1986年诺贝尔化学奖获得者杜德利·赫希巴赫(Dudley Herschbach)在回顾他自己的科学生涯的文章中(Annu. Rev. Phys. Chem., 51,1-39,2000.)有这样一段话:
In his book Imagined Worlds, Freeman Dyson asserts that newdirections inscience are launched by new tools much more often than by new concepts. Hesays, “The effect of a concept-driven revolution is to explain old things innew ways. The effect of a tool-driven revolution is to discover new things thathave to be explained.” I would add that new tools or methods often emerge froma symbiotic interaction of old tools and concepts in fresh combinations.That isa good reason for young scientists to learn something about the historicaldevelopment of their field. (试译:(理论物理学家)Freeman Dyson在他的Imagined Worlds一书中宣称,科学中新的方向更多地是由新的科学研究工具而不是由新的概念所带来的。他说“由概念所推动的革命是用新的方式解释已有的事物,而由工具所推动的革命则是去发现必须得到解释的新的事物”。我需要补充的是新的工具或者方法是通过旧的工具和方法以崭新的方式共生相互作用而产生的。这正是年轻科学家去了解自己领域的历史发展的好的理由。
Dyson在Imagined Worlds一书中是这样说的(Freeman Dyson,Imagined Worlds, HarvardUniversityPress,1997. pp.49-50.):
There are two kinds of scientific revolutions, those driven by new toolsand those driven by new concepts. Thomas Kuhn in his famous book, The Structureof Scientific Revolutions, talked almost exclusively about concepts and hardlyat all about tools. His idea of a scientific revolution is based on a singleexample, the revolution in theoretical physics that occurred in the 1920s withthe advent of quantum mechanics. This was a prime example of a concept-drivenrevolution. Kuhn's book was so brilliantly written that it became an instantclassic. It misled a whole generation of students and historians of scienceinto believing that all scientific revolutions are concept driven. The conceptdriven revolutions are the ones that attract the most attention and have thegreatest impact on the public awareness of science, but in fact they arecomparatively rare. In the last 500 years, in addition to the quantummechanical revolution that Kuhn took as his model, we have had six majorconcept driven revolutions, associated with the names of Copernicus, Newton,Darwin, Maxwell, Freud, and Einstein. During the same period there have beenabout twenty tool-driven revolutions, not so impressive to the general publicbut of equal importance to the progress of science. Two prime examples oftool-driven revolutions are the Galilean revolution resulting from the use ofthe telescope in astronomy, and the Crick-Watson revolution resulting from theuse of X ray diffraction to determine the structure of big molecules inbiology.
The effect of a concept-driven revolution is to explain old things in newways. The effect of a tool-driven revolution is to discover new things thathave to be explained. In almost every branch of science, and especially inbiology and astronomy, there has been a preponderance of tool-drivenrevolutions. We have been more successful in discovering new things than inexplaining old ones. In recent times my own field of physics has had greatsuccess in creating new tools that have started revolutions in biology andastronomy. Physics has been less successful in creating new concepts with whichto understand its own discoveries.
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