wengjuyang的个人博客分享 http://blog.sciencenet.cn/u/wengjuyang 美国密歇根州立大学计算机科学工程系教授、复旦大学长江讲座教授



已有 3476 次阅读 2020-4-24 04:02 |系统分类:科研笔记| 图灵奖, 人工智能, 科研伦理

In addition to plagiarism in the last episode, here is yet another worse problem with the latest Turing Award 2018: Fraud.  I raise this example publicly here so that we can conduct a fruitful academic discussion.  By conducting the discussion, we are exercising our basic rights for freedom of speech as well as academic freedom. 




Under William-Webster online dictionary, the definition of fraud is “intentional perversion of truth in order to induce another to part with something of value or to surrender a legal right”.




U.S. Federal Criminal Code, Title 18, Code § 1341.  Frauds and swindles reads, “Whoever, having devised or intending to devise any scheme or artifice to defraud, or for obtaining money or property by means of false or fraudulent pretenses, representations, or promises …”




Did Turing Awards 2018 go to fraud?  Has the work of Turing Prize 2018 violated the Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct (CEPC) of the granting organization ACM?  ACM CEPC code stipulates: “1.3: Making deliberately false or misleading claims, fabricating or falsifying data, …, and other dishonest conduct are violations of the Code.”



2018图灵奖是否给了欺诈2018年图灵奖的工作是否违反了授予组织ACM道德与职业行为准则CEPC)?ACM CEPC准则规定“ 1.3故意做出虚假或误导性主张捏造或伪造数据……以及其他不诚实行为均违反了准则


I invite the reader to judge by himself, and provide his comments on my Facebook page,  whether the ACM Turing Award 2018 went to fraud.   This episode has three claims, Falsification of Data, making misleading claims, and fraud, respectively.  As plagiarism in the last episode is Claim 1, let us number these three Claims by 2, 3 and 4, respectively.


我邀请读者自己判断并在我的Facebook页面上发表评论ACM 2018Turi图灵奖是否涉及欺诈这一集有三个主张分别是数据造假误导性声明和欺诈由于一集中的抄袭对应了主张1我们将这三个主张分别编号为主张234


As the problems involve not only Turing Award 2018, but also the prize money provider Alphabet/Google, let me name the respondents explicitly below: 




Respondents:Geoffrey Hinton, Yann LeCun, Yoshua Bengio, and Alphabet/Google.


被告Geoffrey HintonYann LeCun,Yoshua BengioAlphabet/谷歌公司


Claim 2: Falsification of Data




Violations of CEPC 1.3: “… Making deliberately false or misleading claims, fabricating or falsifying data, …”   


违反CEPC 1.3:“ ...... 故意做出虚假或误导性主张,捏造或伪造数据...... 


Claim 2 on Alphabet/Google mounts to unfair methods of competition that are unlawful per 15 U.S. Code § 45 (a) (1): “Unfair methods of competition … affecting commerce, and unfair or deceptive acts or practices … affecting commerce, are hereby declared unlawful.”


主张2根据15美国法典§45(a)(1),Alphabet / 谷歌采用不公平竞争手法是属非法的:不公平竞争手法......影响商业,以及不公平或欺骗性行为或做法......影响商业,特此宣布为非法。”



In the Turing Award announcement of ACM, under “Select Technical Accomplishments,”   


- all three “accomplishments” of Hinton (backpropagation, Boltzmann Machines, Improvements to CNN),


- Hinton的所有三个“成就”(反向传播,玻尔兹曼机,对CNN的改进),


- all the three “accomplishments” of Bengio (probabilistic models of sequences using neural networks, high-dimensional word embeddings and attention, generative adversarial networks) and


- Bengio的所有三个“成就”(使用神经网络的序列概率模型,高维词嵌入和注意,生成对抗网络)以及

- all the three “accomplishments” of LeCun (CNN, improving backpropagation, broadening the vision of neural networks) have violated CEPC 1.3.


- LeCun的所有三个“成就”(CNN,改进了反向传播,拓宽神经网络的视野)都违反了CEPC 1.3


Why?  The Respondents used training data sets as testing data sets, explained below.  This behavior amounts to deliberately false claims, misleading claims, fabricating reported data, and falsifying performance data.   See above CEPC 1.3 statements.  


为什么?如下所述被告将训练数据集用作测试数据集这种行为意味着故意做虚假声明,误导性声明,假造报告数据以及伪造性能数据。参见上文CEPC 1.3声明。


What does the Claimant mean by “using training sets as testing sets”?




The only major technical difference between Cresceptron in [P1] to [P3] 


Cresceptron [P1][P3]


[P1]  J. Weng, N. Ahuja and T. S. Huang, “Cresceptron: a self-organizing neural network which grows adaptively,” in Proc.Int'l Joint Conference on Neural Networks, Baltimore, Maryland, vol. 1, pp. 576-581, June 1992.


[P2] J. Weng, N. Ahuja and T. S. Huang, “Learning recognition and segmentation of 3-D objects from 2-D images,” in Proc. 4th International Conf. Computer Vision (ICCV), Berlin, Germany, pp. 121-128, May 1993.

