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DIKWP Mechanism for Assessing Consciousness

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DIKWP Labelling and Reasoning Mechanism for Assessing Consciousness in Non-Human Species


Yucong Duan

Benefactor: Shiming Gong

AGI-AIGC-GPT Evaluation DIKWP (Global) Laboratory

DIKWP-AC Artificial Consciousness Standardization Committee

World Conference on Artificial Consciousness

World Artificial Consciousness Association










1 Running example

1.1 Case Study - Crows and Color Recognition

1.2 DIKWP Processing Explanation

1.3 Transformation Functions

1.4 Consciousness Indication

1.4.1 Data (D)

1.4.2 Information (I)

1.4.3 Knowledge (K)

1.4.4 Wisdom (W)

1.4.5 Purpose (P)

1.5 Methodological Approach

1.6 Implementation

2 DIKWP Labeling and Formalization Process

2.1 Data (D)

2.2 Information (I)

2.3 Knowledge (K)

2.4 Wisdom (W)

2.5 Purpose (P)

3 Methodological Enhancement for DIKWP Analysis

4 Two Cases with DIKWP Labelling and Reasoning

4.1 Case Study 1: Crows Performing Color Recognition Tasks

4.1.1 DIKWP Analysis

4.1.2 Labelling and Reasoning

4.2 Case Study 2: Octopuses Avoiding Pain

4.2.1 DIKWP Analysis

4.2.2 Labelling and Reasoning

5 Methodology: DIKWP Framework

5.1 The DIKWP model breaks down cognitive processing into five stages

5.2 Labelling and Reasoning in Case Studies

5.2.1 Case Study 1: Crows Performing Color Recognition Tasks

5.2.2 Case Study 2: Octopuses Avoiding Pain

6 5x5 DIKWP Transformation Matrix

6.1 Matrix Setup

6.2 Examples and Reasoning

6.2.1 D to I (Data to Information)

6.2.2 I to K (Information to Knowledge)

6.2.3 K to W (Knowledge to Wisdom)

6.2.4 W to P (Wisdom to Purpose)

6.2.5 P to D (Purpose to Data)

6.3 Assessing Consciousness

7 DIKWP Analysis with 5*5 Transformation Patterns

7.1 Case Study 1: Crows Performing Color Recognition Tasks

7.2 Case Study 2: Octopuses Avoiding Pain


Future Work




Understanding consciousness in non-human species is a challenging yet crucial endeavor in cognitive science and ethology. The DIKWP model provides a structured approach to analyze how different species process information from perception to action, which can indicate levels of consciousness. This report outlines the application of the DIKWP (Data, Information, Knowledge, Wisdom, Purpose) model in assessing consciousness through detailed labelling and reasoning mechanisms. By studying crows and octopuses, this report demonstrates how these species transform sensory inputs into conscious responses.



Recent studies have expanded our understanding of consciousness beyond humans, suggesting that various animal species exhibit behaviors that might indicate conscious awareness. The DIKWP model offers a novel framework for systematically exploring these behaviors by dissecting cognitive processes into five interrelated components. This model not only helps in identifying conscious traits but also in understanding the depth of cognitive processing involved in specific animal behaviors.


1 Running example

An example case analysis by Prof. Yucong Duan about the DIKWP transformation specifics in the context of consciousness processing:

DIKWP Model Basics: It appears the model categorizes cognitive processes into Data (D), Information (I), Knowledge (K), Wisdom (W), and Purpose (P). It's important to understand each category's specific role and how they interact in consciousness studies.

1.1 Case Study - Crows and Color Recognition

Data (D): The crows see color blocks which is the raw sensory input (D-observation).

Information (I): The processed cognitive output where the crows understand or recognize the colors (I-report).

Activity Measurement: This involves the brain activity (D-activity) that correlates with the information category (I-report) rather than the direct observation (D-observation).

1.2 DIKWP Processing Explanation

The crowsbrain activities are influenced by their recognition and understanding of the task (forming the I-report), rather than just the visual input (D-observation).

