 was HAdV-D /Hannover/“unique identifier”/2005/P37/H22/F8.  For reference, “P” refers to the penton base, “H” refers to the hexon loop 1 region and “F” refers to the fiber knob; numbers refer to established type with the highest nucleotide identity, in the respective regions.  The “unique identifier” is a “lab designation” or “strain name”, e.g., “2005-IAI-1” for HAdV-D53 isolate 1 and “2005-IAI-2” for HAdV-D53 isolate 2, should both genomes be deposited in GenBank.


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