Record 1 of 8
Title: Current performance andfuture trends in health care sciences and services research
Author(s): Yao, Q (Yao, Qiang);Lyu, PH (Lyu, Peng-Hui); Yang, LP (Yang, Lian-Ping); Yao, L (Yao, Lan); Liu, ZY(Liu, Zhi-Yong)
Source: SCIENTOMETRICS Volume: 101 Issue: 1 Pages: 751-779 DOI: 10.1007/s11192-014-1383-7 Published: OCT 2014
Times Cited in Web of ScienceCore Collection: 0
Total Times Cited: 0
Cited Reference Count: 100
Accession Number:WOS:000342228300035
Document Type: Article
Addresses: [Yao, Qiang; Yang,Lian-Ping; Yao, Lan; Liu, Zhi-Yong] Huazhong Univ Sci & Technol, Tongji MedColl, Sch Med & Hlth Management, Wuhan 430030, Peoples R China.
[Lyu, Peng-Hui] Wuhan Univ, Ctr StudiesInformat Resources, Wuhan 430072, Peoples R China.
Reprint Address: Liu, ZY (reprintauthor), Huazhong Univ Sci & Technol, Tongji Med Coll, Sch Med & HlthManagement, Wuhan 430030, Peoples R China.
E-mail Addresses:yaoqiang@hust.edu.cn; lvph@whu.edu.cn; zhiyongliu@hust.edu.cn
Web of Science Categories:Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications; Information Science &Library Science
Research Areas: Computer Science;Information Science & Library Science
ISSN: 0138-9130
eISSN: 1588-2861
29-char Source Abbrev.:SCIENTOMETRICS
ISO Source Abbrev.:Scientometrics
Source Item Page Count: 29
Funding: Funding Agency GrantNumber
Centre for Health StatisticsInformation, Ministry of Health, People's Republic of China
Natural Science Foundation ofChina
71173249 This work was supportedby the Centre for Health Statistics Information, Ministry of Health, People'sRepublic of China and the Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No.71173249: Research on Formation Mechanism and Evolution Laws of KnowledgeNetworks). The authors are grateful to Li-xiang Li, Fei-Cheng Ma, Gerard JosephWhite, Hassan Dib and Nathan D. Bobai for their helpful discussion andsuggestions. The authors would also like to thank anonymous reviewers for theirvaluable comments.
Record 2 of 8
Emerging medical informaticsresearch trends detection based on MeSH terms
Author(s): Lyu, PH (Lyu, Peng-Hui);Yao, Q (Yao, Qiang); Mao, J (Mao, Jin); Zhang, SJ (Zhang, Shi-Jing)
Informatics for Health and SocialCare
Volume: 40 Issue: 1 Pages: 1-19 DOI: doi:10.3109/18538157.2014.892490 Published: SEPT 2014
Times Cited in Web of ScienceCore Collection: 0
Total Times Cited: 0
Cited Reference Count: 100
Accession Number:WOS:000342228300035
Document Type: Article
Addresses: [Yao, Qiang; Zhang,Shi-Jing] Huazhong Univ Sci & Technol, Tongji Med Coll, Sch Med & HlthManagement, Wuhan 430030, Peoples R China.
[Lyu, Peng-Hui; Mao, Jin] Wuhan Univ, CtrStudies Informat Resources, Wuhan 430072, Peoples R China.
Reprint Address: Yao, Q (reprintauthor), Huazhong Univ Sci & Technol, Tongji Med Coll, Sch Med & HlthManagement, Wuhan 430030, Peoples R China.
E-mail Addresses:yaoqiang@hust.edu.cn; lvph@whu.edu.cn
Web of Science Categories:Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications; Information Science &Library Science
Research Areas: Computer Science;Information Science & Library Science
ISSN: 1753-8157
eISSN: 1753-8165
29-char Source Abbrev.:Informatics for Health and Social Care
ISO Source Abbrev.: Informaticsfor Health and Social Care
Source Item Page Count: 19
Funding: Funding Agency GrantNumber
Natural Science Foundation ofChina
71173249 This work was supportedby the People's Republic of China and the Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant No. 71173249: Research on Formation Mechanism and Evolution Laws ofKnowledge Networks). The authors are grateful to Li-xiang Li, Fei-Cheng Ma,Gerard Joseph White, Hassan Dib and Nathan D. Bobai for their helpfuldiscussion and suggestions. The authors would also like to thank anonymousreviewers for their valuable comments.
Record 3 of 8
Title: Scientometric trends andknowledge maps of global health systems research
Author(s): Yao, Q (Yao, Qiang);Chen, K (Chen, Kai); Yao, L (Yao, Lan); Lyu, PH (Lyu, Peng-hui); Yang, TA(Yang, Tian-an); Luo, F (Luo, Fei); Chen, SQ (Chen, Shan-quan); He, LY (He,Lu-yang); Liu, ZY (Liu, Zhi-yong)
Source: HEALTH RESEARCH POLICYAND SYSTEMS Volume: 12 Article Number: 26 DOI: 10.1186/1478-4505-12-26 Published: JUN 5 2014
Times Cited in Web of ScienceCore Collection: 0
Total Times Cited: 0
Cited Reference Count: 123
Accession Number:WOS:000338358300001
PubMed ID: 24903126
Document Type: Article
Addresses: [Yao, Qiang; Chen,Kai; Yao, Lan; Luo, Fei; Chen, Shan-quan; He, Lu-yang; Liu, Zhi-yong] HuazhongUniv Sci & Technol, Sch Med & Hlth Management, Tongji Med Coll, Wuhan430030, Hubei, Peoples R China.
[Lyu, Peng-hui] Wuhan Univ, Ctr StudiesInformat Resources, Wuhan 430072, Hubei, Peoples R China.
[Yang, Tian-an] Univ Munich, Dept Med InformatBiometry & Epidemiol, D-180539 Munich, Germany.
Reprint Address: Liu, ZY (reprintauthor), Huazhong Univ Sci & Technol, Sch Med & Hlth Management, TongjiMed Coll, Wuhan 430030, Hubei, Peoples R China.
E-mail Addresses:zhiyongliu@hust.edu.cn
Web of Science Categories: HealthPolicy & Services
Research Areas: Health CareSciences & Services
ISSN: 1478-4505
29-char Source Abbrev.: HEALTHRES POLICY SY
ISO Source Abbrev.: Health Res.Policy Syst.