The conversion from Data to Information in the context of DIKWP seems to integrate an element of Purpose (P), transforming simple sensory data (D) into meaningful information (I) via the internal motivation or task (P-task) assigned to the crows.

1.3 Transformation Functions

D-activity::= DIKWP(I-report) indicates that the activity measured correlates directly with the processed information rather than just the raw data.

D-activity::= !DIKWP(D-observation) shows the activity does not directly correlate with the mere observation but with the cognitive processing it undergoes to become meaningful information.

1.4 Consciousness Indication

The ability of the crows to transform observed data into task-related information, influenced by their cognitive purpose (P-task), suggests a level of conscious processing. This transformation from data through a purpose to form meaningful information characterizes a potential marker of consciousness.

To ensure a comprehensive understanding and correct application of the DIKWP model in future analyses or reports, could you confirm if my understanding aligns with the intended use of the model as per your detailed explanation? This will help in forming a more accurate and effective report on the application of DIKWP in consciousness studies across various species.

To develop a comprehensive methodology and set of criteria based on the DIKWP model for evaluating consciousness in biological creatures, we can outline a structured approach. This methodology will involve systematic observation and analysis across the DIKWP dimensionsData, Information, Knowledge, Wisdom, and Purpose. Here's how each component can be methodically applied:

1.4.1 Data (D)

Definition: Raw sensory inputs or observable actions.Criteria:

Record the primary sensory inputs or observable stimuli involved in the experimental setup.

Ensure that the data collection methods are sensitive and specific enough to capture relevant phenomena.

1.4.2 Information (I)

Definition: Processed data that has been cognitively recognized or categorized.Criteria:

Identify the transformation of raw data into categorized or recognized patterns.

Assess the accuracy and reliability of these cognitive categorizations against known benchmarks or controls.

1.4.3 Knowledge (K)

Definition: Established understandings or patterns derived from accumulated information.Criteria:

Evaluate how consistently information is used to form repeatable patterns of behavior or thought.

Determine if there is a progression from simple information processing to complex decision-making based on learned information.

1.4.4 Wisdom (W)

Definition: The application of knowledge to make predictions, solve problems, or optimize outcomes.Criteria:

Analyze the application of accumulated knowledge in new or varying contexts.

Assess the effectiveness of adaptive or predictive behaviors in achieving desired outcomes.

1.4.5 Purpose (P)

Definition: The intentionality behind actions, influenced by internal goals or external tasks.Criteria:

Examine the evidence for goal-directed behaviors or task-oriented actions.

Consider the alignment of actions with expected or designed outcomes to infer purposefulness.

1.5 Methodological Approach

Experimental Design: Design experiments that can isolate and evaluate each DIKWP component. For instance, modify the environmental variables to see if the subjects adapt their behavior (wisdom and purpose), indicating a higher level of cognitive processing.

Behavioral and Neurological Measurements: Use both behavioral observations and neurological measurements to correlate external behaviors with internal cognitive processes. Techniques like fMRI or EEG could be instrumental in measuring brain activities associated with different DIKWP stages.

Statistical Analysis: Apply statistical models to analyze the data for patterns that consistently represent DIKWP transformations, ensuring that findings are statistically significant and not due to random variations.

Cross-Species Comparison: Apply the same set of criteria across different species to validate the universality or specificity of the observed cognitive processes. This comparative approach can highlight fundamental aspects of consciousness.

1.6 Implementation

Pilot Studies: Conduct initial pilot studies to refine measurement techniques and ensure that all DIKWP aspects can be reliably observed and quantified.

Iterative Testing: Employ iterative methodologies to refine hypotheses and experimental designs based on ongoing findings.

Peer Review and Replication: Engage with the scientific community for peer reviews and replicate studies to validate the findings and ensure robustness.

By systematically applying the DIKWP model with clearly defined criteria and a structured methodological approach, researchers can more effectively study and potentially confirm signs of consciousness across different biological entities. This comprehensive framework not only facilitates a deeper understanding of cognitive processes but also supports the development of universally applicable scientific standards in the study of consciousness.