[P3] J. Weng, N. Ahuja and T. S. Huang, “Learning recognition and segmentation using the Cresceptron,” International Journal of Computer Vision (IJCV), vol. 25, no. 2, pp. 105-139, Nov. 1997.

and the Respondents’ work [P4] to [P6] 

与被告[P4] [P6]


[P4] A. Krizhevsky, I. Sutskever and G. Hinton, ImageNet Classification with Deep Convolutional Neural Networks, Advances in Neural Information Processing 25, pp. 1106-1114, 2012, MIT Press, Cambridge, MA.

[P5] Y. LeCun and L. Bengio and G. Hinton, Deep Learning, Nature, vol. 521, pp. 436-444, 2015.


[P6] Y. LeCun, L. Bottou, and Y. Bengio, and P. Haffner, Gradient-Based Learning Applied to Document Recognition, Proc. of the IEEE, vol. 86, no. 11, Nov. 1998. 




and others from the Respondents was the following:  Cresceptron uses unsupervised Hebbian learning (with position blurring) which (similar to multi-level nearest neighbor from samples) does not have the well-known local minima problem.  But the Respondents used error backpropagation based on “gradient descent” which only reaches a local minimum.   The local minimum is not in a low-dimensional space, but in an extremely high-dimensional space.  The fraudulent “solution” that was reported by the Respondents is in fact found by implicitly using the test set as a training set, called post-selectionbelow:  




The Respondents tried many networks each was initialized with a random set of weights, corresponding to a random starting position in a hilly terrain, and each reached a local-minimum.   Among many local-minimum networks, the Respondents picked (post-selection) a luckiest network whose error happened to be the smallest using the test set.  Namely, the training stage consists of two substages, (1) finding local minima for many networks and (2) select the network with smallest error using the training set among the many networks.   Namely, the test set was explicitly used in the second substage of the training stage. This corresponds to using the test set as a training set, although used in a way different from the training set. However, such a luckiest network does not do well for new and unobserved data.  If a validation set is used (e.g., in ImageNet Contest), the validation set is used for finding local minima.  The same fraud still exists because the post-selection still uses the test set.  


被告尝试了许多网络,每个网络都使用一组随机的权重进行初始化,每个网路对应于丘陵地形中的一个随机起始位置,并且每个网络都达到了局部最小值点。从许多局部最小网络中,被告选择(后选择)那个最幸运的网络,其误差碰巧是用测试集检测为最小的。即,训练阶段包括两个子阶段,(1)为许多网络找到局部最小值点,(2)使用训练集从许多网络中选出误差最小的网络。即,在训练阶段的第二子阶段中确切使用了测试集。这对应了将测试集用作训练集,尽管与训练集的使用方法不同。但是,这个最幸运的网络对于新的和未观察到的数据而言效果不佳。如果使用了验证集(例如在ImageNet竞赛中)验证集只是用来找局部最小值点。 由于后选择还是用测试集,因此仍然存在着相同的欺诈行为。


See Life is Science (10) and (15) on Claimant’s Facebook 2017 for further discussion on other types of data falsification in the construction of ImageNet data sets themselves. 



How did Li Fei-Fei and others hand picked images? There have been no published information about the manual selection of the ImageNet data set because of the lack of transparency.  However, we can know her behaviors from the paper, Li Fei-Fei, Rob Fergus, and Pie Perona, Learning generative visual models from few training examples: an incremental Bayesian approach tested on 101 object categories. IEEE Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), Workshop on Generative-Model Based Vision. 2004.  I quote from section III.A, line 8 of that paper:Two graduate students not associated with the experiment then sorted through each category, mostly getting rid of irrelevant images (e.g. a zebra-patterned shirt for the zebra category).”


李飞飞和其他人如何手工挑选图像?由于缺乏透明度,尚未发布有关手动选择ImageNet数据集的信息。但是我们可以从Li Fei-FeiRob FergusPietro Perona的论文Learning generative visual models from few training examples: an incremental Bayesian approach tested on 101 object categories. IEEE Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR), Workshop on Generative-Model Based Vision. 2004) 得知她的行为我引用这篇文章的第III.A节第8行:“与此实验无关的两名研究生对每个类别进行了筛选,主要是丢弃了不相关的图像(例如,斑马图案衬衫因为已有了斑马类)。”

Below, to facilitate citation, my evidence items are coded by claim number first, followed by the index of each evidence. 




Evidence 2.1: Local minima in gradient descent.  Error backprogation follows a well-known mathematical technique, called gradient descent; it is a solution-search method which finds a local height minimum on a high-dimensional hilly terrain. The dimensionality of the terrain world for a neural network is the number of network weights, which is much larger than the number 3 is our 3D world.  The height of the terrain corresponds to the estimated cost of the current searched point as a candidate solution.  Gradient descent means wherever the search point is now, the search steps down in the direction where the slope is steepest.  The height of the terrain is estimated from the training data set (validation set).  Intuitively, this way finds only a locally minimum solution in the estimated cost because a local valley typically does not contain the global minimum of the estimated cost on the entire hilly terrain.  Even if you use many networks, each of which starts from a random starting point, the lowest-local-minimum network among all these networks is not necessarily the true minimum of the test set becausethe height is an estimated height from only the training data set (training set and validation set).   




