


已有 1950 次阅读 2021-5-3 22:59 |个人分类:科学感想|系统分类:科研笔记


据《市场营销杂志》(Journal of Marketing)上的一篇新论文,那是因为这些学术论文很难读懂。很难读懂是因为写得不清楚。当读者不理解一篇文章时,他们不太可能去阅读它,更不可能去吸收它并受它的思想影响。(When readers do not understand an article, they are unlikely to read it, much less absorb it and be influenced by its ideas)

虽然学术文章的作者熟悉他们的主题,方法和结果。然而,作者往往忘记或根本没有意识到,潜在的读者(如博士生、其他子学科的学者、专业人士等)对研究的复杂性不太熟悉,这种现象被称为知识诅咒。(Authors, however, often forget or simply do not realize that potential readers (e.g., PhD students, scholars in other sub-disciplines, practicing professionals, etc.) are less familiar with the intricacies of the research, a phenomenon called the curse of knowledge.)

为什么写不清楚?因为它太多抽象名词,太多技术术语,太多被动语态。虽然学者们需要使用一些抽象名词、技术性术语、被动语态来写作。但问题是,他们往往没有意识到过度使用这些做法。当写作尽是抽象名词、技术性术语、被动语态时,读者就很难理解它。(Why does most academic research fail to make an impact? The reason is that many ideas in scholarly research get lost in an attic of abstract, technical, and passive prose. Scholars need to use some abstract, technical, and passive writing. The problem is that they tend to overuse these practices without realizing it.)


 Instead of describing "spilled coffee" and "one-star Yelp reviews," scholars discuss "expectation-disconfirmation" and "post-purchase behavior." 

Instead of writing "policies that let firms do what they want have increased the gap between the rich and the poor," scholars write sentences like, "The rationalization of free-market capitalism has been resultant in the exacerbation of inequality." 

Instead of stating, "We studied how liberal and conservative consumers respond when brands post polarizing messages on social media," they write, "The interactive effects of ideological orientation and corporate sociopolitical activism on owned media engagement were studied."

Instead of describing "spilled coffee" and "one-star Yelp reviews," scholars discuss "expectation-disconfirmation" and "post-purchase behavior." 

Instead of writing "policies that let firms do what they want have increased the gap between the rich and the poor," scholars write sentences like, "The rationalization of free-market capitalism has been resultant in the exacerbation of inequality." 

Instead of stating, "We studied how liberal and conservative consumers respond when brands post polarizing messages on social media," they write, "The interactive effects of ideological orientation and corporate sociopolitical activism on owned media engagement were studied."

Three ways to improve scholarly writing to get more citations

Three ways to improve scholarly writing to get more citations -- ScienceDaily

  1. Nooshin L. Warren, Matthew Farmer, Tianyu Gu, Caleb Warren. EXPRESS: Marketing Ideas: How to Write Research Articles that Readers Understand and CiteJournal of Marketing, 2021; 002224292110035 DOI: 10.1177/00222429211003560

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