职业编辑出版人,开放存取倡导者分享 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/u/wangyk Visiting Scholar at University of Minnesota,PhD at Peking University, Bachelor & Master Degree at Northwest A&F University



已有 3742 次阅读 2011-10-20 11:34 |个人分类:学术交流|系统分类:科研笔记| 农业工程, 重庆, CIGR, CSAE, 开幕式致辞



Wang Yingkuan

Beijing, China

October 20, 2011



International Commission

of Agricultural and Biological Engineering(CIGR)


Congratulations and Best Wishes to CSAE


Dr Bill Stout, Past and Honorary President CIGR


Nihau! Good Morning! Presidents Zhu Ming, Luo Xiwen, Wang Maohua, distinguished guests, and all the participants here today. Speaking as a Past President of CIGR, it is my pleasure and honor to bring you greetings from current CIGR President Dr Fedro Zazueta and Incoming President Dr Dawen Sun. They join me in offering their congratulations and wishing CSAE a productive and successful conference.


As you all know, CSAE and CSAM are the official Chinese members of CIGR. We value your great contribution to CIGR and to the agricultural engineering profession around the world. CIGR now has about 95 country members. China is one of the leading members. Remember in 2004 when CSAE and CSAM hosted the very successful International CIGR Conference in Beijing attended by about 1000 Agricultural Engineers from China and around the world. In 2010, the CIGR Journal moved to China and Dr Wang Yingkuan became the Editor-in-Chief. In June, 2010, a delegation of about 80 Chinese agricultural engineers participated in the 17th CIGR World Congress held in Quebec, Canada.  Currently, the CIGR Technical and Executive Boards include seven Chinese representatives. I invite you to visit the CIGR website at www.CIGR.org for all the details.


And last, but not least, you are all invited to participate in the 18th CIGR World Congress to be held three years for now, September 16-19, 2014 in Beijing. See you there!


Once again, congratulations and best wishes to CSAE for a successful conference here in Chongqing the next three days. I look forward to participating with you.






比尔. 斯道特博士,CIGR前主席、名誉主席








众所周知,中国农业工程学会和中国农业机械学会是国际农业工程学会正式的中国国家会员。我们很重视中国对CIGR和全世界农业工程行业的贡献。CIGR现有95个国家会员。中国是最重要的领导成员之一。可曾记得,中国农业工程学会和中国农业机械学会联合在北京举办了一次非常成功的CIGR国际学术会议,吸引了来自中国和世界各地的1000多名农业工程专家与会。2010年初,国际农业与生物工程学会会刊CIGR Journal迁入中国,王应宽博士就任主编。20106月,大约有80位中国代表参加了在加拿大魁北克召开的CIGR17次世界大会,其中中国农业工程学会组织了44人的代表团参会。目前,在国际农业与生物工程学会的执委会和专业技术委员会中,有7位中国专家担任委员,占有8个职位。我请大家访问CIGR的官方网站www.CIGR.org 了解更多详情。








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