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已有 2520 次阅读 2022-12-23 13:56 |个人分类:云师大研究|系统分类:科研笔记

1.VLSG-SANet: A feature matching algorithm for remote sensing image registration

Fan, XYXing, LJ; (...); Yang, YNov 14 2022 | KNOWLEDGE-BASED SYSTEMS 255

Finding a reliable correspondence between two feature point sets efficiently and accurately is the first step in many computer vision applications. It is a crucial prerequisite for many remote sensings, target recognition, and photogrammetry applications. However, in different application scenarios, images may undergo different degrees of deformation, which makes the predefined geometric model

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2.Signal-enhanced electrochemiluminescence strategy using iron-based metal-organic frameworks modified with carboxylated Ru(II) complexes for neuron-specific enolase detection

Li, CCLi, YX; (...); Wei, QNov 1 2022 | BIOSENSORS & BIOELECTRONICS 215

The preparation of highly efficient electrochemiluminescence (ECL) illuminants is an effective method to improve the sensitivity and repeatability of ECL immunoassay. In this study, we prepared an ECL immunoassay for efficient and sensitive detection of neuron-specific enolase (NSE) by linking carboxylated Ru(bpy)(3)(2+) to an iron-based metal-organic framework (NH2-MIL-88 (Fe)) via an amide bo

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3.Dual-functional hosts derived from metal-organic frameworks reduce dissolution of polyselenides and inhibit dendrite growth in a sodium-selenium battery

Hu, PXiao, FP; (...); Rogach, ALOct 2022 | ENERGY STORAGE MATERIALS 51 , pp.249-258

Selenium-based cathodes for sodium-ion batteries have attracted considerable attention due to their high electronic conductivity and volumetric capacity compared to sulfur-based cathodes. However, the use of sodiumselenium batteries has been hindered due to the low selenium reaction activity towards sodium, rapid capacity fading caused by the shuttle effect of polyselenides, and the formation o

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4.Covalent encapsulation of sulfur in a graphene/N-doped carbon host for enhanced sodium-sulfur batteries

Hu, PXiao, FP; (...); Jia, JFSep 1 2022 | CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL 443

Application of emerging room temperature sodium-sulfur (RT Na-S) battery is restrained by the poor conductivity, volume expansion of sulfur cathode and the shuttle effect of soluble polysulfides in electrolytes. Herein, an N-doped two-dimensional (2D) carbon host was derived from the polydopamine coated graphene for sulfur storage. Different from the conventional used melt-diffusion method to i

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5.Identifying the spatial heterogeneity in the effects of the construction land scale on carbon emissions: Case study of the Yangtze River Economic Belt, China

Wang, MWang, Y; (...); Hu, PPSep 2022 | ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH 212

Low-carbon emissions are a major research focus to solve the problem of global warming and an important area that China needs to focus on to achieve high-quality development. Construction land scale is a non-negligible factor affecting carbon emissions. However, carbon emission impacts of county-scale spatial heterogeneity in construction land scale are under addressed in contemporary research.

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6.Approximate inferring with confidence predicting based on uncertain knowledge graph embedding

Yang, SHZhang, WY; (...); Huang, ZSSep 2022 | INFORMATION SCIENCES 609 , pp.679-690

Uncertainty is a natural character of knowledge, while it is still tough to be encoded into the knowledge graph embedding space that can be employed for machine learning tasks. However, the approximate inference could be performed in the embedding space, if confi-dence, real-value representation of the uncertainty of knowledge facts, can be learned by neural networks. To tackle this, a simple y

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7.High nitrite-nitrogen stress intensity drives nitrite anaerobic oxidation to nitrate and inhibits methanogenesis

Liu, JFYin, J; (...); Zhang, WDAug 1 2022 | SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT 832

Nitrite is an important intermediate in nitrogen metabolism. We explored the effect of nitrite-nitrogen stress intensity (NNSI) on nitrite metabolism and methanogenesis in anaerobic digestion. The results showed that the NNSI regulated microbial diversity, composition, and functions, and microbial community assembly was primarily shaped by stochastic processes. Moreover, the NNSI was negatively

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8.Root-secreted bitter triterpene modulates the rhizosphere microbiota to improve plant fitness

Zhong, YXun, WB; (...); Shang, YAug 2022 | Aug 2022 (Early Access) | NATURE PLANTS 8 (8) , pp.887-+

Root exudates play a key role in modulating the soil microbiota. The export of bitter triterpenes (mediated by a Multidrug and Toxic Compound Extrusion protein) shapes the rhizosphere, leading to robust disease resistance.

