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云师大地理学部刘流博士在《Environmental Science & Technology》上发表研究成果

已有 552 次阅读 2024-10-26 11:14 |个人分类:云师大研究|系统分类:论文交流

2023年10月24日,ACS旗下top期刊《Environmental Science & Technology》在线发表了云南师范大学地理学部刘流最新研究成果《Strong Subseasonal Variability of Oxic Methane Production Challenges Methane Budgeting in Freshwater Lakes》。云南师范大学地理学部刘流为第一作者兼通讯作者,地理学部刘流博士为共同通讯作者。莱布尼茨淡水生态和内陆渔业研究所(Leibniz Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries)、瑞士联邦水科学与技术研究所(Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology )Zhang Xin和Hans-Peter Grossart、湖北国际鱼道科技合作基地(Hubei International Science and Technology Cooperation Base of Fish Passage)Xiaotao Shi为共同通讯作者。




Methane (CH4) accumulation in the well-oxygenated lake epilimnion enhances the diffusive atmospheric CH4 emission. Both lateral transport and in situ oxic methane production (OMP) have been suggested as potential sources. While the latter has been recently supported by increasing evidence, quantifying the exact contribution of OMP to atmospheric emissions remains challenging. Based on a large high-resolution field data set collected during 2019–2020 in the deep stratified Lake Stechlin and on three-dimensional hydrodynamic modeling, we improved existing CH4 budgets by resolving each component of the mass balance model at a seasonal scale and therefore better constrained the residual OMP. All terms in our model showed a large temporal variability at scales from intraday to seasonal, and the modeled OMP was most sensitive to the surface CH4 flux estimates. Future efforts are needed to reduce the uncertainties in estimating OMP rates using the mass balance approach by increasing the frequency of atmospheric CH4 flux measurements.


云师大地理学部刘流博士在《Science of The Total Environment》上发表研究成果



上一篇:云师大物电学院邰永航、国科温州研究院在李涛研究员《Advanced Functional Materials》上发表成果
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