Evidence 2.2: The terrain of the test data set is at least considerably different from that of the training data set.  This is especially true for AI problems, because a learning system must generalize from a training data set and be tested on an unknown testing sets.  Using the testing sets to select a solution from many (network) solutions is a pure cheating. The Claimant does not mean that the gradient decent method itself is a cheating, but the use of a testing sets during post-selection as a way to find a solution (network) is a cheating.




Evidence 2.3: The curse of dimensionality. Furthermore, there is an even severe issue in AI problems, known as "the curse of dimensionality".  Here is a classical example for an AI professor who teaches the number of local minima in a high dimensional space:

Suppose each dimension as only 10 local minima. 

Then a 2-parameter space has 102local minima.

A 3-parameter space has 103local minima.


A 14-parameter space has 1014local minima.

Stop!  1014 is already roughly the number of neurons in the human brain!

However, the number of parameters in the vision networks of Respondents is not 14, but instead several millions at least.   That is the main reason why the Respondents must try a huge number of randomly initialized local-minima-networks to find a lucky network.











Evidence 2.4: The slide with the title “backpropagation algorithm” in Hinton’s June 23, 2019 Award talk, did not reveal a huge number of random networks must be used for the “backpropagation algorithm”.  During his next slide titled “How to learn many layers of features” at the same talk, Hinton made a false or misleading claim: “statistical gradient descent, even though it has no real rights to work, actually works very well.”  He purposefully did not mention the post-selection using test data.




The primary reason the “backpropagation algorithm” showed a small superficial error was because a huge number of random networks must be tried and all were discarded except the one which was reported.  When selecting the best network, the testing data set was used as a training data set; this methodology is simply misleading and ethically wrong.    




Evidence 2.5: Using the test set of MNIST data as training set, Dr. LeCun used a huge number of networks to find a smallest error through as many as 22 variations of CNN networks, from 10000*1.7%=170 errors down to 1000*0.53%=53 errors.  LeCun reported 23 errors by Juergen Schmidhuber in CVPR 2012 which suffer from the same data falsification problem using LSTM.  


证据2.5LeCun博士使用MNIST数据的测试集作为训练集,使用大量网络通过多达22CNN网络变体找最小的错误点(从10000 * 1.7= 170错误降至1000 *0.53= 53个错误。)LeCun报告了Juergen SchmidhuberCVPR 2012中报告的23个错误,这些使用LSTM的工作有着相同的数据造假问题。


However, Chris Adami and his postdoc David Knoester at the BEACON Center of MSU has reached only 7 errors on the same test set, over 3 times of reduction from the LeCun-reported lowest 23!  See http://yann.lecun.com/exdb/mnist/index.html


然而,Chris Adami和他的MSU BEACON中心的博士后David Knoester在同一测试集上仅发生了7个错误,比LeCun报告的最低23个错误小3倍!参见http://yann.lecun.com/exdb/mnist/index.html


The more degrees of freedom one has in the parameters of his networks, the smaller the superficial error he can find, of course, using the test set as a training set as long as one can screen many random networks!   Anyone who fully understands what was truly going on will not be surprised if somebody else comes up with a network which reaches a zero error by using the MNIST test set as a training set.




Can such a lucky-network-out-of-many be applied well to new data?  Of course not.   Therefore, Dr. LeCun’s methodology is technically wrong.




Evidence 2.6: The Claimant and his students have demonstrated this well-known but rarely reported CNN phenomenon.  See, for example, 




[P7] Z. Zheng and J. Weng, “Mobile Device Based Outdoor Navigation With On-line Learning Neural Network: a Comparison with Convolutional Neural Network,” in Proc. 7th Workshop on Computer Vision in Vehicle Technology (CVVT 2016) at CVPR 2016, Las Vegas, pp. 11-18, June 26, 2016. 


A large number of random CNNs networks were necessary to find a lucky CNN trained with error backpropagation, but this “finding” stage uses the test set.  Namely, the testing set was used as a training set for CNN.  




In contrast, much-advanced after Cresceptron, a very different kind of neural networks called Developmental Networks (DN), needs onlyone network to reach the statistically optimal network (in the sense of maximum likelihood) in onlyone epoch through onlythe training set! This property was mathematically proved by Weng 2015 [P8] and included also in Weng’s book [P9] (Theorems 6.1-6.3). 


相比之下, Cresceptron之后进步了很多的一种称为发育网(DN)的神经网络只需一个网络经过训练集一次就可以达到统计上最优的网络(最大似然估计)该性质已在Weng 2015 [P8]中得到数学证明,并且也包含在Weng的书[P9]中(定理6.1-6.3)。


[P8]  J. Weng, “Brain as an Emergent Finite Automaton: A Theory and Three Theorems.” International Journal of Intelligence Science, vol. 5, no. 2, pp. 112-131, January 2015.

[P9]  J. Weng,  Natural and Artificial Intelligence: Introduction to Computational Brain-Mind, BMI Press, Second Edition, ISBN: 978-0-9858757-1-8, pp. 465, 2019.


