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【vegetable and vitamin】每天要保证活力,就要保证蔬菜和水果(生命素)

已有 2342 次阅读 2022-9-13 08:06 |个人分类:科普|系统分类:科普集锦


vegetable 植物,蔬菜,植物人





vegetable: [14] Latin vegēre meant ‘be active’ (it was formed from the same Indo-European base as lies behind English vigilvigour, and wake). From it was derived vegetus ‘active’, which in turn formed the basis of vegetāre enliven, animate’. From this again came late Latin vegetābilis ‘enlivening’, which came to be applied specifically to plant growth.

It was in this sense that the word entered English (via Old French vegetable), and it was not further narrowed down to ‘plant grown for food’ until the 18th century. Its semantic descent from its original links with ‘life, liveliness’ was completed in the early 20th century, when vegetable came to be used for an ‘inactive person’. The derivative vegetarian was formed in the early 1840s, and vegan was coined from this around 1944.
=> vigilvigourwake

vegetable (adj.)

early 15c., "capable of life or growth; growing, vigorous;" also "neither animal nor mineral, of the plant kingdom, living and growing as a plant," from Old French vegetable "living, fit to live," and directly from Medieval Latin vegetabilis "growing, flourishing," from Late Latin vegetabilis "animating, enlivening," from Latin vegetare "to enliven," from vegetus "vigorous, enlivened, active, sprightly," from vegere "to be alive, active, to quicken," from PIE *weg- (2) "be strong, lively," source of watch (v.), vigorvelocity, and possibly witch (see wake (v.)). The meaning "resembling that of a vegetable, dull, uneventful; having life such as a plant has" is attested from 1854 (see vegetable (n.)).

vegetable (n.)

mid-15c., "non-animal life," originally any plant, from vegetable (adj.); specific sense of "plant cultivated for food, edible herb or root" is first recorded 1767. Meaning "person who leads a monotonous life" is recorded from 1921; sense of "one totally incapacitated mentally and physically" is from 1976.

The Old English word was wyrt (see wort). The commonest source of words for vegetables in Indo-European languages are derivatives of words for "green" or "growing" (compare Italian, Spanish verdura, Irish glasraidh, Danish grøntsager). For a different association, compare Greek lakhana, related to lakhaino "to dig."



vitamin (n.)

    1. vit- "life" + -amin (原为-amine, 由于后来发现其中没有氨基酸,顾将后面的字母e去掉了,其实作为物质的代称,现在加不加字母e都没什么关系啦)。
    2. 该词有两种译名,一种是意译,即“维生素”,表示维持生命的元素,顾简称为维生素;另一种是音译,即“维他命”,是根据发音音译过来的,表示维持他的生命的重要物质,可以说是音义合译、音义双关了。维他命是一个生理学术语,指人体中占少量成分但对维持正常新陈代谢起决定作用的有机物。
    3. 维生素是一种有机化合物,是保持身体健康和成长的重要物质。1912年,美国生物化学家卡西米尔·冯克(Casimir Funk,1884—1967)创造了该词。起初,冯克把它拼作 vitamine,由两个拉丁单词 vita(生命)和amine(氨)组成,当时人们以为维生素中包含了氨基酸。但后来人们发现,维生素中并没有氨基酸,遂去掉了vitamine 中的e。


vitamin 维他命,生命素




vitamin: [20] Vitamins were originally vitamines: the Polish-born biochemist Casimir Funk who introduced them to the world in 1920 believed that they were amino acids and so formed the name from Latin vita ‘life’ and amine. It was soon discovered that Funk’s belief was mistaken, and alternative names were suggested, but in 1920 it was successfully proposed (by J.C. Drummond) that the -be dropped to avoid confusion, and the form vitamin was born.
=> aminevital

vitamin (n.)

1920, originally vitamine (1912) coined by Polish biochemist Casimir Funk (1884-1967), from Latin vita "life" (see vital) + amine, because they were thought to contain amino acids. The terminal -e formally was stripped off when scientists learned the true nature of the substance; -in was acceptable because it was used for neutral substances of undefined composition. The lettering system of nomenclature (Vitamin A, B, C, etc.) was introduced at the same time (1920).




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