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香港城市大学刘泰立加盟云师大物电学院并在《Advanced Materials》上发表最新研究成果

已有 2719 次阅读 2023-8-17 16:03 |个人分类:云师学者群|系统分类:论文交流

2023年8月7日,Wiley旗下top期刊《Advanced Materials》在线发表了云南师范大学物理与电子信息学院LIU Taili与香港城市大学曾世荣(Sai Wing TSANG)教授、罗敬东教授、任广禹Alex K-Y. Jen教授合作发表的最新研究成果《Push-pull heptamethines near the cyanine limit exhibiting large quadratic electro-optic effect》。Weilong Chen为第一作者,刘泰立(LIU Taili)博士为共同第一作者,现为云南师范大学物理与电子信息学院教师。通讯作者为香港城市大学Sai Wing TSANG教授、罗敬东教授、Alex K-Y. Jen教授。


Advanced Materials - 2023 - Chen.pdf


Abstract:Harnessing  the  quadratic  electro-optic  (QEO)  of  near-infrared  polymethine  chromophores over  broad  telecom  wavelength  bands  is  a  subject  of  immense  potential  but  remains  largely  under-investigated. Herein we report a series of push-pull heptamethines containing the tricyanofuran (TCF) acceptors  and  indoline  or  benzo[e]indoline  donors.  These  dipolar  chromophores  can  attain  a  highly delocalized “cyanine-like” electronic ground state in solvents spanning a wide range of polarities, in some   cases  even   closer   to   the   ideal   polymethine   state   than   symmetrical   cyanines.   We   use   a transmission-mode  electromodulation  spectroscopy  to  study  the  electric-field-induced  changes  in optical absorption and refraction of polymer films doped with heptamethine chromophores, and obtain large   and   thermally   stable   QEO   effect   with   high   efficiency-loss   figure-of-merits   that   compare favorably to those from dipolar polyenes in poled or unpoled polymers and III-V semiconductors. Our study  opens  a  path  for  developing  organic  materials  based  on  cyanine-like  merocyanines  for  CMOS-compatible, fast, efficient, and low-loss electro-optic modulation.


据悉,刘泰立(Taili LIU)博士2018年毕业于香港城市大学,导师为:Sai Wing TSANG教授,

博士题目为:Excitonic Effect in Organic Semiconductors Studied by Electromodulation Spectroscopy


Weilong Chen, Taili Liu, Jie Zou, Di Zhang, Man Kit Tse, Sai-Wing Tsang, Jingdong Luo, Alex K-Y. Jen.Push-pull Heptamethines Near The Cyanine Limit Exhibiting Large Quadratic Electro-Optic Effect

Advanced Materials,First published: 07 August 2023

Liu, TL; Zhang, D; (...); Luo, JD,Record-high near-band-edge optical nonlinearities and two-level model correction of poled polymers by spectroscopic electromodulation and ellipsometry

SCIENCE CHINA-CHEMISTRY2022, 65 (3) , pp.584-593.

Liu, TL; Foo, Y; (...); Tsang, SW.A generalized Stark effect electromodulation model for extracting excitonic properties in organic semiconductors.NATURE COMMUNICATIONS,2019,10.





上一篇:云师大职教学院孙洋副教授课题组与上海高等研究院李娜合作在《INT J BIOL MACROMOL》上发表最新研究成果
下一篇:云师大化工学院袁黎明教授课题组在《J. Am. Chem. Soc.》(美国化学会志)刊登最新研究成果
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