In other words, whatever random weights a DN uses, all random weights are performance-equivalent in the resulting DN network!  Intuitively, inside DN, at each time, the random initial weighs only affect which neuron to be the winner in competition, but every winner neuron does the same thing. 




Experimentally, see [P10], Fig. 7(1) and (b).  A lack of clear logic inside all neural networks trained with gradient descent (i.e., black box) is the most basic reason for such a stark contrast between a CNN and a DN, shown in Fig. 7 of [P10].  



[P10] Z. Zheng and J. Weng, “Mobile Device Based Outdoor Navigation With On-line Learning Neural Network: a Comparison with Convolutional Neural Network,” in Proc. 7th Workshop on Computer Vision in Vehicle Technology (CVVT 2016) at CVPR 2016, Las Vega, pp. 11-18, June 26, 2016.


Evidence 2.7: Use of a validation set does not change the nature of the falsification problems because the validation set is often very similar to the test set.   Apparently most papers of machine learning do not use a validation data set. Because the ground truth is available to the authors (e.g., like during ImageNet Contest), they can report only the lucky network which has the minimum error on the ground truth even if they use a validation set!  




Similarly, human tampering into the network internal structure and parameters (such as LSTM) is like a human chess player with computer assistance.




A well-known step in pattern recognition called cross validation should be used, although it only alleviates the bias between a training set and a validation set.  The cross-validation only switches the role between the training set and the testing set but does not eliminate the falsification of both data sets themselves such as in the ImageNet Contest.  Unfortunately, the performance reporting method of the ImageNet Contest does not even use the well known cross-validation.  Therefore, not only both data sets of ImageNet were falsified (recall the above example of “zebra” and “stripe shirts”), the manual partition between the training set and the test set is also biased (i.e., absence of cross validation). 




In contrast, with DN, each network “life” must be trained, tested, and reported, throughout its “lifetime”.  Yet, each network “life” is optimal for its “life experience”.




Evidence 2.8: July 10, 2012 ImageNet Test images (ground truth) were released.  The training set contains validation data sets.   The deadline for submission was September 30, 2012.  Namely, the ground truth was available to all the contestants for an extended period, 70 days, leaving the teams sufficient time if some teams decided to assign team members to hand-label test sets.  The Claimant does not yet have direct evidence of how many ImageNet teams actually hand-labeled the test sets, but it is not sufficiently responsible for the ImageNet organizers to manage the tests this way.  




Evidence 2.9: All published papers from Google/Alphabet, which use networks trained with gradient descent, appear to have the same problem of using test sets as training sets.   Readers have noticed each of Google/Alphabet papers have many authors. For example, 

  1. V. Mnih et al. in Naturevol. 518 Feb. 26, 2015 had as many as 20 authors; 

  2. A. Graves, et al. in Nature, vol. 538 Oct. 27, 2016 had also 20 authors; 

  3. M. Moravcik et al. in Sciencevol. 356, May 5, 2017 had 10 authors; 

  4. S. McKinney et al. in Naturevol. 577, Jan. 2, 2020 had 31 authors.

Of course, such a large number of humans were necessary for each task to hand-tune various configurations of architectures generating a huge number of random and hand-turned networks. Such a huge scale of hand-tuning and a huge number of random networks for each hand-tuned configuration are indeed necessary for a small luck during the post-selection stage, as I explained above. 



1. V. Mnih等。Nature5182015226日,共有20位作者;

2. A. Graves等。在Nature538, 20161027也有20位作者;

3. M. Moravcik等。Science356卷,201755日有10位作者;

4. S. McKinney等。在在Nature577卷,202012日,共有31位作者。



A. Graves, et al. 2016, above, partially admitted such a huge-scale search and picking based on test data (see, e.g., the last paragraph of left column, page 473 and Figure 5).  

But such a lucky network cannot be applied well to open data.   


上面的A. Graves2016文章部分地承任了基于测试数据的如此大规模的搜索和选择(例如,参见第473页左栏的最后一段和图5)。但是,这样的幸运网络无法很好地应用于开放数据。


S. McKinney et al. 2020 above wrote: “We report results on test sets that were not used to train or tune the AI system” (3rdparagraph, left column, page 90), but this statement does not rule out a post-selection using test sets.   A post-selection is different from the term “tune”.




All these Google networks are basically human intelligence by spending labor of many humans who are assisted by machines, over-working on a static and closed data set, and through unethical research misconduct.




Apparently, Google’s top-level management probably has not been sufficiently well informed by its machine learning employees, till somebody reported to Larry Page and Brin Sergey early October 2019.  This situation is sad because its huge investment in machine learning since 2013, much of the investment is from American public.  Only when the test source was open, could the Google’s top-level management be partially exposed to a fraction of the problem (such as the reasons why Anthony Levandowski quit from the Google’s self-driving car project that he headed and the related later disputes).   Google’s top-level management should undergo a thorough internal investigation to protect public investment into Google/Alphabet before the U.S. Federal government investigations commence.