2 DIKWP Labeling and Formalization Process

To focus specifically on developing the DIKWP model for labeling and formalizing reasoning processes related to consciousness in biological entities, we need to break down each component of the DIKWP model and establish formal protocols for identification, measurement, and analysis. Heres a detailed approach to each step:

2.1 Data (D)

Formalization Reasoning:

Labeling Protocol: Define what constitutes 'data' in the context of consciousness studies. This involves specifying the types of sensory inputs or observable stimuli that are considered raw data.

Measurement Criteria: Develop measurement tools and protocols that accurately capture these inputs without altering their intrinsic properties.

2.2 Information (I)

Formalization Reasoning:

Labeling Protocol: Establish criteria for what transformations of data qualify as 'information'. This could involve recognizing patterns, categorization, or initial interpretations by the subject.

Processing Analysis: Use signal processing techniques or cognitive tests to analyze how data is transformed into information within the neural systems of the subject.

2.3 Knowledge (K)

Formalization Reasoning:

Labeling Protocol: Define 'knowledge' as the integration of various pieces of information over time leading to a reliable pattern or understanding.

Longitudinal Studies: Implement studies that track information integration over time to see if and how it stabilizes into knowledge.

2.4 Wisdom (W)

Formalization Reasoning:

Labeling Protocol: Identify behaviors or decisions that utilize knowledge effectively in new or complex situations as 'wisdom'.

Contextual Performance Assessment: Evaluate the subject's ability to apply knowledge in varying contexts, noting flexibility, innovation, and efficiency.

2.5 Purpose (P)

Formalization Reasoning:

Labeling Protocol: Distinguish purpose-driven behaviors, which should be actions taken by subjects that are goal-oriented and not just reactive.

Goal Alignment Analysis: Analyze the alignment of actions with stated or inferred goals through behavioral studies or neuroimaging techniques.


3 Methodological Enhancement for DIKWP Analysis

Cognitive Task Design: Design tasks that specifically test each element of DIKWP in isolation and in combination. Tasks should be able to isolate data processing, information categorization, knowledge application, and purpose-driven behaviors.

Neurological Correlation Studies: Use advanced imaging techniques to study brain activity patterns associated with each DIKWP component. For example, fMRI scans could be used to observe brain regions active during tasks requiring the use of 'wisdom' or 'purpose'.

Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning Models: Develop AI models that can simulate DIKWP processes based on collected data. These models would help in predicting and analyzing the DIKWP transitions in controlled environments.

Cross-Validation with Computational Models: Utilize computational neuroscience to model the DIKWP processes and validate them against empirical data. This involves creating simulations of neural processes to see if they align with observed behaviors in biological entities.

The formalization and labeling process within the DIKWP framework should be dynamic and adaptable to new scientific findings. Rigorous experimental protocols combined with advanced computational models and neuroimaging techniques will enhance the accuracy and reliability of consciousness studies using the DIKWP model. This systematic approach ensures that every aspect of cognitive processing is accounted for, from raw data perception to complex purpose-driven behaviors, providing a comprehensive method to investigate consciousness across species.


4 Two Cases with DIKWP Labelling and Reasoning

4.1 Case Study 1: Crows Performing Color Recognition Tasks

Experimental Setup:In this experiment, crows were trained to perform specific head movements in response to the appearance of colored blocks on a screen. This task was executed with high accuracy, suggesting a significant level of cognitive engagement.

4.1.1 DIKWP Analysis

Data (D): The visual stimuli (colored blocks) seen by the crows.

Purpose (P): The crows' objective to perform a correct response to receive a reward.

Information (I): The interpretation and processing of the colors as signals for specific behaviors.

Activity Measurement: Scientists measured brain activity in areas associated with advanced cognitive functions while the crows performed the task. This brain activity correlated with the information the crows reported (their reactions), not merely with the visual data they observed.

