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云师大职教学院孙洋副教授课题组与上海高等研究院李娜合作在《INT J BIOL MACROMOL》上发表最新研究成果

已有 1208 次阅读 2023-8-14 11:06 |个人分类:云师大研究|系统分类:论文交流

2023年8月13日,Elsevier 旗下top期刊《International Journal of Biological Macromolecules》在线发表了云南师范大学职业技术教育学院孙洋副教授课题组与中国科学院上海高等研究院李娜研究员合作发表的最新研究成果《Developments in small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) for characterizing the structure of surfactant-macromolecule interactions and their complex》。第一作者为云南师范大学职业技术教育学院学生、孙洋为通讯作者中国科学院上海高等研究院李娜研究员为共同通讯作者。



The surfactant-macromolecule interactions (SMI) are one of the most critical topics for scientific research and industrial application. Small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) is a powerful tool for comprehensively studying the structural and conformational features of macromolecules at a size ranging from Angstroms to hundreds of nanometers with a time-resolve in milliseconds scale. The SAXS integrative techniques have emerged for comprehensively analyzing the SMI and the structure of their complex in solution. Here, the various types of emerging interactions of surfactant with macromolecules, such as protein, lipid, nuclear acid, polysaccharide and virus, etc. have been systematically reviewed. Additionally, the principle of SAXS and theoretical models of SAXS for describing the structure of SMI as well as their complex has been summarized. Moreover, the recent developments in the applications of SAXS for charactering structure of SMI have been also highlighted. Prospectively, the capacity to complement artificial intelligence (AI) in the structure prediction of biological macromolecules and the high-throughput bioinformatics sequencing data make SAXS integrative structural techniques expected to be the primary methodology for illuminating the self-assembling dynamics and nanoscale structure of SMI. As advances in the field continue, we look forward to proliferating uses of SAXS based upon its abilities to robustly produce mechanistic insights for biology and medicine.



上一篇:云师大能环学院杨培志教授课题组与山东科技大学段加龙和唐群委合作在《Carbon Energy》上发表最新研究成果
下一篇:香港城市大学刘泰立加盟云师大物电学院并在《Advanced Materials》上发表最新研究成果
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