sychun分享 孙迎春,河北人。山东大学(威海)翻译学院教授、博士生导师。



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2007受聘为即将于200884-7日在上海召开的第18届世界翻译大会学术委员会委员,聘书由国际译联主席Peter W. Krawutschke和中国译协会长刘习良先生签发。



1978年春至1985年春先后就读于西北师大外文系和河南大学外文系,分别获英语语言文学学士、硕士学位。先后在郑州大学外文系、烟台师院外语系任教,199912月调至山东大学外国语学院,担任山东大学外国语学院英语系教授、翻译学研究方向带头人。2001年被批准为博士生导师。20042月调入山大威海分校,曾任主要本科生课程:高级英语、大学英语、英汉翻译、汉英翻译、英语散文等。曾任研究生课程:翻译理论、翻译简史、基础美学、译学词典研究等。先后共发表论文、译文、出版学术著作、译作90余项,其中较有代表性的科研成果有: A Review of and Prospects for Ding Ling Studies in the New PeriodResearch on Popular Poems of the Tang DynastyThe Significance of the Appearance and Development of Ci Poetry in the History of Poetry等译文三十余篇(分别刊于《中国社会科学》[英文版] 94年第2期至99年第1期)、文学翻译意境问题刍议、论综合性译学词典的编纂、论译学词典编纂对翻译学学科建设的重要性(分别刊于《山东外语教学》2000,32001,12002, 3.)、说“雅”--兼论翻译学的建立(《中国科技翻译》2001,4)、 “意境”译法探索(《中国翻译》2002,5)、论译学词典的描写性(《外语与外语教学》20029)、“翻译标准多元互补论”研究(《外语与外语教学》20038)、译学词典类型初议(《中国翻译》20035)、翻译研究途径凝思(第二作者,《中国科技翻译》20034)、“对等”与“不对等”辩证(第一作者,《中国科技翻译》20051)、译学词典:编者主体性(《外国语言文学》20071)、国内关联翻译研究成果与发展趋势(第二作者,《外语与外语教学》20079)、谈西方翻译理论的证伪与建构的逻辑结构(第二作者,《外国语》2008)等。主编《译学研究》(吉林教育出版社,1997)、主编《译学大词典》(中国世界语出版社,1999)、编著《汉英双向翻译学语林》(山东大学出版社,2001)、主编《译学词典与译学理论文集》(山东大学出版社,2003)、完成山东省重点社科项目“张谷若翻译艺术研究”,20049月在中国对外翻译出版公司出版《张谷若翻译艺术研究》,列入十五国家重点图书、主编《2004全国翻译学词典与译学理论文集》(天津教育出版社,2005),主编《翻译学词典博士文集》、《语言类核心期刊译学论文索引》(天津教育出版社,2006)、《汉英对照翻译学论说》(天津教育出版社,2007)。2008年出版专著《科学词典译编》(中国对外翻译出版公司)、《第二次大水:归、异翻译策略辩证》(天津教育出版社)。2009年出版专著《译学词典论》(上海外语教育出版社)。










An Introduction to Sun Yingchun


Born in Fuping County, Hebei Province, P.R.C, October 1949, Sun Yingchun is Professor and Dean of School of Translation and Interpretation, Shandong University at Weihai ,doctoral and master supervisor of English Language and Literature of Shandong University, member of the Association of Chinese Translators, Chairman of Committee of Translation Studies under Shandong Association of Foreign Linguistics, and of Committee of Foreign Languages Teaching and Research under Weihai Association of Translators and concurrently also professor of Northwest University for Nationalities and Qufu Normal University at Rizhao.

The year 2007 saw his being appointed as member of the Academic Committee for the  XVIII FIT World Congress to be held on August 4-7, 2008 in Shanghai, the Letter of Appointment being signed by Peter W. Krawutschke, Chairman of the International Federation of Translators (FIT) and Liu Xiliang, Chairman of Translators Association of China (TAC).

Other academic posts: member of the Specialist Committee of “A Symposium for Foreign Translation Studies” published by Shanghai Foreign Education Press, and of “Serial Translation Textbooks for Foreign Languages Schools and Departments” by China Foreign Translation Publishing Company, member of Editorial Board of Shandong Foreign Languages Teaching and The World of English, and member of Academic Committee of Crazy English Teachers Edition.