Source Item Page Count: 20
Record 4 of 8
Title: Publication trends andknowledge maps of global translational medicine research
Author(s): Ma, FC (Ma,Fei-Cheng); Lyu, PH (Lyu, Peng-Hui); Yao, Q (Yao, Qiang); Yao, L (Yao, Lan);Zhang, SJ (Zhang, Shi-Jing)
Source: SCIENTOMETRICS Volume: 98 Issue: 1 Pages: 221-246 DOI: 10.1007/s11192-013-1003-y Published: JAN 2014
Times Cited in Web of ScienceCore Collection: 0
Total Times Cited: 0
Cited Reference Count: 52
Accession Number:WOS:000329319200016
Document Type: Article
Addresses: [Ma, Fei-Cheng; Lyu,Peng-Hui] Wuhan Univ, Sch Informat Management, Wuhan 430072, Peoples R China.
[Yao, Qiang; Yao, Lan; Zhang, Shi-Jing]Huazhong Univ Sci & Technol, Sch Med & Hlth Management, Tongji MedColl, Wuhan 430030, Peoples R China.
Reprint Address: Lyu, PH (reprintauthor), Wuhan Univ, Sch Informat Management, Wuhan 430072, Peoples R China.
E-mail Addresses:fchma@whu.educn; ph@nimte.ac.cn; yaoqiang@scine.cn; zhangsj@scinet.cn
Author Identifiers:
AuthorResearcherID NumberORCIDNumberLYU, Penghui A-6864-2013 0000-0002-7542-4591 Web of ScienceCategories: Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications; InformationScience & Library Science
Research Areas: Computer Science;Information Science & Library Science
ISSN: 0138-9130
eISSN: 1588-2861
29-char Source Abbrev.:SCIENTOMETRICS
ISO Source Abbrev.:Scientometrics
Source Item Page Count: 26
Funding: Funding Agency GrantNumber
Natural Science Foundation ofChina
71173249 This work was supportedby the Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 71173249: Research onFormation Mechanism and Evolution Laws of Knowledge Networks). The authors aregrateful to Hong Cui, Hong-xun Song, Bin Zhang and Nathan D. Bobai for theirhelpful discussion and suggestions. The authors would also like to thankanonymous reviewers for their valuable comments.
Record 5 of 8
Title: An Informetric Profile ofWater Resources Management Literatures
Author(s): Ren, JL (Ren,Jun-Lin); Lyu, PH (Lyu, Peng-Hui); Wu, XM (Wu, Xin-Mu); Ma, FC (Ma, Fei-Cheng);Wang, ZZ (Wang, Zhi-Zhang); Yang, G (Yang, Gang)
Source: WATER RESOURCESMANAGEMENT Volume: 27 Issue: 13 Pages: 4679-4696 DOI:10.1007/s11269-013-0435-8 Published: OCT2013
Times Cited in Web of ScienceCore Collection: 1
Total Times Cited: 1
Cited Reference Count: 25
Accession Number:WOS:000324267000016
Document Type: Article
Addresses: [Ren, Jun-Lin; Wu,Xin-Mu] Wuhan Univ, Sch Econ & Management, Wuhan 430071, Peoples R China.
[Lyu, Peng-Hui; Ma, Fei-Cheng] Wuhan Univ, SchInformat Management, Wuhan 430072, Peoples R China.
[Wang, Zhi-Zhang; Yang, Gang] Southwest Univ,Sch Econ & Management, Chongqing 400715, Peoples R China.
Reprint Address: Lyu, PH (reprintauthor), Wuhan Univ, Sch Informat Management, Wuhan 430072, Peoples R China.
E-mail Addresses: ph@nimte.ac.cn
Author Identifiers:
AuthorResearcherID NumberORCIDNumberLYU, Penghui A-6864-2013 0000-0002-7542-4591 Web of ScienceCategories: Engineering, Civil; Water Resources
Research Areas: Engineering;Water Resources
ISSN: 0920-4741
29-char Source Abbrev.: WATERRESOUR MANAG
ISO Source Abbrev.: Water Resour.Manag.
Source Item Page Count: 18
Funding: Funding Agency GrantNumber
Natural Science Foundation ofChina
71173249 This work is supportedby the Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant. No 71173249). The authorsare grateful to Jie Li, Qian Cao and Gerard Joseph White for their helpfuldiscussions and suggestions. The authors would also like to thank anonymousreviewers for their valuable comments.
Record 6 of 8
Title: Global informetricperspective studies on translational medical research
Author(s): Yao, Q (Yao, Qiang);Lyu, PH (Lyu, Peng-Hui); Ma, FC (Ma, Fei-Cheng); Yao, L (Yao, Lan); Zhang, SJ(Zhang, Shi-Jing)
Source: BMC MEDICAL INFORMATICSAND DECISION MAKING Volume: 13 Article Number: 77 DOI: 10.1186/1472-6947-13-77 Published: JUL 26 2013
Times Cited in Web of ScienceCore Collection: 1
Total Times Cited: 1
Cited Reference Count: 48
Accession Number:WOS:000322537300001
PubMed ID: 23885955
Document Type: Article
Addresses: [Yao, Qiang; Yao, Lan;Zhang, Shi-Jing] Huazhong Univ Sci & Technol, Tongji Med Coll, Sch Med& Hlth Management, Wuhan 430030, Peoples R China.
[Lyu, Peng-Hui; Ma, Fei-Cheng] Wuhan Univ, CtrStudies Informat Resources, Wuhan 430072, Peoples R China.
Reprint Address: Lyu, PH (reprintauthor), Wuhan Univ, Ctr Studies Informat Resources, Wuhan 430072, Peoples RChina.
E-mail Addresses: lvph@whu.edu.cn;zhangsj@scinet.cn
Author Identifiers:
AuthorResearcherID NumberORCIDNumberLYU, Penghui A-6864-2013 0000-0002-7542-4591 Web of ScienceCategories: Medical Informatics
Research Areas: MedicalInformatics
ISSN: 1472-6947
29-char Source Abbrev.: BMC MEDINFORM DECIS
ISO Source Abbrev.: BMC Med.Inform. Decis. Mak.
Source Item Page Count: 15
Funding: Funding Agency GrantNumber
Natural Science Foundation ofChina
71173249 This work was supportedby the Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 71173249: Research onFormation Mechanism and Evolution Laws of Knowledge Networks). The authors aregrateful to Doctor Hong Cui and Gerard Joseph White for their helpfuldiscussion and suggestions. The authors would also like to thanks to ProfessorFredric M Wolf for his valuable comments.