显然,谷歌的高层管理人员好像没有充分地从搞机器学习的员工们了解到真相,直到201910月初有人向Larry PageBrin Sergey 揭露。这种情况都是令人遗憾的,因为谷歌自2013年以来其在机器学习方面做了巨额投资, 其投资的大部分来自美国公众。 只有当测试源开放时,谷歌的高层管理人员才能部分地看到一些问题(例如为什么Anthony Levandowski退出了他领导的谷歌自动驾驶汽车项目的以及以后的争议)。 谷歌的高层管理人员应该在美国联邦局展开调查之前进行彻底的内部调查,以保护公众对谷歌/Alphbet的投资。


Evidence 2.10: Possible human intervention behind Google competition scenes, not fully machine competitions. According to the Claimant’s knowledge about the limitations of CNN trained with gradient descent, apart from the post-selection problem, all computer game results from Google seem to have an additional major problem.  When their Google networks played with an expert human player,  the Google’s human developers needed to interact with their Google networks (e.g., AlphaGo) behind the scene.  This is like one human player playing with a team of Google human players.  The one human player does not have any computer assistance but the Google player team does have extensive computer assistance.   This is unfair and considered cheating by any fair game rules. Garry Kasparov complained the same when he played with IBM Deep Blue.   


证据2.10谷歌竞赛幕后可能有人为干预而不是完全的机器竞赛根据原告对使用梯度下降训练的CNN的局限性的知识,除了后选择问题,谷歌提供的所有计算机游戏结果似乎还存在另一个主要问题。当他们的谷歌网络与人类专家一起玩时,谷歌的开发人员需要幕后与谷歌网络(例如AlphaGo)进行互动。这就如同一名人类玩家对阵一组谷歌人类玩家。这名人类玩家没有任何计算机的协助,但谷歌人类玩家确有雄厚的计算机协助。这是不公平的,并且根据任何公平的游戏规则都被视为作弊。加里·卡斯帕罗夫(Garry Kasparov)在对阵IBM Deep Blue时也提出过同样的抱怨。

The Complainant does not yet submit direct evidence about what actually happened behind the scenes of the Google computer game competitions, but he presented an educated guess based on his insights on limitations of CNNs.




Evidence 2.11: June 23, 2019, in Yann LeCun’s 2018 ACM A. M. Turing Lecture, from his slide titled “The Salvation?” up to the final slide, LeCun continuously used a piecemeal approach which falsifies or misleads.  By piecemeal, the Complaint means that his network has multiple pieces. During these slides, LeCun continued to hide the hand-selection process which uses test data sets as training data sets for each of his pieces.  His slide titled “Theory often Follows Invention” makes excuses for the “lack of theory” or the “black box” nature of his networks.  This slide has demonstrated that, apparently, the three Respondents as neural network researchers were not aware of, or ignored, the new trend-setting capability of “Auto-Programming for General Purposes” (APFGP) of DN from the Claimant and his students.   APFGP has put traditional computer science that is based on Universal Turing Machines under the new light of Emergent Universal Turing Machines that model human brains.


证据2.112019623日,在Yann LeCun2018ACM A. M. Turing演讲中,从他的幻灯片“The Salvation救赎?”一直到最后一张幻灯片,LeCun连续采用零碎的方法来伪造或误导。这里零碎的意思是,被告的网络有多个部分。在这些幻灯片中,LeCun继续隐瞒手工后选择过程,该过程使用测试数据集作为他每个部分的训练数据集。他在标题为“理论经常跟随发明”幻灯片里,为其网络的“缺乏理论”或“黑匣子”性质找借口。这张幻灯片表明,显然,作为神经网络研究人员的三名被告没有读到到或忽略了原告和他的学生们提供的DN的“通用自主编程”(APFGP)的引领新趋势的新功能。APFGP将基于通用图灵机的传统计算机科学置于模拟人脑的涌现通用图灵机的新视野之下。


The Claimant requests that ACM facilitates such badly needed and long-overdue academic communications in computer science so that its due-paying ACM members receive long over-due service. 




Evidence 2.12:  The Respondents failure to admit and discuss the post-selection practice even after the respondents got aware from their research ethics committees that their post-selection practice was raised and questioned.   For example, in a recent April 17, 2020 publication, T. P. Lillicrap, A. Santoro, L. Marris, C. J. Akerman and G. Hinton, Backpropagation and the brain, Nature Reviews Neurosciencehttps://doi.org/10.1038/s41583-020-0277-3 the authors continued to hide the post-selection practice in their methods.   Furthermore, Hinton seemed to lack a minimal carefulness knowing that such a review article was probably not rigorously reviewed.   For example, in Fig. 4, the so called “(3) backprogating action potentials” transits along the upward arrow from the “(1) Feedforwardcompartment” to the “(2) Feedback compartment”. If Hinton was so grossly careless technically on such a visually extremely obvious error (probably drafted by somebody else) in his publication, how can he be reasonably careful about the extensive practice of post-selection (possibly conducted by his coworkers) that was not discussed at all in any of his publications that I can find? 