4.1.2 Labelling and Reasoning

Data to Information (D to I): The visual data (D-observation) undergo a transformation driven by the task's purpose (P-task) into cognitive information (I-report), wherein the crows cognitively associate specific colors with expected actions. This transformation, denoted asD+PI, signifies a conscious processing of visual data underpinned by a goal-oriented context.

Information to Action: The brain's response I-report directly influences the crowsphysical reaction D-activity, highlighting a conscious awareness and decision-making process based on cognitive interpretations rather than instinctual reactions.

Consciousness Indication:The linkage D-observation+P-taskI-report leading toI-reportD-activity, and the absence of a direct influence from D-observationD-activity strongly indicate conscious processing. This supports the theory that crows are not only reacting but are aware of their reactions, fulfilling criteria for potential consciousness as per the DIKWP models transformation patterns.

4.2 Case Study 2: Octopuses Avoiding Pain

Experimental Setup:Octopuses were placed in an environment with two chambers; one previously associated with pain and another with anesthetic. The choice made by the octopuses to avoid the painful chamber suggests a learned avoidance behavior.

4.2.1 DIKWP Analysis

Data (D): The environmental cues within each chamber, recognized by the octopuses.

Information (I): Sensory inputs from previous painful or neutral experiences associated with each chamber.

Knowledge (K): The learned association of certain chambers with pain, stored as knowledge.

Wisdom (W): The application of this knowledge to make a decision when presented with the choice again.

Purpose (P): The inherent drive to avoid pain and seek comfort.

4.2.2 Labelling and Reasoning

Data to Knowledge (D to K): Octopuses transform their direct sensory experiences (painful or anesthetic conditions) into actionable knowledge. This process, defined as D+IK, indicates that the octopuses not only receive data but process and store it as a cognitive map of safe and unsafe conditions.

Knowledge to Wisdom (K to W): The use of this knowledge to make informed decisions under varying contexts suggests a higher cognitive function, where past learning influences present decisions.

Consciousness Indication:The transformation sequence from data reception to knowledge application, D+IK followed by KW, underlines a cognitive sophistication akin to consciousness. It shows an intentional, aware response to environmental stimuli based on past experiences and learned behaviors.

In both cases, the detailed DIKWP labelling and reasoning illustrate how each species processes information from basic data inputs to complex, purpose-driven actions. These transformations provide strong indicators of consciousness, demonstrating not just reactive behaviors but informed, cognitive responses to their environments. This expanded and detailed analysis adheres closely to the suggested methodology, providing a robust framework for assessing consciousness in non-human species through the DIKWP model.


5 Methodology: DIKWP Framework

5.1 The DIKWP model breaks down cognitive processing into five stages

Data (D): Raw sensory inputs or observations.

Information (I): Processed data that has been given context and meaning.

Knowledge (K): Information that has been learned and retained.

Wisdom (W): Applied knowledge in decision-making processes.

Purpose (P): The goal or intent driving the use of wisdom.

5.2 Labelling and Reasoning in Case Studies

5.2.1 Case Study 1: Crows Performing Color Recognition Tasks

Experimental Observations:Crows were trained to respond to colored blocks on a screen, with their brain activity monitored to assess cognitive processes.

DIKWP Analysis:

Data to Information (D to I):

D (Data): Visual stimuli of colored blocks.

P (Purpose): To execute a learned response for a reward.

I (Information): Recognition and association of colors with actions.

Labelling and Reasoning: The transition from D to I, facilitated by P, shows that crows process visual stimuli into specific cognitive responses, not merely reacting but understanding and deciding based on the task's purpose.

Information to Action (I to D-activity):

K (Knowledge): Internalized behavior patterns recognizing the stimuli.

W (Wisdom): Applying behaviors to receive rewards.

Labelling and Reasoning: The correlation of brain activity with reported information rather than observed data suggests a conscious selection based on internalized knowledge and wisdom, indicating a conscious awareness in crows.