Record 7 of 8
Title: Knowledge map ofartemisinin research in SCI and Medline database
Author(s): Yao, Q (Yao, Qiang);Chen, J (Chen, Jing); Lyu, PH (Lyu, Peng-Hui); Zhang, SJ (Zhang, Shi-Jing); Ma,FC (Ma, Fei-Cheng); Fang, JG (Fang, Jian-Guo)
Source: JOURNAL OF VECTOR BORNEDISEASES Volume: 49 Issue: 4 Pages: 205-216 Published: DEC2012
Times Cited in Web of ScienceCore Collection: 3
Total Times Cited: 3
Cited Reference Count: 35
Accession Number:WOS:000209023600002
PubMed ID: 23428519
Document Type: Article
Addresses: [Yao, Qiang; Zhang,Shi-Jing] Huazhong Univ Sci & Technol, Tongji Med Coll, Sch Med & HlthManagement, Wuhan 430030, Peoples R China.
[Chen, Jing; Fang, Jian-Guo] Huazhong Univ Sci& Technol, Tongji Med Coll, Tongji Hosp, Dept Pharm, Wuhan 430030, PeoplesR China.
[Chen, Jing] Wuhan Brain Hosp, Dept Pharm,Wuhan, Peoples R China.
[Lyu, Peng-Hui; Ma, Fei-Cheng] Wuhan Univ, CtrStudies Informat Resources, Wuhan 430072, Peoples R China.
[Lyu, Peng-Hui] Hubei Acad Sci & TechInformat, Emanu Ctr, Wuhan, Peoples R China.
Reprint Address: Zhang, SJ(reprint author), Huazhong Univ Sci & Technol, Tongji Med Coll, Wuhan430030, Peoples R China.
E-mail Addresses: ph@scinet.cn;zhangsj@scinet.cn
Author Identifiers:
AuthorResearcherID NumberORCIDNumberLYU, Penghui A-6864-2013 0000-0002-7542-4591 Web of ScienceCategories: Infectious Diseases; Parasitology; Tropical Medicine
Research Areas: InfectiousDiseases; Parasitology; Tropical Medicine
ISSN: 0972-9062
29-char Source Abbrev.: J VECTORDIS
ISO Source Abbrev.: J. VectorBorne Dis.
Source Item Page Count: 12
Funding: Funding Agency GrantNumber
Natural Science Foundation ofChina
71173249Research project withcombination of traditional Chinese and Western medicine in Hubei Province ofChina
2012Z-Z05 This work was supportedby the Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 71173249) and Researchproject with combination of traditional Chinese and Western medicine in HubeiProvince of China (Grant No. 2012Z-Z05). The authors are grateful to PeiyangXu, Lijun Guo and Kathleen Diane Connors for their helpful discussion andsuggestions. The authors would also like to thank anonymous reviewers for theirvaluable comments.
Record 8 of 8
Title: Bibliometric trendanalysis on global graphene research
Author(s): Lv, PH (Lv, Peng Hui);Wang, GF (Wang, Gui-Fang); Wan, Y (Wan, Yong); Liu, J (Liu, Jia); Liu, Q (Liu,Qing); Ma, FC (Ma, Fei-cheng)
Source: SCIENTOMETRICS Volume: 88 Issue: 2 Pages: 399-419 DOI: 10.1007/s11192-011-0386-x Published: AUG 2011
Times Cited in Web of ScienceCore Collection: 14
Total Times Cited: 15
Cited Reference Count: 35
Accession Number: WOS:000292210400005
Document Type: Article
Addresses: [Lv, Peng Hui; Wang,Gui-Fang; Wan, Yong; Liu, Jia] Chinese Acad Sci, Wuhan Documentat &Informat Ctr, Wuhan 430071, Peoples R China.
[Liu, Qing] Chinese Acad Sci, Bur Planning& Strategy, Beijing 100864, Peoples R China.
[Ma, Fei-cheng] Wuhan Univ, Informat ResourceRes Ctr, Wuhan 430072, Peoples R China.
Reprint Address: Lv, PH (reprintauthor), Chinese Acad Sci, Wuhan Documentat & Informat Ctr, Wuhan 430071,Peoples R China.
E-mail Addresses: ph@nimte.ac.cn
Author Identifiers:
AuthorResearcherID NumberORCIDNumberLYU, Penghui A-6864-2013 0000-0002-7542-4591 Web of ScienceCategories: Computer Science, Interdisciplinary Applications; Information Science& Library Science
Research Areas: Computer Science;Information Science & Library Science
ISSN: 0138-9130
29-char Source Abbrev.:SCIENTOMETRICS
ISO Source Abbrev.:Scientometrics
Source Item Page Count: 21
Funding: Funding Agency GrantNumber
Chinese Academy of Sciences
2009QNRC05 This work is supportedby the knowledge innovation program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (No.2009QNRC05). The authors are grateful to Lei Cui, Xingfu Wang, Hongyan Yang,Jun Zhang and Yongheng Zhong for their helpful discussions and suggestions. Theauthors would also like to thank the chief editor of Scientometrics andanonymous reviewers for their valuable comments.
1.Accession number: 20125115819074
Title: Scientometric trend analysis on globalgreenrenewable energy standards
Authors: Lv, Penghui1; Niu, Zhengheng2;Ji,Xiongfei3
Authoraffiliation: 1 Center for Studies ofInformation Resources,Wuhan University, Wuhan 430072, China
2Qingdao Institute of Bioenergyand Bioprocess Technology, Chinese Academy ofSciences, Qingdao, China
3National Library of Standards,China National Institute of Standardization,Beijing, China
Correspondingauthor: Lv, P.
Sourcetitle: Wuhan Daxue Xuebao (Xinxi KexueBan)/Geomaticsand Information Science of Wuhan University
Abbreviatedsource title: Wuhan Daxue Xuebao XinxiKexue Ban
Volume: 37
Issue: SUPPL.1
Issuedate: October 2012
Publicationyear: 2012
Documenttype:Journal article (JA)
Publisher:WuhanUniversity, LuojiaHill, Wuhan, 430072, China
Abstract:Scientometricand statisticsresearch methods are employed in the present standards of greenrenewable energyto investigate the development trend of the foreign anddomestic standards inthis field. The data of standard information is collectedfrom China StandardService Net (CSSN) during the time span from 1980 to 2011.The green energystandards number, the emerging standards as well as topproductive institutes onstandards of the foreign and domestic energy areanalyzed seriously. The resultsshow that the standard number of renewableenergy increased greatly in recentyears, and at the same time the emergingstandards keep high range in someinstitutes due to their industrialization orstandardization develop trends ofnew energy in the world.
