最近来自中国人民解放军海军总医院的学者研究发现,连续3月氢水对慢性尼古丁暴露导致的动物精子和睾丸氧化应激损伤具有理想的保护作用,而传统的抗氧化维生素,如VC、VE均没有这样的作用。该研究将60只小鼠随机分成6组,分别是(1)对照组,(2)尼古丁组,每日4.5 mg/kg皮下注射3个月。(3)氢治疗组,每日皮下尼古丁注射,腹腔注射氢气饱和生理盐水。(4)维生素C组(60 mg/kg/天ip)。(5)维生素E组(100 mg/kg/天ip)。
研究结果(见上)表明,氢气对吸烟导致的男性生育能力下降和睾丸损伤具有潜在的应用前景。该论文最近在线发表在Journal of assistedreproduction and genetics。
Long-termtreatment of hydrogen-rich saline abates testicular oxidative stress induced bynicotine in mice.
Li S, LuD , Zhang Y , Zhang Y .
Department of Pharmacy, Navy General Hospital, No. 6Fucheng Road, Beijing, 100048, People's Republic of China.
The present study was designed to test the hypothesis that long-term treatmentwith hydrogen-rich saline abated testicular oxidative stress induced bynicotine in mice. The effects of hydrogen-rich saline (6 ml/kg, i.p.),vitamin C (60 mg/kg, i.p.) and vitamin E (100 mg/kg, i.p.) onreproductive system and testicular oxidative levels in nicotine-treated(4.5 mg/kg, s.b.) mice were investigated. It was found that vitamin C andvitamin E attenuated serum oxidative level, but did not lower testicularoxidative levels in mice subjected to chronic nicotine treatment, and did notimprove the male reproductive damage and apoptosis induced by nicotine.Different from normal antioxidants, vitamin C and vitamin E, hydrogen-richsaline abated oxidative stress in testis, and protected againstnicotine-induced male reproductive damages. Our results first demonstrated thatlong-term treatment with hydrogen-rich saline attenuated testicular oxidativelevel and improved male reproductive function in nicotine-treated mice.
PMID: 24221909 [ - ]
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