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The Water of Dianchi

已有 5023 次阅读 2008-10-19 18:11 |个人分类:杂感游记

I did not expected that I would go to Kunming for twice within one year. I have never been toYunnan before 2008. I went there at the end of June this year and went there again only after more than three months. The World Exhibition Garden impressed me deeply with its diversity of plants and flowers in June. I had a good relaxation there in a rainy afternoon. Walking in the rainy road, there were few people in the garden, so many kinds of trees, flowers and vegatables companied me. I found I hadn't enjoy such a lonly beauty for so long time when I breathed the fresh air in the rain. I would never forget that afternoon and Yunnan seemed a Peach Garden beyond the World, a holly land for me. I wrote a poem for it when I came back so as to remind me of the pretty experience. 

On the 12th of October in 2008 I reached Kunming again with a working team. After a few days' work I was invited to have a look at Dianchi, a beautiful lake in my imagniary. After the car climbed up to the half of the mountain, we stopped to overlook at Dianchi. You can't imagine how disappointed and dismayed I was when I saw it. The lake is covered with a thick layer of green things, green like a kind of painter. Although Director Duan had talked of the pollution of the lake on the way, I was shocked when I saw it. I never saw a kind of water green like that with an unhappy smell in a distance. The Lanzao has growed crazily these years and covered the water tightly. It has made the water lack of oxygen. The water is not only polluted by Lanzao but also by polluted water emited by some factories a few years ago. Posionous chemical elements also polluted the water that it can't be used to irragate farm plants and vegatables. The fishes in it is said also polluted and can't be eaten. Kunming is a water shorted city while the water in Dianchi can't be drunk. Duan said he and his friend have found a technique to clean the water of Dianchi in five years. They need investments and supports from the government. But it is difficult to get supports and they will continue to try. He is anxious for the water. 

I feel heavy on the way back. I can't forget Dianchi, a fairy world in my dream before.  I hope it will become a clean lake like a mirror. In developing process, we have paid huge expense and can't dispense it even with ten times cost after developed. When I stood on the side of the road, I feel the air is full of car gas. So many plants along the sides of the road can't make me breathe fresh air. It is a pity. Yunnan is a beautiful ecological travelling province without factories and modern industries. But the water and the air is still faced with serious pollution. 

I really hope it will become a dreamed garden with green trees, colourful flowers and a beautiful Dianchi, without air pollution. That is my dream, my dreamed heaven.


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