西江河畔分享 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/u/qhhuangscut 专注电力系统研究,对信息技术和系统科学的应用感兴趣。



已有 6070 次阅读 2013-11-14 14:40 |个人分类:科研天地|系统分类:论文交流| 科技论文, 人文关怀

今天读到 Bimal K.  Bose (IEEE life Fellow) 很早前(1993)的一篇review 文章  

《VARIABLE FREQUENCY DRIVES  - TECHNOLOGY AND APPLICATIONS 》, 第一次看到这么特别、充满人文关怀的科技论文结尾,特在此分享,节选如下:

”Before concluding, it is perhaps not irrelevant  to mention

that power electronics and drives, and in general, science and

technology have greatly benefited  so  far only a  handful  of

industrial nations  on earth  leaving behind the  majority  of

nations  underdeveloped  and struggling for survival.  It  is

unfortunate that with so  much resources on earth  and with

the availability  of  tools of  modern  science and  technology,

there  is so  much  sufferings on  earth,  and  more than  85%

people  in the world struggle with hunger  and disease. With

the  vanishing barriers  of  geographical distance,

communication, culture and language  in this  tiny planet, we

are  increasingly  becoming  dependent  on each other  in

everyday  life. In our global society,  the affluent nations can

no longer live in islands, ignoring the sufferings of  poor and

unprivileged neighbours. We need to help each other so  that

poverty and sufferings  are banished from earth and healthy

environment  is  created so that  every  individual  can  be

productive with the  best of  his  capability for greater  benefit

of the  humanity. “


下一篇:What is reactive power ?(如何定义/解释无功功率)
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