报告人: 方江学(中科院数学和系统科学研究院)
题名:Stationary phase principle of Fourier transform of D-modules
摘要:The stationary phase approximation is a basic principle of a special
class of asymptotic fourier analysis, such as oscillatory integrals.
Under some conditions, the major contribution to the value of
oscillatory integral comes from neighborhoods of those critical
points of the integrand.
Local Fourier transforms of D-modules can be viewed as the restriction
of global Fourier
transform which is defined by a Gauss-Manin connection. From this
point of view, Bloch and Esnault defined the local Fourier
transforms of D-modules by the technical tool of good lattices pairs
of connections. Using this
method, I will prove a similar stationary phase formula in this taik.
We will see that the local behaviour at the infinity of the Fourier
transform of a holonomic D-module depends only on the local behaviour
of this D-module at its singular points and at the
Time: 2010 Nov. 29 Monday,3:10pm-4:10pm
报告人: 李刚(首都师范大学)
题目: Hodge理论简介
摘要: ICM2010年关于Hodge理论的总结。
Time: 2010 Nov. 29 Monday,4:20pm-5:20pm