5.2.2 Case Study 2: Octopuses Avoiding Pain

Experimental Observations:Octopuses chose between two chambers, one associated with pain and the other with anesthetic, indicating a learned preference.

DIKWP Analysis:

Data to Knowledge (D to K):

D (Data): Environmental cues from the chambers.

I (Information): Previous experiences of pain or comfort.

K (Knowledge): Associations of specific chambers with pain.

Labelling and Reasoning: The transformation from D to K suggests that octopuses not only sense but remember and use environmental information to make informed decisions, a sign of conscious processing.

Knowledge to Wisdom (K to W):

W (Wisdom): Decision to avoid pain based on previous knowledge.

P (Purpose): Inherent drive to seek comfort and avoid pain.

Labelling and Reasoning: The application of learned knowledge in new contexts underlines a wisdom-driven, purposeful behavior, indicative of conscious thought.


6 5x5 DIKWP Transformation Matrix

To develop a detailed framework for assessing consciousness using the 5x5 DIKWP transformation pattern, we can explore how data (D), information (I), knowledge (K), wisdom (W), and purpose (P) interact within a matrix of possible transitions. This approach allows us to systematically understand how each component contributes to cognitive processing and consciousness, particularly focusing on the interaction among these components as seen in the cases of crows and octopuses, as previously mentioned.

The 5x5 matrix outlines potential transformations between each component of the DIKWP model. Each cell in the matrix represents a possible transition or interaction between two components, detailing how input from one aspect can lead to an output in another, forming a complex web of cognitive functions that underpin consciousness.

6.1 Matrix Setup

Rows: The input component (D, I, K, W, P)

Columns: The output component (D, I, K, W, P)

Each cell in the matrix (X,Y) describes how X contributes to or transforms into Y. Below, we explore this matrix with specific examples and reasoning processes based on the experimental observations of crows and octopuses:







Data Processing

Data to Information

Data to Knowledge

Data to Wisdom

Data to Purpose


Information to Data

Information Processing

Information to Knowledge

Information to Wisdom

Information to Purpose


Knowledge to Data

Knowledge to Information

Knowledge Processing

Knowledge to Wisdom

Knowledge to Purpose


Wisdom to Data

Wisdom to Information

Wisdom to Knowledge

Wisdom Processing

Wisdom to Purpose


Purpose to Data

Purpose to Information

Purpose to Knowledge

Purpose to Wisdom

Purpose Processing

6.2 Examples and Reasoning

6.2.1 D to I (Data to Information)

Crow Case: The transformation of visual stimuli (colored blocks) into specific reactions (head movements).

Octopus Case: Recognition of room conditions (painful vs. anesthetic) as distinct inputs.

6.2.2 I to K (Information to Knowledge)

Crow Case: Internalization of the association between specific colors and required actions.

Octopus Case: Learning that certain rooms are associated with negative experiences.

6.2.3 K to W (Knowledge to Wisdom)

Crow Case: Applying learned behaviors to optimize performance, possibly showing flexibility in responses if conditions change.

Octopus Case: Generalizing from past experiences to avoid rooms associated with pain even under different circumstances.

6.2.4 W to P (Wisdom to Purpose)

Crow Case: Purpose-driven behavior to achieve rewards, indicating a higher level of decision-making.

Octopus Case: Deliberate choice based on an understanding of past outcomes, reflecting a goal-oriented approach.

6.2.5 P to D (Purpose to Data)

Both Cases: Adjusting sensory attention based on goals, such as focusing on certain visual cues or environmental features that align with their objectives.

6.3 Assessing Consciousness

Each transformation in the matrix can be analyzed for evidence of conscious processing. For instance, transitions that involve more complex feedback loops or the integration of multiple types of cognitive processes (like Wisdom to Purpose, or Knowledge to Wisdom) might indicate higher levels of consciousness.

This 5x5 DIKWP transformation matrix serves as a comprehensive framework to analyze and understand the cognitive and conscious processes of different species. By exploring each transition in detail, researchers can identify signs of consciousness and understand its underlying mechanisms more deeply, ultimately contributing to the broader field of cognitive science and animal psychology.


