Wang, Fang & Gu, Lihong. (2012). The critical success factors for the websites for Chinese migrant farmer workers: a multicase study. Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Electronic of Electronic Governance (ICEGOV), pp:11. Dec. Albany, USA.
The critical success factors for the websites for Chinese migrant farmer workers: a multi-case study
Fang Wang Lihong Gu
BusinessSchool of Nankai University
No. 94 Weijin Road,Nankai District
Tianjin, China,300071
Thispaper is to explore the critical success factors for the website for the vulnerablegroups such as Chinese migrant farmer workers under a managerial-technicalperspective. A multi-case study is conducted to test atheoretical framework based on both technical and managerial characteristics of all the 10 websitesfor Chinese migrant farmer workers that can befound by various search engines. Constructs are borrowed from thetheories of usability, information architecture, webometrics and businessmodel. Business model and a few technical properties are found to be the criticalfactors that influence the effect and sustainable development of thesewebsites. The originality of this paper is that it goes beyond the singletechnical perspective and tests the importance of the managerial factors foronline information and services provision for vulnerable groups. Therepresentativeness of the case websites make the conclusions general to a greatextend.
Categories andSubject Descriptors
H.3.5 [OnlineInformation Services]: Web-based services
General Terms
Management, Measurement, Performance,Economics, Theory
Specialwebsite, Website effect, Vulnerable groups, Chinese farmer workers, Multi-casestudy, Managerial-technicalPerspective
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