ACTA CRYSTALLOGR A这个杂志,可能以前默默无闻,但2009却因一篇文章的原因,IF直接超过Science,nature,位居第二。 2007年IF=2.385,2008年IF=2.051,而2009年IF=49.926! 今晚,我查询了一下引用率(截止2010.9.28,22:38,被引用次数为:11914),超牛,有图为证。 那么这篇牛作到底写了什么呢? 原文摘要如下: Acta Cryst. (2008). A64, 112-122 [ doi:10.1107/S0108767307043930 ] A short history of SHELX G. M. Sheldrick Abstract: An account is given of the development of the SHELX system of computer programs from SHELX-76 to the present day. In addition to identifying useful innovations that have come into general use through their implementation in SHELX, a critical analysis is presented of the less-successful features, missed opportunities and desirable improvements for future releases of the software. An attempt is made to understand how a program originally designed for photographic intensity data, punched cards and computers over 10000 times slower than an average modern personal computer has managed to survive for so long. SHELXL is the most widely used program for small-molecule refinement and SHELXS and SHELXD are often employed for structure solution despite the availability of objectively superior programs. SHELXL also finds a niche for the refinement of macromolecules against high-resolution or twinned data; SHELXPRO acts as an interface for macromolecular applications. SHELXC, SHELXD and SHELXE are proving useful for the experimental phasing of macromolecules, especially because they are fast and robust and so are often employed in pipelines for high-throughput phasing. This paper could serve as a general literature citation when one or more of the open-source SHELX programs (and the Bruker AXS version SHELXTL) are employed in the course of a crystal-structure determination.
Keywords: computer programs; crystal structure determination; phasing; SHELX; structure refinement. 我拜读了下,大致写的就是SHELX。 什么是SHELX呢? SHELX是德国哥廷根大学的著名晶体学教授赛尔德雷克(Sheldrick, G.M.)编写的一个共享软件,该软件在晶体学领域获得了极大的欢迎,研究晶体学的科学家们几乎人手一份。08年的时候,赛尔德雷克教授决定在SHELX的安装协议里面增加一条,内容如下: The following reference should be cited whenever a program beginning with the letters "SHELX..." is used, including the Bruker SHELXTL system: G.M. Sheldrick, "A short history of SHELX", Acta. Cryst. (2008) A64, 112-122. (大意是说凡是提到了SHELX系列软件的文章,都应该引用“SHELX简史”这片文章) 再算算有多少人弄晶体,而今最为方便的还是SHELXTL软件包,所以几乎每篇关于晶体的文章都会引用该文,而杂志的影响因子(IF)=其前两年发表的文章在第三年被引用的次数/前两年发表的总文章数目,故也就不稀奇为什么一下子翻那么多倍了。 不过,ACTA CRYSTALLOGR A的水平未必真的那么高,就不多说了。