7 DIKWP Analysis with 5*5 Transformation Patterns

The DIKWP model provides a robust framework for analyzing the cognitive processes in animals, particularly focusing on the transformation patterns that could indicate varying levels of consciousness. To provide a comprehensive view, we explore the 5*5 DIKWP transformation patterns by extending the analysis to both detailed and hypothetical cases involving crows and octopuses.

The 5*5 DIKWP transformation matrix is structured to assess transitions among all components (Data, Information, Knowledge, Wisdom, Purpose) in various combinations, potentially revealing the complex cognitive dynamics typically associated with conscious processing.

7.1 Case Study 1: Crows Performing Color Recognition Tasks

Expanded DIKWP Analysis:

Data (D) to Information (I): The visual stimulus (color blocks) is correctly associated with specific reactions, highlighting a direct sensory to cognitive mapping.

Data (D) to Knowledge (K): Over repeated trials, crows accumulate experiences that link colors to actions beyond immediate rewards, forming predictive knowledge.

Data (D) to Wisdom (W): Crows apply historical success rates of specific colors leading to rewards in modifying their response strategies under varying conditions.

Data (D) to Purpose (P): The fundamental goal driving the crow's response to the stimulus, such as obtaining food, avoiding punishment, or exploring new stimuli.

Information (I) to Knowledge (K): Transition from recognizing colors to understanding that these colors have consistent outcomes based on past interactions.

Information (I) to Wisdom (W): Utilizing the information about colors in decision-making processes to optimize the outcomes of their actions.

Information (I) to Purpose (P): The information processed is used to fulfill specific purposes like maximization of rewards or minimization of efforts.

Knowledge (K) to Wisdom (W): Using the accumulated knowledge about color patterns to make complex decisions that enhance survival or reward probabilities.

Knowledge (K) to Purpose (P): Direct application of learned behaviors to achieve specific goals, such as training completion or problem-solving.

Wisdom (W) to Purpose (P): Wisdom, derived from applying knowledge in practical contexts, directly influences the goals and strategic decisions of the crows.

7.2 Case Study 2: Octopuses Avoiding Pain

Extended DIKWP Analysis:

Data (D) to Information (I): Sensory detection of different environments leads to distinguishing safe from harmful chambers.

Data (D) to Knowledge (K): Accumulation of experiences where specific chambers consistently result in pain or relief.

Data (D) to Wisdom (W): Strategic decision-making based on past data about which chamber leads to positive outcomes.

Data (D) to Purpose (P): The intrinsic drive to seek comfort and avoid pain directly influences behavioral choices.

Information (I) to Knowledge (K): Correlating specific environmental cues with historical outcomes to form a reliable understanding.

Information (I) to Wisdom (W): Using information about the chambers to make informed decisions about where to go.

Information (I) to Purpose (P): Using specific information about safe environments to fulfill the goal of pain avoidance.

Knowledge (K) to Wisdom (W): Application of knowledge about safe and painful chambers in new or modified contexts.

Knowledge (K) to Purpose (P): Leveraging what is known about the chambers to actively avoid pain, fulfilling a basic survival instinct.

Wisdom (W) to Purpose (P): Wisdom, developed through repeated exposure to stimuli and outcomes, guides the octopuses in fulfilling their primary intent to avoid discomfort.

Extended DIKWP analysis covering all possible transformations offers a profound insight into the cognitive capabilities of crows and octopuses, suggesting a sophisticated level of conscious processing that incorporates complex behaviors, memory, learning, decision-making, and purpose-driven actions. By systematically applying this model, we can enhance our understanding of consciousness across different species, supporting more nuanced interpretations of animal intelligence and cognitive flexibility.



The detailed application of the DIKWP labelling and reasoning mechanism to these case studies provides compelling evidence of conscious processing in non-human species. By methodically analyzing each cognitive stage from data reception to purposeful action, we can better understand and recognize consciousness in various forms of life. This approach not only enriches our comprehension of animal cognition but also enhances our ability to study and measure consciousness in a structured and systematic way.


