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KeAi Talks ┃ Mitochondrial Communications系列讲座第四场即将开讲

已有 2345 次阅读 2022-3-29 10:02 |系统分类:博客资讯

Mitochondrial Communications系列讲座第四场即将开讲!

本次讲座特别邀请到的学者是意大利生物化学专家Luca Scorrano教授和中国生物科学家刘兴国教授,两位专家将为与会者带来精彩的报告。



时间:20:00 - 21:30 (北京时间)


    第一部分:20:00 – 21:00

    主  讲  人:Luca Scorrano 教授

    主讲题目:Keeping mitochondria in shape: a matter of life, death and metabolism

    第二部分:21:00 – 21:30

    主  讲  人:刘兴国 教授

    主讲题目:Mitolysosome exocytosis, a novel mitophagy-independent mitochondrial quality control in parkinsonism-like symptoms



Luca Scorrano 

帕多瓦大学生物系 生物化学教授

Veneto分子医学研究所 科学主任

Luca Scorrano在帕多瓦大学获得MD. PhD学位,目前担任Veneto分子医学研究所科学主任和帕多瓦大学生化教授。他的工作侧重于解决分子水平上形式-功能关系的核心问题。在他的职业生涯中,他颠覆了细胞凋亡、线粒体病理生理学和医学领域的传统信条。他在嵴重构方面的研究为线粒体动力学进入全新领域铺平了道路。随后的几年中,Dr. Scorrano在该领域不断取得突破性的研究成果,他也因此获得了多个奖项(包括 2006 年 Eppendorf 欧洲青年研究员、2011年Chiara D'Onofrio 奖和2013年欧洲临床研究学会奖)。他分别于2012年和2019年成为EMBO和欧洲学会会员,2021年成为Clarivate高被引研究员之一。

Dr. Scorrano现担任:

  • 多家科学顾问委员会的成员(如:Institut Necker Enfants Malades, Paris; IBT Czech Academy of Sciences)

  • 在欧洲研究协会、佛兰德科学基金会、芬兰科学院的评审小组中担任EMBO奖学金委员会主席直至2020年

  • 担任多家期刊的编委工作(如CDD, Cardiovasc Res, BBA-Mol Cell Res)

The work of L. Scorrano addresses the central question of form-function relationship at the molecular level. During his career, he has changed classical tenets in the fields of apoptosis, mitochondrial pathophysiology, and medicine. His work on cristae remodeling paved the way for the new field of mitochondrial dynamics. He received several Prizes and Awards (including the 2006 Eppendorf European Young Investigator, the 2011 Chiara D’Onofrio Award and the 2013 European Society for Clinical Investigation Award). He was elected EMBO Member in 2012 and Member of the Academia Europaea in 2019 and he is among the Clarivate Highly Cited researchers in 2021. 

  • He sits on several Scientific Advisory Boards (e.g., Institut Necker Enfants Malades, Paris; IBT Czech Academy of Sciences)

  • On reviewing panels of the ERC, the Flemish Science Foundation, the Finnish Academy of Sciences, and he chaired the EMBO Fellowship Committee until 2020

  • He is an Editorial Board member of several Journals including CDD, Cardiovasc Res, BBA-Mol Cell Res.



  • 中国科学院广州生物医药与健康研究院 研究员

  • 任亚洲线粒体研究与医学学会常务理事

  • 中国生物物理学会常务理事

刘兴国教授,2007年获清华大学博士学位,后在美国Thomas Jefferson大学的György Hajnóczky教授实验室从事博士后研究。


  • 国家自然科学“杰出青年”基金

  • 国家重点研发项目首席科学家

  • 广东省科学技术奖自然科学一等奖第一完成人

  • 树兰医学青年奖

  • 获得2016年干细胞青年研究员奖

  • 国际生物物理学会评为“2011 Young Bioenergeticist Award”


  • 以通讯作者或第一作者在国际杂志上发表论文40余篇,单篇最高引用300余次

  • 2015年来以通讯作者发表研究论文23篇(篇均影响因子>12)其中17篇唯一通讯作者发表在Cell Metabolism(2篇)、Nature Metabolism、 Nature Structural & Molecular Biology、Hepatology、 Advanced Science、Science Advances、 Autophagy(2篇)等杂志

  • 论文3篇获得F1000推荐,6篇为封面故事。授权专利6项(含一项PCT)。60余次在国际学术大会上进行大会报告。

Professor Xingguo Liu, received Ph.D degree from Tsinghua University in 2007, he then did his post-doctoral in lab of Prof. György Hajnóczky in Thomas Jefferson University. He set up his group in Guangzhou Institutes of Biomedicine and Health, Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2010. He is the council member of the Asian Society for Mitochondrial Research and Medicine, and the council member of the Biophysical Society of China. 

Prof. Xingguo Liu was honored as 

  • “Distinguish Youth Foundation” of National Natural Science Foundation

  • Chief Scientist of the National Key Research and Development Program of China

  • 1st finisher of the first prize of the Guangdong Science and Technology Award in Natural Science

  • The Shulan Medicine Youth Award by the Academician Shusen Lanjuan Talent’ Foundation

  •  “2016 Stem cell Young Investigator Award” from Chinese Society for Cell Biology 

  •  “Young Bioenergeticist Award” of the International Biophysical Society. 

Since 2015, Dr. Liu has published 

  • 23 research papers as corresponding author (Average impact factor more than 12), such as Cell Metabolism (2016、2018), Nature Metabolism, Nature Structural & Molecular Biology, Science Advances (2019, 2022), Advanced Science, Hepatology

  • Among his papers, 3 were recommended by F1000, 6 were chosen as cover story, and highest citation of his paper is more than 300

  • He obtained 6 authorized patents (including one PCT). Dr. Liu is has been the invited speakers in more than 60 international conferences.



    Quan Chen, PhD 


    期刊Mitochondrial Communications主编





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Mitochondrial Communications主要发表线粒体生物学的基础研究和线粒体疾病的临床方面的文章。

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