Numberof references:6
Controlledterms:Alternativefuels-Energy policy-Information analysis-Resource valuation
Uncontrolledterms:Developmenttrends-Domestic energy-Domestic standards-Green energy-Greenrenewableenergy-High ranges-Information digging-Renewable energies-Scientometrics-Standardinformation-Standardservices-Time span-Trend analysis
Classificationcode:512 Petroleumand Related Deposits -523 Liquid Fuels -524 Solid Fuels -525.6Energy Policy-902.2 Codes and Standards -903.1 Information Sources andAnalysis
Compilationand indexing terms, ©2014 Elsevier Inc.
2.Accession number:20131116105277
Title:Studyon global science andsocial science entropy research trend
Authors:Ma,Feicheng1 Email authorfchma@whu.edu.cn; Lv, Penghui2 Email authorlvph@whu.edu.cn; Ye, Mao3 Emailauthor yem@whlib.ac.cn
Authoraffiliation:1 Center forStudies of Information Resources in Wuhan University,China
2Wuhan University, China
3Chinese Academy of Sciences,China
Correspondingauthor:Lv, P.(lvph@whu.edu.cn)
Sourcetitle:2012 IEEE 5thInternational Conference on Advanced ComputationalIntelligence, ICACI 2012
Abbreviatedsource title:IEEE Int.Conf. Adv. Comput. Intell., ICACI
Monographtitle:2012 IEEE 5thInternational Conference on Advanced ComputationalIntelligence, ICACI 2012
Documenttype:Conference article(CA)
Conferencename:2012 IEEE 5thInternational Conference on Advanced ComputationalIntelligence, ICACI 2012
Conferencedate:October 18, 2012 -October 20, 2012
Conferencelocation:Nanjing, China
Conference code:95872
Sponsor:IEEENanjing Section
Publisher:IEEEComputer Society,2001 L Street N.W., Suite 700, Washington, DC 20036-4928,United States
Abstract:In this paper the methodsofbibliometric analysis were used to investigate the global entropyresearchtrend based on the SCI and SSCI database, which can be employed to studytheglobal research trend. The paper number, subjects, journals,countries,institutes, authors, citations and funding agencies were analyzedrespectivelyon each published papers. As a concept emerged firstly fromscience, entropywas then extended rapidly to social science as a typicalexample of suchconcept extensions. The bibliometric analysis results make outthat greatacademic successes were made on global entropy research and a greatsuccesswere obtained from science to social science research. Entropyrelatedresearches were funded by many funding agencies and countries so thatsome highquality productivities were published. It is the excellent scientistsas wellas sufficient foundations that brought the extension on entropy fromscience tosocial science in the last two decades. © 2012 IEEE.
Numberof references:37
Controlledterms:Artificialintelligence-Entropy-Social sciences
Uncontrolledterms:Bibliometricanalysis-Funding agencies-Global entropy-Global science-Highquality-Researchtrends-Social science research
Classificationcode:641.1Thermodynamics -723.4 Artificial Intelligence -901.3 EngineeringResearch -971Social Sciences
Compilationand indexing terms, ©2014 Elsevier Inc.
3.Accession number:20104913461233
Title:Bibliometricanalysis onscientific productivity of NIMTE, CAS
Authors:Lv,Penghui1; Qiu,Huabing2; Cui, Ping3
Authoraffiliation:1 Department ofInformation Research, Wuhan Branch of NationalScience Library, Chinese Academyof Sciences, Wuhan 430071, China
2Department of InformationService Wuhan Branch of National Science Library,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Wuhan 430071, China
3Ningbo Institute of MaterialTechnology and Engineering, Chinese Academy ofSciences, Ningbo 315201, China
Correspondingauthor:Lv, P.
Sourcetitle:Wuhan Daxue Xuebao(Xinxi Kexue Ban)/Geomatics and Information Science ofWuhan University
Abbreviatedsource title:WuhanDaxue Xuebao Xinxi Kexue Ban
Issuedate:November 2010
Documenttype:Journal article (JA)
Publisher:WuhanUniversity, LuojiaHill, Wuhan, 430072, China
Abstract:The methods of bibliometricanalysisand knowledge mapping were used to investigate the scientificproductivity ofNingbo Institute of Material Technology & Engineering basedon the SCI, EI,ISTP articles as well as patents application from been found inChinese Academyof Sciences. The papers number, co-authors, subjects, clusters,collaboration,cited authors, co-words and time cited were analyzed respectivelyon thepublished papers and applied patents. The knowledge map andbibliometricanalysis results make out that this new established instituteachieved greatacademic successes on materials research, and at the same timethey kept aheadin five fields of materials science and technology throughpatents groupapplication.
Numberof references:7
Controlledterms:Informationscience-Materials science-Patents and inventions-Productivity-Visualization
Uncontrolledterms:Bibliometricanalysis-Bibliometrics-Chinese Academy ofSciences-Coauthorship-KnowledgeDiscovery-Knowledge map-Knowledgemapping-Material technologies-Materialsresearch-Materials science and technology
Classificationcode:902.1Engineering Graphics -902.3 Legal Aspects -903 Information Science-913.1Production Engineering -951 Materials Science
Compilationand indexing terms, ©2014 Elsevier Inc.
4.Accession number:20141117444654
Title:Aglobal overview of complexnetworks research activities
Authors:Ma,Fei-Cheng2; Lyu,Peng-Hui1 Email author lvph@whu.edu.cn; Liu, Xiang2 Emailauthorxiangliu@whu.edu.cn
Authoraffiliation:1 WuhanUniversity, Center for the Studies of InformationResources, Wuhan 430072, China
2Huazhong Normal University,School of Information Management, Wuhan 430079,China
Sourcetitle:Proceedings of ISSI2013 - 14th International Society of Scientometricsand Informetrics Conference
Abbreviatedsource title:Proc.ISSI 2013 - 14th Intl. Soc. Scientometrics InformetricsConf.
