How American Universities Became Successful?
By Juyang Weng
This subject is too complex to be fully discussed in this short article. However, the scientific reason of the success is the same as the developmental success of the UnitedStates of America, and other developed countries.
I provide in the following some documented realregulations whose full and thorough execution are critical for the success for any university and college. They are bylaws of universities, colleges, and departments. Note that none of the document states which ism is the ism that must be stick to and what party is the leading party.
Let me just give an example. The first document on Academic Freedom andtenure of AAUP looks like it will produce a faculty who does not work hard. However, this policy gives each tenured faculty the necessary environment for him to dare to work on a risky research subject that has a potential to make his university and college well known -- high impact.
Chinese universities currently use shortsighted and unscientific research evaluation criteria that are based on tables for journal zones and conference zones of discriminative nature, the number of papers, and the amount of researchmoney. Such an environment forces the faculty to work on quick papers so as to fit the number of papers required, and look for labor-work contracts that pay university more money. Those who work on high impact research will take too long to survive. See, e.g., “My Ten Years of Suffering at Fudan University: Pushing to Reform the Research Environment Questioned by Qian Xuesheng” (in Chinese) http://blog.sciencenet.cn/blog-395089-834977.html.
In summary, the reasons behind the success of university in the United States of American and in other developed countries are the same as the reasons why the U.S. and other developed countries are developed: Effective checks-and-balances of government powers in each country as a global environment plus the checks-and-balances of the administrative powers in each university as a local environment. I do not mean that the regulations that I provided below are perfect (e.g., see my comments below). Although China has more research money and more people working on research, the main land China must improve the both environments as quickly as possible.
1. Recommended Institutional Regulations on Academic Freedom and Tenure of AAUP
2. Bylaws of University of Michigan
3. Faculty Governance at the University of Michigan
4. Faculty Handbook of University of Michigan
5. Grievance Procedure of University of Michigan (I do not recommend that of MSU because of a major flaw: How MSU Lacks Due Process: A Bylaw Perspective, http://www.brain-mind-magazine.org/read.php?file=BMM-V2-N2-a5-Masfis-a.pdf)
6. CSE Graduate Handbook of Michigan State University
7. Graduate Program of EECS of University of Michigan
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