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My question on the keys in QCI, slow light, light storage and optical buffer

已有 3218 次阅读 2008-3-9 16:31 |个人分类:CREAM Group

The following is the key for the optical buffer using QCI mechanism:

  1. bandwidth-delay-product (BDP): Hence, we need not only more delay, but also bigger bandwidth of the QCI (EIT, CPO, or whatever) window.
  2. how about gaseous medium: too narrow bandwidth but the delay is very good. Storage is OK.
  3. how about crystal medium: bandwidth is also narrow but the delay could be good. Storage is OK, at least in ultracold crystal.
  4. How about semiconductor medium: bandwidth could be very large and the delay could be OK. Storage is not OK.

Let's think about the possible or potential applications of this.


上一篇:My questions on quantum entanglement (II): generation of entanglement and relate
下一篇:My questions on QKD (I): single photon protocol fiber based QKD
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