证据2.12被告从其研究伦理委员会了解到他们的后选择被揭露并受到质疑之后,被告仍然不承认并讨论其后选择行为。例如,作者在2020417日的最新发表文章,Lillicrap, Santoro, Marris, AkermanHinton,“反传播与大脑”,《自然神经科学评论》(Nature Reviews Neuroscience),https//doi.org/10.1038/s41583 -020-0277-3 继续掩盖他们的方法中的后选择。此外,Hinton似乎缺乏最低的仔细,因为他知道这样的评论文章可能不会有严格的审稿。例如,在图4中,所谓的“(3)后向传播动作电位”沿着向上的箭头从“(1)前馈区”传到“(2)反馈区”。如果Hinton在发表文章中对这样一个视觉上极其明显的错误(可能是其他人起草的)在技术上如此非常粗心,那么他如何合理地和仔细地对待(可能由他的同事执行的)的一直在做的后选择?在我能找到的他的所有文章中都没有谈到过后选择。


Claim 3: Making Misleading Claims  

Violations of CEPC 1.3: “Making deliberately false or misleading claims.”


主张3:提出误导性声明。违反CEPC 1.3:“故意制造虚假或误导性声明。”


Evidence 3.1: Misleading Boltzmann Machines:  …   In the Turing Award announcement:



[P11] ACM, “Fathers of the Deep Learning Revolution Receive ACM A. M. Turing Award”, Bengio, Hinton, and LeCun Ushered in Major Breakthroughs in Artificial Intelligence, See ACM official web, https://amturing.acm.org, 2019, 


under “Select Technical Accomplishments”, the second work of Hinton, Boltzmann Machines, violated CEPC 1.3. 


在“选技术成就”下,Hinton的第二项工作是玻尔兹曼,违反了CEPC 1.3


The publication [P4] above which probably corresponds to the lowest error rate in ImageNet Contest 2012 has dropped Boltzmann machines.  The mention of Boltzmann machines in the Turing Award nomination package apparently misled the ACM Turing Award Committee.  


上面的出版物[P4](可能相对了ImageNet 2012竞赛的最低误差率)已经放弃了B玻尔兹曼机器。图灵奖提名包中提到的玻尔兹曼机显然误导了ACM图灵奖评奖委员会。


The Claimant failed to find any member in the ACM Turing Award Committee who was an expert in neural networks: 




Committee Chair:


Michael J Carey, University of California, Irvine, carey@acm.org 

Committee Members:


  • Rodney A Brooks, brooksra@acm.org

  • Shafi Goldwasser, shafi@theory.csail.mit.edu

  • David Heckerman, heckerma@acm.org 

  • Jon Kleinberg, jkleinberg@acm.org 

  • David Patterson, dapatterson@acm.org 

  • Joseph Sifakis, jsifakis@acm.org 

  • Olga Sorkine-Hornung, osorkine@acm.org 

  • Alfred Z Spector, aspector1@acm.org 

  • Jeannette M. Wing, Columbia University, wing@acm.org 

Evidence 3.2
: The obviously high computational complexity of Boltzmann machines (using monolithic vectors without partial receptive fields) is probably the main reason for Hinton to drop Boltzmann machines in their ImageNet Contest 2012.   This is because the Hinton team must try many random networks using GPUs.   Boltzmann machines were obviously too slow, let alone their performance problems. 




Therefore, an ImageNet kind of competition is primarily a competition for resources (e.g., the number of people, the amount of computing resources, and the total number of hours devoted to the team-scale parameter hand-twisting and most-lucky network picking), not really a competition ofnew technology.   




In contrast, the AIML Contest, which the Claimant organized since 2016, is the only contest, as far as the Claimant knows, that requires competitors the use the same amount of computational resources (the number of neurons).  It further requires that each single network “life” must succeed through its “lifetime”.   It uses DN as a general-purpose learning engine.  The DN has preliminarily, but holistically, solved a series of “holy grail” problems not only in AI and but also Natural Intelligence, 

  1. including the local minima problem (every random network is performance equivalent), 

  2. the auto-programming for general purposes (APFGP) problem (that each human brain is capable of).   



1.     包括局部极小问题(每个随机网络的性能都相同),

2.     通用自主编程(APFGP)问题(每个人的大脑都有的能力)。


See [P10] above and [P12, P13] below for detail.




[P12] J. Weng, Z. Zheng, X. Wu, J. Castro-Garcia, S. Zhu, Q. Guo, and X. Wu, “Emergent Turing Machines and Operating Systems for Brain-Like Auto-Programming for General Purposes,” in Proc. AAAI 2018 Fall Symposium: Gathering for Artificial Intelligence and Natural Systems, Arlington, Virginia, pp. 1-7, October 18 - 20, 2018.


[P13]  J. Weng, A Model for Auto-Programming for General Purposes, Cornell University Library, arXiv:1810.05764, 22 pages, June 13, 2017, also Technical Report MSU-CSE-2015-13, 2015.  