Invited in January 2003 by Dean Li Cuizhen of Hongkong Baptist University Translation Studies Centre to attend the academic activities, A Symposium for Translatological Dictionary Compilation and Research   held in the Centre, he was invited to give a lecture concerning the topic; attending the Delegation of Shandong University at Weihai headed by Han Jianxin, Deputy Principal of the University, he paid a visit to Japanese Universities in March, 2005; as a member of the Delegation of the Chinese Translators Association, he attended the 48th Annual Conference of the American Translators Association from the end of October to November 13, 2007.

!978-1985 he studied in Foreign Languages Departments of Northwest Normal University (Lanzhou) and Henan University (Kaifeng), receiving bachelor and master degrees.

1985-1995 he worked in Foreign Languages Departments of Zhengzhou University and Yantai Normal University as lecturer, associate professor and professor of English and supervisor of masters of English Language and Literature.

1999 saw his transfer to School of Foreign Languages, Shandong University (Jinan), where he became doctoral supervisor of English Language and Literature of the university.

2004 saw his transfer to Shandong University at Weihai, where he became dean of School of Translation and Interpretation.

The undergraduate courses he once taught included Advanced English, College English, English-Chinese Translation, Chinese-English Translation, New Concept English, English Essays, etc. The graduate courses he once taught included Translation Theory, Brief History of Translation, Essential Aesthetics, Translatological Dictionary Studies, etc.

He has published more than ninty treatises, translations and academic works, of which the representative ones published in recent years include translated works such as A Review of and Prospects for Ding Ling Studies in the New PeriodResearch on Popular Poems of the Tang DynastyThe Significance of the Appearance and Development of Ci Poetry in the History of Poetry, etc.(more than thirty, carried in Social Sciences in China [English Edition] of 1994-2001), treatises such as Literary Translation: An Initial Discussion on the Problem of Ideorealm, On the Compilation of Comprehensive Translatological Dictionaries, On the Importance of Compilation of Translatological Dictionaries upon the Disciplinary Construction of Translation Studies (carried in the 2000[3], 2001[1], 2002[3] issues of Shandong Foreign Languages Teaching); Talking About “Elegance” : Concerning also the Establishment of Translatology (2001,4, China Scientific and Technological Translation), A Probe into the Translation of “Yijing” (2005,2 Chinese Translators’ Journal), On the Descriptiveness of Translatological Dictionaries (2002,9 Foreign Languages and Their Teaching), Research on Plural Complementarism in Translation Criteria (2003, 8 Foreign Languages and Their Teaching), An Initial Discussion on Typology of Translatological Dictionaires (2003,5 Chinese Translators’ Journal), Reflections on the Approaches to Translation Studies (second author, 2003, 4 China Scientific and Technological Translation), A Dialectic View Concerning “Equivalence” and “Non-equivalence” (2005,1 China Scientific and Technological Translation) and Translatological Dictionaries: On the Subjectivity of a Compilor); editor of Translatological Studies (1997 Jilin Education Press), Aspects of Translation (1999 China Esperanto Press), Anthology of Translatological Dictionaries and Translation Theories (2003 Shandong University Press), 2004 Anthology of Translatological Dictionaries and Translation Theories, A Doctoral Anthology of Translatological Dictionaries, An Index to Translatological Theses in Kernel Linguistic Journals (Tianjin Education Press); author of A C-E E-C Verbal Forest of Translatology (2001 Shandong University Press), A Study of Zhang Guruo’s Art of Translation (2004 China Foreign Translation Company); sponsor of  National Conference on Translatological Dictionaries and Translation Theories (Yantai, September 20-23, 2002), National Conference on Commemoration of Zhang Guruo’s 100th Birth Anniversary and Foreign Literature Translation (Yantai, August 12-15, 2003) , 2004 National Conference on Translatological Dictionaries and Translation Theories (Weihai, October 14-17), The Third National Conference on Translatological Dictionaries and Translation Theories (Shanghai, October 20-23, 2005), The Fourth National Conference on Translatological Dictionaries and Translation Theories (Dalian, April 19-22)

At present he is responsible for research on such subjects as the Ministry of Education item of Social and Humane Sciences “A Study of Translatological Dictionaries” and the Shandong University Key Discipline Construction item “E-C Translation Theories and Practice”. His biography has entered more than ten dictionaries such as Chinese Talents and A Contemporary Dictionary of Modern Chinese Translators.

Address: School of Translation and Interpretation, Shandong University at Weihai, Wenhualu Street, Weihai



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