Underground microbial ecosystems have profound impacts on plant health(1-5). Recently, essential roles have been shown for plant specialized metabolites in shaping the

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9.Investigating the spatiotemporal changes and driving factors of nighttime light patterns in RCEP Countries based on remote sensed satellite images

Li, JHe, SL; (...); Ye, HJul 20 2022 | JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION 359

The Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) agreement signed in November 2020 is the world's largest and greatest potential free trade area. It was officially enforced on January 1, 2022, which attracted great worldwide attention. The RCEP advocates for the development of the low-carbon economy but lacks effective monitoring methods for socioeconomic conditions and carbon emissions.

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10.Deeper investigation of modified epidemiological computer virus model containing the Caputo operator

Gao, W and Baskonus, HMMay 2022 | CHAOS SOLITONS & FRACTALS 158

The main aim of this paper is to analyze the modified epidemiological Susceptible-Infected-Removed model in-cluding an antidotal population compartment A (SIRA). The fractional natural decomposition method (FNDM) and variational iteration method (VIM) are applied to the governing model. This model is used to explain the wave behaviors of the infection virus arising in computer science. The SIRA

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11.Time series forecasting for hourly photovoltaic power using conditional generative adversarial network and Bi-LSTM

Huang, XQLi, Q; (...); Liu, WMMay 1 2022 | ENERGY 246

More and more photovoltaic (PV) power generation is incorporated into the grid. However, the intermittence and fluctuation of solar energy have brought huge challenges to the safe and stable operation of the power grid. PV power forecasting is one of the effective ways to solve the above problems, so it has become an important research topic. However, the existing research based on deep learnin

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12.Quality study on different parts of Panax notoginseng root drying with a hybrid drying system powered by a solar photovoltaic/thermal air collector and wind turbine

Kong, DCWang, YF; (...); Yin, GFApr 15 2022 | ENERGY 245

In order to improve the utilization rate of renewable energy in the drying system and further solve the problem of insufficient solar energy supply, a novel hybrid drying system powered by a solar photovoltaic/thermal air collector and wind turbine was proposed. The heat energy and electricity required for drying process are provided entirely by solar energy and wind energy. In this paper, the

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13.Structural engineering of tin sulfides anchored on nitrogen/phosphorus dual-doped carbon nanofibres in sodium/potassium-ion batteries

Wang, YYLiu, JB; (...); Zeng, LXApr 15 2022 | CARBON 189 , pp.46-56

Na/K-ion batteries (SIBs/PIBs) owing to their low cost, earth abundance, appropriate redox potential and comparable electrochemical performance, have gained ever-growing attention. Nevertheless, it remains a major challenge for high performance of SIBs/PIBs applications. Herein, with the assistance of waste chlorella as the reactor and phosphorous source, we designed few-layered tin sulfides im

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14.Robust probability model based on variational Bayes for point set registration

Cao, HLWang, HF; (...); Zhou, ZYApr 6 2022 | KNOWLEDGE-BASED SYSTEMS 241

Point set registration is widely used in various fields, but because the current registration algorithms suffer from the complexities of point set distributions, it has become a challenging problem. To solve this problem, we propose a probabilistic model based on variational Bayes. Specifically, we propose to build an asymmetric generalized Gaussian mixture probability model to evaluate the cor

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15.Carbon dots as nanocatalytic medicine for anti-inflammation therapy

Kong, BYang, T; (...); Huang, CZApr 2022 | JOURNAL OF COLLOID AND INTERFACE SCIENCE 611 , pp.545-553Enriched Cited References

Aberrant reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation is one of the crucial mediators in the pathogenesis of inflammation. So, the development of nanocatalytic medicine to catalyze the ROS-scavenging reactions in pathological regions are promising for anti-inflammatory therapy. Herein, a type of biocompatible metal free carbon dots is prepared via a hydrothermal method which can exhibit peroxidase

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16.Rotated Pillars for Functional Integrated On-Chip Terahertz Spoof Surface-Plasmon-Polariton Devices