Evidence 3.3: Yoshua Bengio misled the community by citing a book chapter as PAMI in his CV but does not list this fraudulently cited chapter in his CV.   In Bengio’s CV file YB-CV_19Reb2019.pdf (App. 4) published on www.iro.umontreal.ca/~bengioyand still available through a google search using “Yoshua Bengio CV” (probably also in his reports submitted to elsewhere), under the “Service to Profession and the Sciences” section, to the right of 1989-1998, the publication “PAMI 1991” could not be found from Google Scholar. As PAMI is a common acronym for the IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, but the IEEE Explore site did not have this Bengio’s publication either.  Instead, I found: 


证据3.3Yoshua Bengio在其学术简历中把一本书中的一章写为PAMI期刊文章,误导了社区,但并未在其学术简历中列出该一本书的一章。发布在www.iro.umontreal.ca/~bengioyBengio学术简历文件YB-CV_19Reb2019.pdf(附录4)中,并仍然可以通过使用“Yoshua Bengio CV”在Google搜索查得(可能也在他提交给其他部门的报告中),1989-1998年右侧的“专业和科学服务”部分下,无法从Google Scholar中找到出版物“PAMI 1991”。由于PAMIIEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence的常见缩写,但从IEEE Explore网站也没有找到Bengio’s发表文章。相反,我找到了


[P14] Yoshua Bengio and Renato DeMori, Connectionist Models and their Application to Automatic Speech Recognition, Machine Intelligence and Pattern Recognition, Volume 11, 1991, Pages 175-194, 


which is a chapter in an edited book.    In his list of three categories of publications, the year 1991 did not include this book chapter.   With both the fraudulent cite and the missing, this behavior to mislead seems deliberate. 




Claim 4:  Y. LeCun and Alphabet/Google seemed to have committed wire fraud, violation of Title 18 of the US Criminal Code, 18 U.S.C §1343: “having devised or intending to devise any scheme or artifice to defraud, or for obtaining money … by means of false or fraudulent pretenses, representations, or promises, …  to be transmitted by means of wire… for the purpose of executing such scheme”.  G. Hinton and Y. Bengio appear to have committed fraud, violation of Canadian Criminal Code Fraud 380 (1) “Every one who, by deceit, falsehood or other fraudulent means, whether or not it is a false pretence within the meaning of this Act, defrauds the public or any person, whether ascertained or not, of any property, money or valuable security or any service, …”


主张4:Y. LeCun和Alphabet/Google似乎犯下了电传欺诈,违反了《美国刑法典》第18编,§1343款:“已设计或打算设计任何欺诈的方案或计谋,或为了获取金钱……通过虚假或欺诈性的借口,陈述或诺言,……以电传方式 …… 以执行该方案为目的”。G. Hinton和Y. Bengio 好像犯了欺诈罪,违反了加拿大《刑法》第380条(1)的规定,“每个人以欺骗手段,虚假或其他蒙骗手段,无论是否构成本法令所指的虚假伪装, 欺诈公众或任何人,无论是否确定,为了任何财产,金钱或有价证券或任何服务,……”


The Respondents presented false pretenses and representations to be transmitted by means of wire for the purpose of executing such scheme and further obtained (Turing Award) money.




Evidence:The Respondents used test sets as training sets in the evidence presented here and references herein, as if all repeatedly typed here, as fraudulent pretensesandrepresentationsfor the purpose of executing such schemes and receiving money from U.S. and Canadian governments, publicly traded companies such as Alphabet/Google and Facebook, Turing Award, and other awards.  They have received such moneys.




The following are questions from an authority for this matter and my answers.




Q2.1:Do you have any evidence that the accused used test data sets for training data (or training data sets as testing data sets) and did not disclose that fact in the associated publications?  Please provide specific examples if so.




回答2.1: For the same reasons that I stated above, I do not yet have direct evidence but this is well known mechanisms for error back-propagation.  Furthermore, this is the only possible way to reach the artificially high reported-performance, as long as error back-propagation is used.  See “backpropagation” line 6 of Section 4.2 of [P4], “using the backpropagation algorithm” in the abstract of [P5], and “trained with backpropagation” in the abstract of [P6].




This is mainly because the error backpropagation algorithm starts with random weights.   See “backpropagation” page of Wikipedia: “Initially, before training, the weights will be set randomly.”




Q2.2:Do you have any evidence that selecting a local-minimum network based on its observed training error is considered improper within the consensus view of the community at the time of publication?  If so, do you have any evidence that the accused failed to disclose this post-selection practice in their prior published work where such concealment would have been consequential to the acceptance of the work?




A2.2:  Yes, I do.  Two aspects that the respondents violated:  



(A) Cross-validation.  Cross-validation is to reduce the bias in dividing the available data into training set and testing set.  Let us consider the simplest two-fold cross-validation (generally n-fold):  All the available data are divided into two folds of equal size, A and B.  In the first process of training-and-testing, A is the training set and B is the testing set.   In the second process of training-and-testing, B is the training set and A is the testing set.  Then the error through this two-fold cross-validation is the average error of these two processes.  Clearly, cross-validation makes it difficult to choose A and B in such a biased way so that training on A makes testing on B easy.  See “Cross-Validation (statistics)” in Wikipedia.  However, none of [P4]-[P6] used cross-validation.  In fact, ImageNet Contests apparently divide all available data sets into a particular sets A and B so that training on A is easier for testing on B (i.e., the training set, validation set, and testing set are all carefully manipulated by hands).   For example, zebras and stripe shirts in the training set are validated by the hand-selected validation set (without stripe shirts) so that the error in the testing set (also without stripe shirts) is artificially low.  This was not acceptable by the community at the time of publication. 