Future Work

Further research using the DIKWP model should aim to encompass a broader range of behaviors and species, potentially including neural analyses to correlate physiological data with stages of DIKWP processing. This would deepen our understanding of how consciousness manifests across different life forms and under varied ecological and environmental conditions.




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[17] 段玉聪(Yucong Duan). (2024). 基于语义数学的美国和中国经济增长分析(Semantic Mathematics based Analysis of Economic Growth in the United States and China). DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.35980.90246. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/377401731_Semantic_Mathematics_based_Analysis_of_Economic_Growth_in_the_United_States_and_China

[18] 段玉聪(Yucong Duan). (2024). Collatz Conjecture的语义数学探索(Collatz Conjecture's Semantic Mathematics Exploration). DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.28517.99041. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/377239567_Collatz_Conjecture's_Semantic_Mathematics_Exploration

[19] 段玉聪(Yucong Duan). (2024). 语义数学与 DIKWP 模型(本质计算与推理、存在计算与推理以及意图计算与推理)(Semantic Mathematics and DIKWP Model (Essence Computation and Reasoning, Existence Computation and Reasoning, and Purpose Computation and Reasoning)). DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.24323.68648. 377239628_Semantic_Mathematics_and_DIKWP_Model_Essence_Computation_and_Reasoning_Existence_Computation_and_Reasoning_and_Purpose_Computation_and_Reasoning

[20] 段玉聪(Yucong Duan). (2024). 从主观到客观的语义数学重构(存在计算与推理、本质计算与推理、意图计算与推理)(Semantic Mathematics Reconstruction from Subjectivity to Objectivity (Existence Computation and Reasoning, Essence Computing and Reasoning, Purpose Computing and Reasoning)). DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.32469.81120. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/377158883_Semantic_Mathematics_Reconstruction_from_Subjectivity_to_Objectivity_Existence_Computation_and_Reasoning_Essence_Computing_and_Reasoning_Purpose_Computing_and_Reasoning

[21] 段玉聪(Yucong Duan). (2024). DIKWP与语义数学在车票订购案例中的应用(DIKWP and Semantic Mathematics in the Case of Ticket Ordering). DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.35422.20800. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/377085570_DIKWP_and_Semantic_Mathematics_in_the_Case_of_Ticket_Ordering

[22] 段玉聪(Yucong Duan). (2024). DIKWP与语义数学分析《论语》“君子和而不同,小人同而不和”(DIKWP and Semantic Mathematical Analysis The Confluent Analects Gentleman is harmonious but different, while petty people are the same but not harmonious). DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.28711.32165. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/377085455_DIKWP_and_Semantic_Mathematical_Analysis_The_Confluent_Analects_Gentleman_is_harmonious_but_different_while_petty_people_are_the_same_but_not_harmonious

[23] 段玉聪(Yucong Duan). (2023). DIKWP 人工意识芯片的设计与应用(DIKWP Artificial Consciousness Chip Design and Application). DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.14306.50881. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/376982029_DIKWP_Artificial_Consciousness_Chip_Design_and_Application

[24] 段玉聪(Yucong Duan). (2024). 直觉的本质与意识理论的交互关系(The Essence of Intuition and Its Interaction with theory of Consciousness). DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.16556.85127. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/378315211_The_Essence_of_Intuition_and_Its_Interaction_with_theory_of_Consciousness

[25] 段玉聪(Yucong Duan). (2024). 意识中的“BUG”:探索抽象语义的本质(Understanding the Essence of "BUG" in Consciousness: A Journey into the Abstraction of Semantic Wholeness). DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.29978.62409. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/378315372_Understanding_the_Essence_of_BUG_in_Consciousness_A_Journey_into_the_Abstraction_of_Semantic_Wholeness

