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云师大化工学院龚行教授课题组在《Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical》发表最新研究成果

已有 1088 次阅读 2024-11-17 22:59 |个人分类:云师大研究|系统分类:论文交流

 2024年11月9日,Elsevier 旗下top期刊《Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical在线发表了云南师范大学化学化工学院龚行教授课题组最新研究成果《Rapid visual detection of tobacco mosaic virus using a portable paper-based molecularly imprinted sensor》。云南师范大学化学化工学院龚行教授为第一作者。合作者为湖南湘潭大学化学化工学院蔡昌群教授。




Rapid detection of plant viruses is crucial for ensuring the safety of agricultural production. In this study, a paper-based molecularly imprinted polymers (MIPs) sensor was developed for visual detection of tobacco mosaic virus (TMV). Two types of MIPs were synthesized as artificial antibodies: paper-based MIPs and monoclonal MIPs. The sandwich strategy achieved high sensitivity (with a limit of detection of 4.8 fM) and high selectivity (with an imprinting factor of 5.25) for TMV detection. This sensor eliminated the need for costly and unstable biological agents such as natural antibodies and DNA, enabling detection visible to the naked eye within 10–20 min. Overall, the paper-based MIPs sensor costs as little as 8.6 cents (1 cents for smaller sizes) and is easy to store and cut. This approach provides a new method for the rapid field detection of plant viruses such as TMV and is crucial for ensuring the safety of agricultural production.


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云师大化学化工学院龚行教授在《Chemical Engineering Journal》上发表最新研究成果



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1 郑永军

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