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征稿:Plant Methods

已有 6742 次阅读 2010-2-10 16:23 |个人分类:生态研究2:书刊资料|系统分类:博客资讯| 生态学, 植物生态学

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Plant Methods

Dear Dr Duan,

I am writing to let you know about an article that has recently been published in Plant Methods, an open access journal. Given your area of research, I thought that you might find this article of interest and hope that next time you are preparing a manuscript you will consider submitting it to the journal.

A rapid and robust assay for detection of S-phase cell cycle progression in plant cells and tissues by using ethynyl deoxyuridine Research article  
A rapid and robust assay for detection of S-phase cell cycle progression in plant cells and tissues by using ethynyl deoxyuridine
Edit Kotogany, Denes Dudits, Gabor V Horvath, Ferhan Ayaydin

Plant Methods, 6:5 (28 January 2010)
[Abstract][Provisional PDF]

Submit your next research article to Plant Methods and take full advantage of:

Plant Methods publishes articles on all aspects of plant biology examined from a technological viewpoint.

Visit the website to find out more about the journal and submit your article.

Kind regards,

Brian G Forde
Editor-in-Chief, Plant Methods


Brian G Forde (United Kingdom)

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Tobias I Baskin (United States)
Ton Bisseling (Netherlands)
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David W Galbraith (United States)
Stanton Gelvin (United States)
Simon Gilroy (United States)
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Jeff F Harper (United States)
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Julia Kehr (Spain)
Peter Langridge (Australia)
Paul Lazzeri (Spain)
Roger A Leigh (Australia)
Jaideep Mathur (Canada)
A Harvey Millar (Australia)
Scott C Peck (United States)
Julian I Schroeder (United States)
Motoaki Seki (Japan)
Ramon Serrano (Spain)
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