Zhang, YLu, YC; (...); Han, JGJun 2022 | Mar 2022 (Early Access) | ADVANCED OPTICAL MATERIALS 10 (11)Enriched Cited References

Spoof surface plasmon polaritons (SPPs) with strong subwavelength field confinement and enhancement offer a promising way for realizing integrated on-chip terahertz (THz) devices. How to find a simple way to control the dispersion of spoof SPPs and then achieve functional on-chip devices is thus highly desired. Here, the authors theoretically and experimentally demonstrate that such a method ca

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17.Preparation of Novel Chiral Stationary Phases Based on the Chiral Porous Organic Cage by Thiol-ene Click Chemistry for Enantioseparation in HPLC

Wang, YChen, JK; (...); Yuan, LMMar 29 2022 | ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY 94 (12) , pp.4961-4969Enriched Cited References

Porous organic cages (POCs) are an emerging class of porous materials that have aroused considerable research interest because of their unique characteristics, including good solubility and a well-defined intrinsic cavity. However, there have so far beenno reports of chiral POCs as chiral stationary phases (CSPs) forenantioseparation by high-performance liquid chromatography(HPLC). Herein, we r

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18.Species-specific partial gene duplication in Arabidopsis thaliana evolved novel phenotypic effects on morphological traits under strong positive selection

Huang, YChen, JH; (...); Bergelson, JFeb 3 2022 | PLANT CELL 34 (2) , pp.802-817

A young gene produced by species-specific partial gene duplication quickly evolved critical developmental functions in Arabidopsis.

Gene duplication is increasingly recognized as an important mechanism for the origination of new genes, as revealed by comparative genomic analysis. However, how new duplicate genes contribute to phenotypic evolution remains largely unknown, especially in pla

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19.The impact of COVID-19 on urban PM2.5 -taking Hubei Province as an example*

Yang, KWu, CH and Luo, YFeb 1 2022 | ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION 294

In January 2020, China implemented strict lockdown measures due to the invasion of the new coronavirus, which led to a sharp decline in the contribution of anthropogenic fine particulate matter (PM2.5). The special period of COVID-19, especially in Hubei where the epidemic was the most severe, provides excellent research conditions for studying the contribution of anthropogenic activities to PM

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20.Are Highly Stable Covalent Organic Frameworks the Key to Universal Chiral Stationary Phases for Liquid and Gas Chromatographic Separations?

Yuan, CJia, WY; (...); Cui, YJan 19 2022 | Jan 2022 (Early Access) | JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN CHEMICAL SOCIETY 144 (2) , pp.891-900

High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) and gas chromatography (GC) over chiral stationary phases (CSPs) represent the most popular and highly applicable technology in the field of chiral separation, but there are currently no CSPs that can be used for both liquid and gas chromatography simultaneously. We demonstrate here that two olefin-linked covalent organic frameworks (COFs) featuring

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21.LSV-ANet: Deep Learning on Local Structure Visualization for Feature Matching

Chen, JXChen, S; (...); Rao, YJ2022 | IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING 60Enriched Cited References

Feature matching is a fundamental and important task in many applications of remote sensing and photogrammetry. Remote sensing images often involve complex spatial relationships due to the ground relief variations and imaging viewpoint changes. Therefore, using a pre-defined geometrical model will probably lead to inferior matching accuracy. In order to find good correspondences, we propose a s

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22.A Hierarchical Consensus Attention Network for Feature Matching of Remote Sensing Images


Feature matching, referring to establishing high reliable correspondences between two or more scenes with overlapping regions, is of extremely significance to various remote sensing (RS) tasks, such as panorama mosaic and change detection. In this work, we propose an end-to-end deep network for mismatch removal, named hierarchical consensus attention network (HCA-Net), which is one of the criti

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23.Application of nanomaterials in proteomics-driven precision medicine

Zhang, YYang, HN; (...); Zhang, Y2022 | THERANOSTICS 12 (6) , pp.2674-2686Enriched Cited References

Nanostructured devices and nanoparticles have fundamentally reshaped the development of precision healthcare in recent decades. Meanwhile, mass spectrometry (MS)-based proteomics has evolved from simple protein sequencing to a powerful approach that identifies disease patterns and signatures, reveals molecular mechanisms of pathological processes, and develops therapeutic or preventive drugs. S

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