我们很高兴地宣布,由Springer出版的开放获取期刊Molecular Biomedicine现已被科睿唯安旗下Web of Science核心合集ESCI数据库正式收录。科睿唯安于2022年7月宣布,ESCI期刊将于2023年首次获得影响因子。
Molecular Biomedicine于2020年8月创刊,于2021年被DOAJ、PubMed Central等重要数据库收录,又在2022年收到了Scopus以及ESCI数据库收录的好消息。
ESCI(Emerging Sources Citation Index)数据库是依据汤森路透选刊标准遴选出的高质量期刊索引,主要收录在新兴研究领域中有重要影响力的优秀学术期刊,与SCI、SSCI和AHCI等共同组成Web of Science核心合集。Molecular Biomedicine此次被收录,意味着期刊的学术权威性和国际影响力得到进一步扩大和认可。
在此,Molecular Biomedicine向广大读者推荐本刊在2021-2022年的精选文章,欢迎大家访问阅读:
1. Characteristics of pre-metastatic niche: the landscape of molecular and cellular pathways
Wang, H., Pan, J., Barsky, L. et al. Characteristics of pre-metastatic niche: the landscape of molecular and cellular pathways. Mol Biomed 2, 3 (2021).
2. Real-time sensing of neurotransmitters by functionalized nanopores embedded in a single live cell
Zhang, X., Dou, L., Zhang, M. et al. Real-time sensing of neurotransmitters by functionalized nanopores embedded in a single live cell. Mol Biomed 2, 6 (2021).
3. Targeting Farnesoid X receptor (FXR) for developing novel therapeutics against cancer
Girisa, S., Henamayee, S., Parama, D. et al. Targeting Farnesoid X receptor (FXR) for developing novel therapeutics against cancer. Mol Biomed 2, 21 (2021).
4. E3 ubiquitin ligases: styles, structures and functions
Yang, Q., Zhao, J., Chen, D. et al. E3 ubiquitin ligases: styles, structures and functions. Mol Biomed 2, 23 (2021).
5. Roles of host mitochondria in the development of COVID-19 pathology: Could mitochondria be a potential therapeutic target?
Srinivasan, K., Pandey, A.K., Livingston, A. et al. Roles of host mitochondria in the development of COVID-19 pathology: Could mitochondria be a potential therapeutic target?. Mol Biomed 2, 38 (2021).
6. Therapeutic progress and challenges for triple negative breast cancer: targeted therapy and immunotherapy
Yang, R., Li, Y., Wang, H. et al. Therapeutic progress and challenges for triple negative breast cancer: targeted therapy and immunotherapy. Mol Biomed 3, 8 (2022).
7. Omicron-included mutation-induced changes in epitopes of SARS-CoV-2 spike protein and effectiveness assessments of current antibodies
Guo, D., Duan, H., Cheng, Y. et al. Omicron-included mutation-induced changes in epitopes of SARS-CoV-2 spike protein and effectiveness assessments of current antibodies. Mol Biomed 3, 12 (2022).
8. Post-translational modifications in liquid-liquid phase separation: a comprehensive review
Li, J., Zhang, M., Ma, W. et al. Post-translational modifications in liquid-liquid phase separation: a comprehensive review. Mol Biomed 3, 13 (2022).
Molecular Biomedicine是由全球领先的出版商Springer Nature发行的同行评审的在线OA期刊,及时出版基于分子角度的生物医学领域的基础研究与临床研究关注,重点关注人类疾病的发展机制、预防、诊断和治疗等方面的研究进展。Molecular Biomedicine也已被ESCI、Scopus、PubMed、DOAJ等数据库收录。
期刊主编由荷兰格罗宁根大学Arnold J.M. Driessen教授(荷兰皇家科学院院士)和四川大学华西医院生物治疗国家重点实验室魏于全教授(中国科学院院士)担任。魏于全院士还担任MedComm和Signal Transduction and Targeted Therapy(2021年IF 38.1)的主编。
Molecular Biomedicine重点关注以下主题:表观遗传学、基因组学和蛋白质组学、基因编辑、RNA生物学、信号转导、结构生物学、疾病的早期诊断和生物标记、基因治疗、细胞治疗和免疫治疗、小分子靶向治疗、分子成像、医学人工智能、再生医学等。在2020年至2022年,免收出版费(APC),对重要原创成果采取“快速通道”模式,最快一周可完成审稿与接收。
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