已有 4636 次阅读2012-3-19 11:50|系统分类:生活其它|normal, class, face
Soft Matter和Google Scholar很认真、很严谨,佩服!!!
我的Soft Matter那篇文章终于可以被Google Scholar检索了,^_^
Soft Matter编辑部的回信:
Dear Xubo Lin,
Further to your enquiry below, we have now had a response from Google concerning the indexing of your article.
Google need to re-index the entire of the RSC content. This will take a little while, but once they’ve done this your article should be indexed on google scholar. This should happen in the next few weeks.
Best wishes,
Dr Catherine Bacon,
Publishing Editor,
Royal Society of Chemistry, Thomas Graham House,
Science Park, Cambridge, CB4 0WF, UK
Tel +44 (0)1223 432470, Fax +44 (0)1223 420247
Google Scholar的回信:
Hello Lin,
We are sorry to hear that your paper is not indexed in Google Scholar.
Please bear with us as our scholarly search robots are continually
scanning and indexing scholarly papers found in the whole web, so it may
take a while until they discover, process and index a scholarly article.
In the particular case you have provided to us, our robots have already
found the URL
http://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlelanding/2011/sm/c0sm01382j, but
haven't yet processed and indexed it. While we cannot offer any timeline
guarantee, we would expect it to be automatically indexed in a few weeks
from now.
Thank you for your continued interest in Google Scholar, we are
continually working to improve our services and your feedback is very much