Monographtitle:Proceedings ofISSI 2013 - 14th International Society of Scientometricsand InformetricsConference
Documenttype:Conference article(CA)
Conferencename:14th InternationalSociety of Scientometrics and Informetrics Conference,ISSI 2013
Conferencedate:July 15, 2013 -July 20, 2013
Conference code:103046
Sponsor:ASISand T, USA; EBSCOInformation Services, USA; Elsevier B.V.; et al; FederalMinistry for Scienceand Research, Austria; Federal Ministry for Trans., Innov.and Technol., Austria
Publisher:InternationalSocietyfor Scientometrics and Informetrics
Abstract:Complex network researchpublicationshave increased rapidly over last decade, most notably in the pastfour years.This paper attempts to visualise the research outputs of complexnetworkresearch in a global context for the purpose of evaluating the worldresearchprogress and quantitative assessment of current research trends.Thescientometric methods and knowledge visualization technologies wereemployedwith a focus on global production, main subject categories, corejournals, topproductive countries, leading research institutes, publications'most usedkeywords and the papers with top citations. The keywords clusteranalysis wasused to trace the hot topics from all papers, which is also the hotpoint inscientometrics and informetrics researches. Research output descriptorshavesuggested that the research in this field has mainly focused on dynamics,modeland systems for complex networks. All the publications have beenconcentratedin two journals such as Physical Review E and Physica A. The USA isthe leadingcountry in complex network research and the world research centre islocatedthere and it has the best scientists in the world. The research trendincomplex network research seems to involve complex routing strategy,modelscomplex networks social as well as scale free percolation efficiency.Complexnetworks, dynamics, model and small-world networks are highly usedkeywords inthe publications from the main scientific database. © AIT AustrianInstitute ofTechnology GmbH Vienna 2013.
Numberof references:30
Uncontrolledterms:Globalproduction-Knowledge Visualization-Quantitativeassessments-Researchactivities-Research centres-Research institutes-Routingstrategies-Scientificdatabase
Classificationcode:723 ComputerSoftware, Data Handling and Applications -803 Chemical Agentsand BasicIndustrial Chemicals -901.3 Engineering Research -903.2InformationDissemination -922 Statistical Methods
Compilationand indexing terms, ©2014 Elsevier Inc.
5.Accession number:20133816758198
Title:AnInformetric Profile ofWater Resources Management Literatures
Authors:Ren,Jun-Lin1; Lyu,Peng-Hui2 Email author ph@nimte.ac.cn; Wu, Xin-Mu1; Ma,Fei-Cheng2; Wang,Zhi-Zhang3; Yang, Gang3
Authoraffiliation:1 School ofEconomics and Management, Wuhan University, Wuhan,430071, China
2School of InformationManagement, Wuhan University, Wuhan, 430072, China
3School of Economic andManagement, Southwest University, Chongqing, 400715,China
Correspondingauthor:Lyu, P.-H.(ph@nimte.ac.cn)
Sourcetitle:Water ResourcesManagement
Abbreviatedsource title:WaterResour. Manage.
Issuedate:October 2013
Documenttype:Journal article (JA)
Publisher:SpringerNetherlands,Van Godewijckstraat 30, Dordrecht, 3311 GZ, Netherlands
Abstract:The main purpose of this paper istoevaluate the global performance and to assess the current trends in researchofwater resource management. The methods of informetric analysis were usedtosurvey water resource management related articles in the Science CitationIndex(SCI) and Social Science Citation Index (SSCI) during the past decades.Thepublication records, subjects, journals, countries, institutes,authors,citations and keywords were analyzed respectively for each paper. Thenumber ofpapers related to water resource management in 2012 was approximately8 timesthat of the year 2000 and hundreds of times more than early 1990s.Waterresource management related papers were distributed unevenly by countries.TheUSA, P.R. China, Australia and UK were the top contributing countries,alsopresent normalized by dividing with population that published most SCIpapersas well as SSCI papers. The largest water resource management researchcenteris located in the USA according to the number of publications andcitations,with P.R. China becoming more proficient in water resource managementaccordingto the data from country and institute. In addition, the quality ofpapersproduced by developed countries is more advanced than developingcountries. Allthese efforts contributed to the indication in trends of waterresourcemanagement research on a global scale. Earlier water resourcemanagementresearch appeared and was originally concentrated on engineering,irrigationand geography. Issues gradually transferred to management, economicsand regimerecently. © 2013 Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht.
Numberof references:26
Controlledterms:Developingcountries-Research-Water management
Uncontrolledterms:Informetricstudies-Knowledge mapping-Research trends-Waterresourcemanagement-Web ofScience
Classificationcode:444 Water Resources-446 Waterworks -901.3 Engineering Research -901.4Impact of Technology onSociety -903.2 Information Dissemination
Compilationand indexing terms, ©2014 Elsevier Inc.
6.Accession number:20143017987088
Title:Statisticalassessment onCVaR publications in management innovation
Authors:Li,Mei-Qin1; Lv,Peng-Hui2 Email author ph@nimte.ac.cn; Li, Jie3 Email authorlijie@cueb.edu.cn
Authoraffiliation:1 Library ofWuhan Textile University, 430073 Wuhan, China
2Center for the Studies ofInformation Resources, Wuhan University, 430072Wuhan, China
3School of Safety andEnvironmental Engineering, Capital University of Economicsand Business, Beijing100070, China
Sourcetitle:Proceedings - 2014IEEE Workshop on Electronics, Computer andApplications, IWECA 2014
Abbreviatedsource title:Proc. -IEEE Workshop Electron., Comput. Appl., IWECA
Monographtitle:Proceedings - 2014IEEE Workshop on Electronics, Computer andApplications, IWECA 2014
Documenttype:Conference article(CA)
Conferencename:2014 IEEE Workshopon Electronics, Computer and Applications, IWECA 2014
Conferencedate:May 8, 2014 - May9, 2014
Conferencelocation:Ottawa, ON,Canada
Conference code:106409
Publisher:IEEEComputer Society
Abstract:CVaR (Conditional Value at Risk)modelhas been used in management innovation during all the last two decades,and itsresearch outcomes have been increasing steadily since the year of 2000.CVaR washence an important and hot topic in past 22 years and there were lotsjournalpapers listed in several subject categories in WoS online databases. Inthis paper,the subjects' categories, top productive countries or institutes,fruitfulauthors, citations as well as publications' most frequently usedauthorkeywords, most frequently used keyword plus were analyzed respectivelyon totalpublished papers scale. Environmental Science & Ecology, EngineerandCardiovascular System were the main subjects of CVaR outcomes. It is stillinits fast increasing stage during its life circle of production, andmorescholars pay attention to CVaR research nowadays. Risk, risk-factorsanddisease were the most frequently used keywords. The USA had anapparentadvantage in both quantity and quality of CVaR research. Researchproductivityin P.R. China produced a high amount of papers with littlecitations andcitations per paper reflecting heed for important. In addition,the USA waslocated in the center of the international collaboration networksand almostall the top productive institutes such as the University Texas andHarvardUniversity. Through the global analysis of the develop trends on CVaRresearchit will give us a clearly view and a deep understanding for futuremanagementinnovation. © 2014 IEEE.
