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[Knowledge Sharing] 知識分享 Reasons to reject a journal paper

已有 888 次阅读 2023-8-1 22:05 |个人分类:经验分享|系统分类:科研笔记

[Knowledge Sharing] 知識分享 Reasons to reject a journal paper

Top 22 common errors and 8 new guidelines for SEM 

Common error 1:

CB-SEM – testing and confirmation where prior theory is strong. Error1, without model fit.

CB-SEM 研究結果未報告適配度

X square/df, GFI, AGFI, CFI, NFI, RMSEA


Gefen, D., Rigdon, E. E., and Straub, D. "An Update and Extension to SEM Guidelines for Administrative and Social Science Research," MIS Quarterly (35:2) 2011, pp iii-A7

Wen-Lung Shiau and Li-Chun Huang (2023) Scale development for analyzing the fit of real and virtual world integration: An example of Pokémon Go, Information Technology & People, Vol. 36 No. 2, pp. 500-531 (SSCI, 2021 IF= 3.879 ABS 3 * INFORMATION SCIENCE & LIBRARY SCIENCE Q2, 24/84.) Online https://doi.org/10.1108/ITP-11-2020-0793


上一篇:PACIS 2023/7/10 Workshop: Use and Misuse of SEM in IS field
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