市场上的电解水有两类,一是用直流电电解,另一种是用金属镁与水反应,两种方法都能产生弱碱性水,都同时可产生氢气,区别是后者可释放Mg2+, 使用更方便,例如日本的水素水棒就是这类产品,要注意这两类水都是因为氢气能溶解在水中,才是发挥治疗作用的关键。治疗作用与酸碱平衡没有丝毫关系,因为只要把水用酸中和,效果应该是同样,没有这样的对照实验,不能随便下结论。尽管在日本和东南亚已经有很多人使用了这种保健水,但关于这个水的研究目前仍不是非常充分,特别是长期使用是不是可对人体产生不利影响,尽管从理论上分析,产生副作用的可能性比较小,但不能说没有,因为目前尚没有任何实验证据。这方面绝对是需要我们警惕的。
Studies on the Properties and Real Existence of Aqueous Solution Systems that are Assumed to Have Antioxidant Activities by the Action of Hydrogen
Atsushi Hiraoka,*, a Masumi Takemoto,a Takahiro Suzuki,a Atsuko Shinohara,b
Momoko Chiba,b Mika Shirao,c and Yoshihiro Yoshimurad
(Received March 2, 2004; Accepted June 9, 2004)
We evaluated the properties and real existence of an electrolyzed-reduced water, which we prepared, and three commercially purchased water goods, that are advertised to have antioxidant activities by the action of “active hydrogen,” on the basis of the results of examinations for inhibitory effects on the oxidative reactions of biomolecules, quantitative analyses of the minerals, and the ESR spectral data in measurement of the scavenging ability for reactive oxygen species. The results suggested that all of the examined aqueous solution systems undoubtedly have antioxidant activities in vitro and that such effects are derived from ordinary molecular hydrogen (hydrogen gas) and/or (a) reductive vanadium ion(s). “Active hydrogen” seems to be absent as an effective component of the antioxidant activities of these aqueous solution systems.
: Oncol Res. 2008;17(6):247-55.
Cell-Death Control BioTechnology Laboratory, Faculty of Life and Environmental Sciences, Prefectural University of Hiroshima, Hiroshima 727-0023, Japan.
The properties and effects of neutral pH hydrogen-enriched electrolyzed water (NHE water) on tumor cells were examined. NHE water diminished hydroxyl radicals as demonstrated by ESR in a cell-free system. Human tongue carcinoma cells HSC-4 were inhibited for either colony formation efficiencies or colony sizes by NHE water without significant inhibition to normal human tongue epithelial-like cells DOK. Furthermore, NHE water caused growth inhibition, cell degeneration, and inhibition of invasion through the reconstituted basement membrane to human fibrosarcoma cells HT-1080. Intracellular oxidants such as hydroperoxides and hydrogen peroxides were scavenged in HSC-4 or HT-1080 cells by NHE water. In the human oral cavity, a dissolved hydrogen concentrations (DH) of NHE water was drastically declined from 1.1 to 0.5 ppm, but settled to 0.3-0.4 ppm until 180 s, upon static holding without gargling. Thus, NHE water was shown to achieve tumor-preferential growth inhibition and tumor invasion together with scavenging of intracellular oxidants, and is expected as a preventive material against tumor progression and invasion
Figure 1. A structure of an NHE water production device. (a) Tap water inlet; (b) electrolysis tank equipped with three
platinum-plating titanium electrodes; (c) electrolysis gas; (d) electrolytically produced hydrogen gas is collected; (e) high pressure compressed activated carbon block, (f) the hydrogen gas that is dissolved in water is once stored up in a high-pressure compressed activated carbon block; (g) NHE water is taken out.
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