Numberof references:20
Controlledterms:Cardiovascularsystem-Computer applications-International cooperation-Publishing-Valueengineering
Uncontrolledterms:ConditionalValue-at-Risk-CVaR (conditional value at risk)-CVaRPublications-Environmentalscience-International collaborations-Researchproductivity-Researchtrends-Statistical assessment
Classificationcode:461.2 BiologicalMaterials and Tissue Engineering -723.5 ComputerApplications -901.3 EngineeringResearch -903.2 Information Dissemination -911.5Value Engineering -912Industrial Engineering and Management
Compilationand indexing terms, ©2014 Elsevier Inc.
Record 1 of 2
Title: Research Trend Overviewfor Chinese-English Cross Language Information Retrieval
Author(s): Wang, J (Wang, Juan);Lyu, PH (Lyu, Peng-hui); Ma, XJ (Ma, Xue-jing)
Edited by: Narayanasamy S
Times Cited in Web of ScienceCore Collection: 0
Total Times Cited: 0
Cited Reference Count: 14
Accession Number:WOS:000337480900068
Document Type: Proceedings Paper
Conference Title: InternationalConference on Social Science and Management (ICSSM)
Conference Date: MAR 15-16, 2014
Conference Location: Chicago,IL
Addresses: [Wang, Juan] LibXiangnan Coll, Chenzhou 423000, Peoples R China.
Reprint Address:
E-mail Addresses: lvph@whu.edu.cn
ISBN: 978-1-60595-170-6
Source Item Page Count: 7
Record 2 of 2
Title: Study on Global Scienceand Social Science Entropy Research Trend
Author(s): Ma, FC (Ma, Feicheng);Lv, PH (Lv, Penghui); Ye, M (Ye, Mao)
Book Group Author(s): IEEE
Times Cited in Web of ScienceCore Collection: 0
Total Times Cited: 0
Cited Reference Count: 36
Accession Number:WOS:000327197800050
Document Type: Proceedings Paper
Conference Title: IEEE 5th InternationalConference on Advanced Computational Intelligence (ICACI)
Conference Date: OCT 18-20,2012
Conference Location: Nanjing,PEOPLES R CHINA