(B) Furthermore, during each process of training-and-testing during cross-validation, the testing set cannot be used for post-selection.   Otherwise, cross-validation becomes degenerate: without true testing set in each of the training-and-testing processes.   If this post-selection practice in [P4] to [P6] from the respondents was explicitly stated in the manuscripts, [P4]-[P6] would have been rejected.  I searched [P4]-[P6] and could not found any place where such post-selection was disclosed. 


B)此外,在交叉验证期间进行训练和测试的每个过程中,测试集都不能用于后选择。 否则,交叉验证就会退化:在每个培训和测试过程中都没有了真正意义上的测试。 如果文章中明确指出了被告在[P4]至[P6]中进行的这种后选择,则[P4]-[P6]将被拒绝。 我搜索了[P4]-[P6],却找不到任何披露此类后选择的地方。


Such falsified performance from the respondents and their tacit agreement to Fei-Fei Li’s claim: “machines' progress has basically reached, and sometimes surpassed human level” during GIF’17 (See figure 1 from YouTube below), have misled the AI research community, many innocent AI students, public companies like Google and Facebook, government funders like NSF, and public.




Figure 1:  Fei-Fei Li was saying “machines’ progress has basically reached, and sometimes surpassed human level” (GIF'17).

Q2.3:Do you have any evidence that hand-labeling was performed by anyone you accuse of doing so and who also failed to disclose it?




A2.3:  Yes, LeCun’s MNIST data set is such.  LeCun’s MNIST data set and all the MNIST data sets used by the three respondents have been hand-labeled, for both training set and test sets.  For example, LeCun’s team should have used the hand-labeled test set of his MNIST data set.  Otherwise, there is no way for him to report the history of gradually reduced (test) errors on the same MNIST data set on his own web page.   However, LeCun failed to disclose that his group and other groups listed on this web site used his hand-labeled test set as training set, nor did all the publications his web site cited.  



For ImageNet data set used by [P3], the ImageNet Contest organizers probably did not supply the labels of training set to the teams.  However, basic community accepted practices were not performed by the ImageNet organizers.  For example, in DARPA tests, a DARPA manager would go to each team bringing the large data sets with him.  The test must be completed within the same day.  Hopefully, each team does not have enough time and man-power to hand label all data in the test set within a day.  However, this is not the case with the ImageNet Contests.  The organizers of ImageNet gave as many as 70 days in 2012, and there has been no evidence that the ImageNet organizers did any sufficient measures to prevent each team to hand-label test sets.  This lack of measures to uphold research ethics is not acceptable by the community. 




Q2.4:Do you have evidence that hand-labeling the test sets was expressly forbidden for ImageNet teams?




A2.4: I did not find any instructions in the ImageNet web site that explicitly forbid hand-leveling the test sets.  However, it is a commons sense that hand-leveling the test sets is unethical.




Q2.5: To what publication by Dr. LeCun are you referring in "Evidence 2.2"?




A2.5:  I would like to correct:The LeCun reported lowest error 23 was from D. Cireşan, U. Meier and J. Schmidhuber in CVPR 2012 which suffer from the same data falsification problem using LSTM.  LeCun’s lowest error reported by himself was 53 from K. Jarrett, K. Kavukcuoglu, M. Ranzato and Y. LeCun: “What is the Best Multi-Stage Architecture for Object Recognition?”, in Proc. International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV'09), IEEE Press, 2009.  However, such performance data were all falsified by using post-selection and also disregarding the community well accepted cross-validation.


回答2.5:我想纠正:LeCun报告的最低错误23来自CVPR 2012中的D. Cireşan,U. Meier和J. Schmidhuber,他们有使用LSTM的同样数据造假问题。LeCun自己报告的最低误差是53个错误,来自K. Jarrett,K.  Kavukcuoglu,M. Ranzato和Y. LeCun:“什么是用于物体识别的最佳多级架构?” 国际计算机视觉会议(ICCV'09),IEEE出版社,2009年。但是,通过后选择并忽略了领域公认的交叉验证,这些性能数据都是伪造的。


An authority wrote: “We examined selected publications by the accused and did not see examples where they used test sets as training sets. … We are left to conclude that there is no evidence to support this charge of research misconduct.”




The authority went on: “Dr. Weng admits that he does not have ‘direct evidence’ that the

accused improperly used test sets as training sets, instead asserting without supporting evidence that this is well known for error back-propagation.” “Dr. Weng also makes some sweeping statements about Google’s administrative management of its research; these statements are unsupported by anything Dr. Weng presents. We further note that his statement is phrased in such a way that it might be read as containing a threat.” “Evidence is required, especially when evaluating such serious charges.”  “Finally, it seems that Dr. Weng believes research fraud occurred because his work has not been given more exposure. This is clearly not grounds to assert fraud, especially in this manner.”  “He asks that Federal charges, in the US and Canada, be applied by ACM to the accused. ACM is not a law enforcement agency and does not conduct investigations into, or prosecutions of, alleged violations of laws in any country or municipality.”




Stay tuned.




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