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已有 3291 次阅读 2012-4-11 10:00 |个人分类:Its just life|系统分类:科研笔记| 会议







    你打算如何支付此次活动的费用?请尽可能得调查出所有可以免费使用的资源(如捐赠领域),并思考向参加者收取多少费用可以保证在除去各项开销后,你仍有赢余(如果这是一个目标的话)。做一个预算列表,列出你”理想清单”中的主要成本项目——场地租金、员工工资、发言人费用、餐费、标牌费、视听设备费、印刷费、赠品费、及其它额外费用。另外,不要忘了包括销售活动的成本,如建立一个网站的开销,所以要准备10 - 15%余量以防开销超出预算。




    尽可能早地与清单上所列项目的服务供应商展开工作。了解在各种条件下他们所提供的内容,并仔细审查合同和注销政策(例如,你需要知道酒店是否提供A / V设备以及是否支持在会议室使用,还是需要你自带)。如果你需要一个特定的供应商,建议你与目的城市会议与游客管理局协商。



    7. 制定议程




    9. 安排一个"轻松日"


    10. 对项目进行评估




10 Simple Steps to Plan a Successful Conference

My husband is planning a conference right now, and at the same time, I am starting to organize a one-day event. Both of us feel pretty daunted, so I thought it might be helpful to us – and to others – to streamline the process into ten simple steps.

1. Determine the “Why”

Sit down with your partners (if you have them) and talk through the end goal of the conference. Is it to generate revenue? Secure new clients? Get publicity? Keep this goal in mind as you proceed through the rest of the list.

2. Create your wish list

In an ideal world, what would your conference look like? Jot down details such as location, speakers, number and quality of participants, food, and fun activities.

3. Draft a budget

How will you pay for your event? Investigate any resources you can use for free (such as donated space) and what you can charge participants to cover costs and still make a profit (if that is a goal). Make a budget spreadsheet listing the major cost items of your wish list – location rental, staff, speakers, meals, signage, audio/visual equipment, printed materials, giveaways, and fun extras. Don’t forget to include costs for marketing the event, such as a website, and build in a 10 to 15 percent cushion in case expenses run over.

4. Choose practically

Cost will obviously be a factor in choosing where to hold your event and what services to provide, but so will attendance. You want to select a location that is either in the same city as many participants, or close to it.

Your ideal speaker may be Donald Trump, but realistically you probably need to go with a less-pricey option. A resort is certainly appealing, but does it have enough meeting and personal rooms, and will participants enjoy the locale enough to pay a premium?

Consider polling participants from past events like yours to understand what’s most important when attending such a conference and make selections based on this feedback.

5. Work with vendors

Begin working with the service providers of the items in your budget spreadsheet as early as possible. Understand what will be provided in each case, and review contracts and cancellation policies carefully (for instance, you need to know if the hotel will provide A/V equipment and support in its meeting rooms, or if you need to bring that in yourself). If you are in need of a specific vendor, I recommend checking with the Convention and Visitors Bureau in your destination city.

6. Find speakers

Reach out to your network to identify the speaker(s) who will best help you achieve the conference’s objectives and are within your budget (do not ask or expect professional speakers to appear for free). Review demo videos and talk with people who have heard this speaker before. When communicating with a speaker, provide her with ample details so she can customize her remarks to your audience, and make sure you are on top of her travel arrangements and other needs.

7. Set the agenda

Draft a detailed timeline for your conference that starts early (8AM is reasonable) and ends early (4PM). Schedule a mix of formal speakers, small group workshops, and free networking time. Plan to feed your participants every few hours, either with a full meal or a break snack. After the day’s agenda is complete, consider hosting a dinner at a nearby restaurant or local entertainment such as a tour.

8. Market your event

Create a logo and color scheme for your event, and display it on an event website with online registration. Rally your troops to spread the word through e-mail and guest posts in online media targeted to your audience. If appropriate, make use of local event listing websites. Consider offering discounts to organizations that send more than one participant.

9. Plan for a stress-free “Day Of”

Communicate actively with your participants and vendors in advance so they know where to be and what to expect. Get their contact information and make sure they have yours. Tour the facility before your conference begins to make sure your staff is in place and everything is in working order. As things wind down and invoices come in, review them line-by-line so that you can resolve disputes on the spot.

10. Evaluate your event

Now that you are ready to go into the event-planning business full time, let’s see what you can learn for next time. Have your participants fill out a paper or electronic evaluation form and look for common pieces of feedback.


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