Addresses: [Ma, Feicheng] WuhanUniv, Ctr Studies Informat Resources, Wuhan, Peoples R China.
Reprint Address: Lv, PH (reprintauthor), Wuhan Univ, Wuhan, Peoples R China.
E-mail Addresses:fchma@whu.edu.cn; lvph@whu.edu.cn; yem@whlib.ac.cn
Author Identifiers:
AuthorResearcherID NumberORCIDNumberLYU, Penghui A-6864-2013 0000-0002-7542-4591 Web of ScienceCategories: Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence; Computer Science, Theory& Methods; Engineering, Electrical & Electronic
Research Areas: Computer Science;Engineering
ISBN: 978-1-4673-1744-3
Source Item Page Count: 5
1/1 | 闂傚倸鍊搁崐鎼佸磹閹间礁纾归柟闂寸绾惧綊鏌熼梻瀵割槮缁炬儳缍婇弻鐔兼⒒鐎靛壊妲紒鐐劤濠€閬嶅焵椤掑倹鍤€閻庢凹鍙冨畷宕囧鐎c劋姹楅梺鍦劋閸ㄥ綊宕愰悙宸富闁靛牆妫楃粭鎺撱亜閿斿灝宓嗙€殿喗鐓¢、鏃堝醇閻斿弶瀚奸梻浣告啞缁诲倻鈧凹鍣i崺銏″緞閹邦厾鍘卞┑鈽嗗灠閻忔繃绂嶉崷顓犵<妞ゆ棁鍋愭晶锔锯偓瑙勬礀閵堟悂骞冮姀銏㈢煓闁割煈鍠曠槐鐔封攽閻樻剚鍟忛柛鐘愁殜閵嗗啴宕ㄩ鍥ㄧ☉铻栭柛娑卞幘椤︻噣姊洪幐搴㈢闁稿﹤缍婇幃锟犲Ψ閿斿墽鐦堥梻鍌氱墛缁嬫帡鏁嶅鍡曠箚闁圭粯甯楅幉鍝ョ磼鏉堛劌娴柟顔规櫊閹粌螣閻撳孩閿繝鐢靛剳缁茶棄煤閵堝鏅濇い蹇撴噸缁诲棝鏌涢锝嗙婵$偘绮欓弻娑㈠箛閵婏附鐝曢梺鍝勬閸楀啿顫忕紒妯诲闁告稑锕ラ崕鎾绘⒑瑜版帗鏁遍柛銊ユ贡濡叉劙鎮欑€涙ê顎撻梺鍛婃尭瀵墎绱炴惔銊︹拺闁诡垎鍛啈濡炪値鍋勯ˇ顖炴偩闁垮绶為柟閭﹀幘閸橆亝绻濋悽闈涗粶闁诲繑绻堝畷婵嗏堪閸喓鍘藉┑鐘绘涧鐎氼剟鎮橀崣澶嬪弿濠电姴鍟妵婵嬫煙椤旀儳鍘寸€殿喖鐖奸獮鎰償椤斿吋鏆忛梻鍌氬€烽懗鍫曞箠閹捐鍚归柡宥庡幖缁狀垶鏌ㄩ悤鍌涘:2 | 濠电姷鏁告慨鐑藉极閸涘﹥鍙忛柣鎴f閺嬩線鏌涘☉姗堟敾闁告瑥绻橀弻锝夊箣濠垫劖缍楅梺閫炲苯澧柛濠傛健楠炴劖绻濋崘顏嗗骄闂佸啿鎼鍥╃矓椤旈敮鍋撶憴鍕8闁告梹鍨甸锝夊醇閺囩偟顓洪梺缁樼懃閹虫劙鐛姀銈嗏拻闁稿本鐟︾粊鐗堛亜椤愩埄妲搁柣锝呭槻铻i悶娑掑墲閻忓啫鈹戦悙鏉戠仸缁炬澘绉归、鏇熺鐎n偆鍘梺鍓插亝缁诲啴宕幒妤佺厸闁告劑鍔庢晶娑㈡煛閸涱喚鍙€闁哄本绋戦埥澶愬础閻愯尙顔戞繝鐢靛仜閻楀﹪鎮¢垾鎰佹綎闁惧繐婀遍惌娆愮箾閸℃ê鍔ら柛鎾存緲椤啴濡堕崱妤冧淮濡炪倧绠撳ḿ褔顢氶敐鍡欑瘈婵﹩鍘藉▍婊堟⒑閸涘﹦鈽夐柛濠傤煼瀹曠増鎯旈妸銉у幒闁瑰吋鐣崝宀€绮诲杈ㄥ枑閹兼惌鐓堥弫濠囨煕閺囥劌鐏¢柣鎾寸☉椤法鎹勯悜姗嗘!濠电偛鎳庡Λ娑氭閹烘梹瀚氶柤纰卞墮椤e搫顪冮妶搴′簻缂佺粯锕㈤獮鏍捶椤撶喎鏋傞梺鍛婃处閸嬪棝鏁嶈箛娑欌拻濞撴埃鍋撴繛浣冲嫮浠氶梻浣呵圭€涒晠鎮¢敓鐘茬畺闁汇垻枪椤懘鏌曢崼婵囶棏闁归攱妞藉娲嚒閵堝懏鐎惧┑鐘灪閿氶柍缁樻崌閸╋繝宕ㄩ鎯у箥闂備礁鎲¢崹顖炲磹閺嶎偀鍋撳鐐 | 濠电姷鏁告慨鐑藉极閸涘﹥鍙忛柣鎴f閺嬩線鏌涘☉姗堟敾闁告瑥绻橀弻锝夊箣閿濆棭妫勯梺鍝勵儎缁舵岸寮婚悢鍏尖拻閻庨潧澹婂Σ顔剧磼閻愵剙鍔ゆい顓犲厴瀵鏁愭径濠勭杸濡炪倖甯婇悞锕傚磿閹剧粯鈷戦柟鑲╁仜婵″ジ鏌涙繝鍌涘仴鐎殿喛顕ч埥澶愬閳哄倹娅囬梻浣瑰缁诲倸螞濞戔懞鍥Ψ瑜忕壕钘壝归敐鍛儓鐏忓繘姊洪崨濠庢畷濠电偛锕ら锝嗙節濮橆厼浜滈梺绋跨箰閻ㄧ兘骞忔繝姘厽閹艰揪绲鹃弳鈺呭几椤忓嫧鏀介柍銉ㄥ皺閻瑦鎱ㄦ繝鍐┿仢鐎规洦鍋婂畷鐔碱敆閳ь剙鈻嶉妶鍥╃=濞达絿鐡旈崵娆撴煟濡や焦灏い鏇稻缁绘繂顫濋鈹炬櫊閺屾洘寰勯崼婵堜痪闂佸搫鍊甸崑鎾绘⒒閸屾瑨鍏岀痪顓炵埣瀹曟粌鈹戠€n偅娅旂紓鍌氬€烽悞锕傚礉閺嶎厽鍎庢い鏍ㄥ嚬濞兼牗绻涘顔荤盎鐎瑰憡绻傞埞鎴︽偐閹绘帩鍔夐梺浼欑悼閸忔﹢骞冨Δ鍛濠㈣泛锕f竟鏇㈡⒒娴e摜绉烘俊顐ユ硶缁牊鎷呴搹閫涚瑝闂佸搫绉查崝瀣崲閸℃稒鐓忛柛顐g箓閳ь剙鎲$粋宥嗐偅閸愨斁鎷洪柣搴℃贡婵敻藟婢跺浜滈柨鏃囶嚙閻忥箓鏌涢埞鍨仼妞ゆ挸銈稿畷鍗炍熼懖鈹倝姊绘笟鈧ḿ褑鍣归梺鍛婁緱閸ㄦ壆鏁幒鏃傜=闁稿本鑹鹃埀顒勵棑缁牊绗熼埀顒€鐣烽幇鏉夸紶闁靛/鍛帬闂備礁婀遍搹搴ㄥ窗閹捐纾婚柟瀛樼贩瑜版帒绀傞柛蹇氬亹缁嬪洭姊绘担绋胯埞婵炲樊鍙冨濠氭晲婢跺﹥顥濋梺鍦圭€涒晠宕曢幘缁樺€垫繛鍫濈仢閺嬬喎鈹戦悙璇у伐妞ゎ偄绻掔槐鎺懳熺拠宸偓鎾绘⒑閹呯闁硅櫕鎸剧划顓㈠灳閺傘儲鏂€闂佺粯鍔栬ぐ鍐棯瑜旈弻锝呂旈崘銊愩垽鏌i敐鍥у幋妤犵偛娲鍫曞箰鎼达紕銈跺┑锛勫亼閸婃牠骞愰懡銈囩煓闁瑰鍋熼々鏌ユ煟閹伴潧澧柛娆忕箲娣囧﹪顢涘⿰鍐ㄤ粯婵炲瓨绮撶粻鏍箖濡も偓椤繈鎮欓鈧锟� | 