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An Efficient Quick Algorithm for Computing Stable Skeletons

已有 5867 次阅读 2010-4-9 17:17 |个人分类:学术论文简介|系统分类:论文交流| Discrete, Skeleton

An Efficient Quick Algorithm for Computing Stable Skeletons

Yang, Xiaojun; Bai, Xiang; Yang, Xingwei; Zeng, Luan. An Efficient Quick Algorithm for Computing Stable Skeletons [C]. 2nd International Congress on Image and Signal Processing, CISP 2009. Tianjin, China, October 17- 19, 2009, pp: 654-658. EI检索号: 20100212631397. [.pdf 文件], [MATLAB code]

内容简介:本文提出了一种快速获取二值图像骨架的算法。首先提取图像轮廓,由离散曲线演化 (Discrete Curve Evolution, DCE) 求取二值图像的轮廓关键点,即轮廓上曲率最大的那些点(角点);然后由每两个轮廓关键点对轮廓分割,利用简单的贪心算法,生长连接两关键点的骨架路径。由于轮廓关键点的稳定性,因此,生成的骨架对噪声不敏感、稳定、保持单像素、无需裁剪等后续处理,并且算法快速高效。算法也能处理中间有孔的图像,即多个轮廓的图像。生成的骨架能够用于图像检索、识别、重建、压缩存储等。

Abstract: A new method to obtain high quality skeletons of binary shapes is proposed in this paper. First, a small set of salient contour points is computed by Discrete Curve Evolution (DCE). These salient points are the stable endpoints of the skeleton. Second, the skeleton is grown between pairs of the endpoints. Examining every eight-connected point of the current skeleton points, Selecte the point, that have equal distance to the contour parts which are partitioned by the two endpoints, as the new skeleton point. The skeleton path continues growing in this way until it reaches the other endpoint or another skeleton branch. The main idea is that the skeleton points are always the center of the maximal disks, and the endpoints of the skeleton are those contour points with high global curvature which is stable to noise and shape variations. The obtained skeletons are in accord with human visual perception and stable, also connected and one pixel thick. They do not require any pruning or any other post-processing. The experimental results clearly demonstrate that the proposed method significantly outperforms other well-known methods for skeleton computation.



图 1. 论文的基本思想(idea)

图 2. 后两个图是本文的实验结果


图 3. 航天器的骨架

图 4. 中文字符的骨架, 最后一个为本文的结果


                    (a)                            (b)                         (c)                                (d)                               (e)

图 5. 与其他方法的比较分析。其中: (b) 是IEEE Transaction on Image Processing 2006 的结果, (c) 是EMMCVPR 2007 的结果, (d) 是PRICAI 2008 的结果, (e) 是本文结果.

图 6. 对噪声的鲁棒性

论文全文下载: .pdf 文件



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