罗汉江的博客 Hanjiang Luo分享 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/u/lhj701 研究兴趣: 物联网、智慧海洋、人工智能、多智能体及强化学习、无人集群协同智能


The meaning of life

已有 4316 次阅读 2010-8-9 15:55 |个人分类:健康|系统分类:生活其它| meaning, goals, healthy

  What is the meaning of life? Why we live? How should we live? Such things sometimes emerge into my mind, especially when I am frustrated by the hardness of the life. 

   I think that the meaning of life is the process of pursuit of the happiness of life. But what is happiness? Happiness is the state of our mind, but what determines the extent of our happiness? There are many things affecting our happiness. Maybe it is a house which we want to buy, a city where we want to live in, a job which we want to have, or a high salary or high position which we want to have in our life.  Or other things such as a healthy body and healthy mind or achievements of ourselves may also affect our feeling of happiness. And sometimes we are unhappy because we compare ourselves to the achievements of others.

   In my opinion, the happiness are not determined by where you are living, what job you are doing, but what your mind towards the world outside. We are not the slaves of the environmnts, even a prisoner in prison has his happiness, or a beggar has his day. The material world surely affects our life, but is not the most important part. The most important thing is yourself, the happiness depends on your attitude toward the life.

   The art of living is enjoying the process of our life. The most precious treasure in our life is time. We consume our "treasure" and harvest happiness. This is the meaning of our life.

   To consume our "treasure" and have the happiness depends on the way of spending time. Everyone has 24 hours each day, and each one has less than 100 years of time. How do you plan to spend your time or your "treasure" and then to harvest happiness?

    My advice:

    1. Keep a healthy body and healthy mind. In order to do that, always do exercises and always keep a positive attitude toward life.

    2. Always have aims in life, set some goals, long term or short term, not very hard one, but the one you can achieve with your hard work.

    3. Always learn something new. Learnig a new computer language or learning a new foreign language.

    4. Always pay more attention and energy to those things which you can change, and accept those things which we can not change.

    5. Balance what you have and what you want.

    6. Don't forget enjoy yourself, some good music or movies may make you relax and a good book may make you reflect yourself.

    7.Try to understand others, especially those people who faces particular struggles and hardships but keep doing things or keep trying and never giving up.


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