Capillary pericytes regulate cerebral blood flow in health and disease..pdf
a, As vasodilators released from active neurons andtheir associated astrocytes (1) diffuse through the brain, they encounterpericytes before arteriole smooth muscle (2) because neurons are closer tocapillaries than to arterioles31. This may partly explain why capillariesdilate before arterioles (Fig. 3). Pericyte dilation may spread to arteriolesmooth muscle by current flow or [Ca2+]i changes passing through gap junctions(3). b, Oxygen-dependent signalling pathways regulating vessel diameter(adapted from ref. 13). Neuronal activity leads to the generation of nitricoxide (NO) and arachidonic acid. Arachidonic acid (AA) is converted into PGE2,which dilates vessels via EP4 receptors, but also into the vasoconstrictor20-HETE. Production of 20-HETE is inhibited by NO. Together these pathwaysregulate capillary diameter (Fig. 1). Larger dilations to glutamate in low [O2]may reflect less production of 20-HETE from arachidonic acid. c, In ischaemia,the decrease of ATP concentration leads to a rise of [Ca2+]i in pericytes. Thisresults in some of them contracting and constricting capillaries1, which willprevent the passage of white and red blood cells. Most pericytes then die (Figs4 and 5). Death of pericytes in rigor will produce a long-lasting decrease ofcerebral blood flow, and reduce the ability of the microvasculature to increaseblood flow in response to neuronal activity.
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