濠电姷鏁告慨鐑藉极閸涘﹥鍙忛柣鎴f閺嬩線鏌涘☉姗堟敾闁告瑥绻橀弻锝夊箣閿濆棭妫勯梺鍝勵儎缁舵岸寮婚悢鍏尖拻閻庨潧澹婂Σ顔剧磼閻愵剙鍔ゆい顓犲厴瀵鏁愭径濠勭杸濡炪倖甯婇悞锕傚磿閹剧粯鈷戦柟鑲╁仜婵″ジ鏌涙繝鍌涘仴鐎殿喛顕ч埥澶愬閳哄倹娅囬梻浣瑰缁诲倸螞濞戔懞鍥Ψ瑜忕壕钘壝归敐鍛儓鐏忓繘姊洪崨濠庢畷濠电偛锕ら锝嗙節濮橆厼浜滈梺绋跨箰閻ㄧ兘骞忔繝姘厽閹艰揪绱曟禒娑㈡煟閳╁啯绀堢紒顕嗙到铻栭柛娑卞枓閹锋椽鏌℃径灞戒沪濠㈢懓妫濊棟闁挎洖鍊归崐鍨叏濮楀棗浜滅€规挸妫涢埀顒侇問閸犳盯顢氳閸┿儲寰勯幇顒夋綂闂佺粯蓱瑜板啰绮婇鈧缁樼瑹閳ь剙岣胯閻忔瑩姊虹粙鎸庡攭濞存粠鍓涢崚鎺旂磼濡偐鐦堝┑顔斤供閸樻悂骞忓ú顏呪拺闁告稑锕﹂埥澶嬵殰椤忓懏缍戦柍缁樻崌瀵挳鎮╅顫闂佺ǹ绻愰ˇ顖涚妤e啯鈷戠憸鐗堝笚閿涚喓绱掗埀顒佹媴閾忛€涚瑝闂佸搫绉查崝瀣崲閸℃稒鐓忛柛顐g箓閳ь剙鎲$粋宥嗐偅閸愨斁鎷洪柣搴℃贡婵敻藟婢跺浜滈柨鏃囶嚙閻忥箓鏌涢埞鍨仼妞ゆ挸銈稿畷鍗炍熼懖鈹倝姊绘笟鈧ḿ褑鍣归梺鍛婁緱閸ㄦ壆鏁幒鏃傜=闁稿本鑹鹃埀顒勵棑缁牊绗熼埀顒€鐣烽幇鏉夸紶闁靛/鍛帬闂備礁婀遍搹搴ㄥ窗閹捐纾婚柟瀛樼贩瑜版帒绀傞柛蹇氬亹缁嬪洭姊绘担绋胯埞婵炲樊鍙冨濠氭晲婢跺﹥顥濋梺鍦圭€涒晠宕曢幘缁樺€垫繛鍫濈仢閺嬬喎鈹戦悙璇у伐妞ゎ偄绻掔槐鎺懳熺拠宸偓鎾绘⒑閹呯闁硅櫕鎸剧划顓㈠灳閺傘儲鏂€闂佺粯鍔栬ぐ鍐棯瑜旈弻锝呂旈崘銊愩垽鏌i敐鍥у幋妤犵偛娲鍫曞箰鎼达紕銈跺┑锛勫亼閸婃牠骞愰懡銈囩煓闁瑰鍋熼々鏌ユ煟閹伴潧澧柛娆忕箲娣囧﹪顢涘⿰鍐ㄤ粯婵炲瓨绮撶粻鏍箖濡も偓椤繈鎮欓鈧锟� | 闂傚倸鍊搁崐鎼佸磹閹间礁纾归柟闂寸绾惧綊鏌熼梻瀵割槮缁炬儳缍婇弻鐔兼⒒鐎靛壊妲紒鎯у⒔閹虫捇鈥旈崘顏佸亾閿濆簼绨奸柟鐧哥秮閺岋綁顢橀悙鎼闂侀潧妫欑敮鎺楋綖濠靛鏅查柛娑卞墮椤ユ艾鈹戞幊閸婃鎱ㄩ悜钘夌;闁绘劗鍎ら崑瀣煟濡崵婀介柍褜鍏涚欢姘嚕閹绢喖顫呴柍鈺佸暞閻濇洟姊绘担钘壭撻柨姘亜閿旇鏋ょ紒杈ㄦ瀵挳鎮㈤搹鍦闂備焦鐪归崹钘夅缚瑜嶉悺顓㈡⒒娴g懓顕滄繛鎻掔箻瀹曟劕鈹戠€n亞鐣洪悷婊勬煥閻g兘宕¢悙鈺傜€婚棅顐㈡祫缁查箖藟閿熺姵鈷戦柤濮愬€曞瓭濠电偠顕滄俊鍥╁垝婵犲洤绠绘い鏃囧亹閸濇绻涚€电ǹ孝妞ゆ垵妫濋幃锟犳偄闂€鎰畾濡炪倖鐗楃喊宥夊箚閸垻纾奸柣娆愮懃濞诧箓鎮″▎鎾寸厱闊洦娲栫敮璺衡攽椤旇偐澧涚紒缁樼洴閹虫繈鏌囬敃鈧▓顓㈡⒑鐎圭媭娼愰柛銊ョ秺閸┾偓妞ゆ帒锕︾粔鐢告煕鐎Q冧壕闂備礁缍婇弨鍗烆渻娴犲钃熼柨婵嗩槹閸嬫劙鏌涜箛鎾村殌闁糕晛鎳樺娲川婵犲啰鍙嗛梺鍏兼た閸ㄥ爼宕洪姀鐙€鍚嬪璺猴功閻も偓闂備胶绮〃鍛存偋韫囨稑鍌ㄩ柣銏犳啞閳锋垿鏌涘☉姗堝伐闁诲繒鍠栭弻娑欑節閸愵亜鈷堥梺閫炲苯澧柣鏃戝墴楠炲繘鏁撻敓锟� | 闂傚倸鍊搁崐鎼佸磹閹间礁纾归柟闂寸绾惧綊鏌熼梻瀵割槮缁炬儳婀遍埀顒傛嚀鐎氼參宕崇壕瀣ㄤ汗闁圭儤鍨归崐鐐烘偡濠婂啰绠荤€殿喗濞婇弫鍐磼濞戞艾骞堟俊鐐€ら崢浠嬪垂閸偆顩叉繝闈涱儐閻撴洘绻涢崱妤冪缂佺姴顭烽弻鈥崇暆閳ь剟宕伴幘鑸殿潟闁圭儤顨呴~鍛存煟濡櫣锛嶅ù婊庝簽缁辨捇宕掑▎鎺戝帯婵犳鍣g粻鏍晲閻愭潙绶為柟閭﹀劦閿曞倹鐓曢柡鍥ュ妼閻忕姷绱掗悩宕囨创闁哄本鐩、鏇㈡晲閸℃瑯妲版俊鐐€曟鍝ョ矓閻熼偊娼栭柧蹇撴贡閻瑦绻涢崱妯哄姢闁告挾鍋撶换娑氣偓娑欋缚閻倕霉濠婂簼绨绘い鏇悼閹风姴霉鐎n偒娼旈梻渚€娼х换鎺撴叏閸儱惟闁挎棁妗ㄧ花濠氭⒑閸濆嫬鈧悂鎮樺┑鍫㈢闁哄秲鍔嶉崣蹇涙偡濞嗗繐顏存繛鍫熺矒閺岀喖顢欓悡搴⑿╁Δ妤婁簷閸楀啿鐣烽妸鈺婃晣鐟滃骸袙婢舵劖鈷戞慨鐟版搐閻掓椽鏌涢妸鈺€鎲鹃柕鍡楀暞缁绘繈宕掗妶鍛吙闂備礁鎼悮顐﹀磿鏉堚晝涓嶉柣鐔稿櫞瑜版帗鏅查柛娑卞枦绾偓闂備礁鎲¢悷銉ノ涘┑鍡╂綎闁惧繐婀辩壕鍏间繆椤栨繂鍚规い锔哄劦濮婅櫣绮欓崠鈥充紣濠电姭鍋撻梺顒€绉撮悞鍨亜閹哄秷鍏岄柛鐔哥叀閺岀喖宕欓妶鍡楊伓 |
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