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云师大能环学院唐语与昆工王劲松在国际知名能源期刊《Nano Energy》发表最新研究成果

已有 549 次阅读 2024-12-10 22:14 |个人分类:云师大研究|系统分类:论文交流

2024年12月10日,国际知名能源期刊《Nano Energy》在线发表了云南师范大学能源与环境科学学院唐语、昆明理工大学材料科学与工程学科王劲松博士课题组等的最新研究成果《“Electron-reservoir” CeO2 Layer on S-Co(OH)2 to Stabilize Lattice Oxygen for Boosting Oxygen Evolution Reaction at Large Current Density》。云南师范大学能源与环境科学学院唐语、昆明理工大学王劲松为共同通讯作者。



Activating lattice oxygen mechanism (LOM) is an attractive avenue for developing highly active oxygen evolution reaction (OER) electrocatalysts, but removing electrons from the metal-oxygen (M-O) band generally causes structural destabilization. Herein, an effective method is suggested to stabilize LOM-based catalysts by introducing “electron-reservoir” CeO2 layer on S-Co(OH)2. In-situ XPS, in-situ Raman and Density functional theory reveal that CeO2 act as an electron buffer to retain/sacrifice electron during OER different stages. Specifically, at initial voltage, CeO2 obtains electrons from Co(OH)2 to form high-valence Coδ+, which accelerate surface reconstruction to generate active CoOOH species. With the increased bias, reconstructed CoOOH or even CoO2 with larger work function can extract electrons from CeO2 to as electron donors instead of M-O band, guaranteeing the OER stability. Meanwhile, S element was designed to strengthen Co-O covalency and trigger LOM route. As a result, S-Co(OH)2/CeO2 exhibits excellent OER performance with a low overpotential of 227 mV at 10 mA cm-2 and superior durability over 100 h at 1000 mA cm-2 in a self-assembled anion-exchange membrane water electrolyzer, demonstrating the pivotal role of “electron-reservoir” on developing sustainable lattice oxygen redox



邓书康副教授团队在Chemical Engineering Journal上发表论文...云师大能环学院邓书康教授课题组在top期刊《ACS Sustai.


上一篇:云师大物电学院朱挺团队在Journal of Materials Chemistry A上发表最新成果
下一篇:云师大生科学院杨双龙副教授课题组在《Industrial Crops and Products》上发表最新研究成果
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