[26] 段玉聪(Yucong Duan). (2024). 个人和集体的人造意识(Individual and Collective Artificial Consciousness). DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.20274.38082. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/378302882_Individual_and_Collective_Artificial_Consciousness

[27] 段玉聪(Yucong Duan). (2024). 人工意识系统的存在性探究:从个体到群体层面的视角(The Existence of Artificial Consciousness Systems: A Perspective from Group Consciousness). DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.28662.98889. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/378302893_The_Existence_of_Artificial_Consciousness_Systems_A_Perspective_from_Collective_Consciousness

[28] 段玉聪(Yucong Duan). (2024). 意识与潜意识:处理能力的有限性与BUG的错觉(Consciousness and Subconsciousness: from Limitation of Processing to the Illusion of BUG). DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.13563.49447. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/378303461_Consciousness_and_Subconsciousness_from_Limitation_of_Processing_to_the_Illusion_of_BUG

[29] 段玉聪(Yucong Duan). (2024). 如果人是一个文字接龙机器,意识不过是BUG(If Human is a Word Solitaire Machine, Consciousness is Just a Bug). DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.13563.49447. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/378303461_Consciousness_and_Subconsciousness_from_Limitation_of_Processing_to_the_Illusion_of_BUG

[30] 段玉聪(Yucong Duan). (2024). 超越达尔文:技术、社会与意识进化中的新适应性(Beyond Darwin: New Adaptations in the Evolution of Technology, Society, and Consciousness). DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.29265.92001. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/378290072_Beyond_Darwin_New_Adaptations_in_the_Evolution_of_Technology_Society_and_Consciousness

[31] "Cognitive Ethology: The Minds of Other Animals" by Donald R. Griffin - Discusses concepts of animal consciousness and cognitive behaviors.

[32] "Animal Cognition: Evolution, Behavior and Cognition" by Wynne & Udell - Explores cognitive processes across a variety of animal species.

[33] "The Question of Animal Awareness: Evolutionary Continuity of Mental Experience" by Donald R. Griffin - A foundational text in the study of animal consciousness.

[34] "Comparative Cognition: Experimental Explorations of Animal Intelligence" by Edward A. Wasserman & Thomas R. Zentall - Offers a comparative look at cognition across species.

[35] "Are We Smart Enough to Know How Smart Animals Are?" by Frans de Waal - Examines human assumptions about animal intelligence.

[36] "Animal Wise: The Thoughts and Emotions of Our Fellow Creatures" by Virginia Morell - Provides insights into the cognitive and emotional lives of animals.

[37] "Cognition, Evolution, and Behavior" by Sara J. Shettleworth - Focuses on the evolutionary aspects of animal cognition.

[38] "The Cognitive Animal: Empirical and Theoretical Perspectives on Animal Cognition" edited by Marc Bekoff, Colin Allen, & Gordon M. Burghardt - A collection of essays on various aspects of animal cognition.

[39] "Inside Animal Minds: The New Science of Animal Intelligence" by National Geographic - Explores the intelligence and consciousness of animals through recent scientific studies.

[40] "Consciousness and Mind in Non-Human Animals: Reports from the Frontiers of Science" by Bruce Edelman and Philip Low - Examines the scientific evidence for consciousness in non-human species.

[41] "Neuroethology of Cognitive and Perceptual Processes in Animals" by John Rubenstein and Mary Jane West-Eberhard - Studies neurological underpinnings of animal cognition.

[42] "Cognition in the Wild" by Edwin Hutchins - Investigates cognition using a more ecological and real-world approach, providing insights applicable to animal studies.

[43] "Bird Brain: An Exploration of Avian Intelligence" by Nathan Emery - Specifically discusses the cognitive abilities of birds, including corvids.

[44] "The Octopus, the Sea, and the Deep Origins of Consciousness" by Godfrey-Smith - Focuses on the consciousness and cognitive abilities of cephalopods, particularly octopuses.

[45] "Beyond the Brain: How Body and Environment Shape Animal and Human Minds" by Louise Barrett - Explores how cognition is influenced by the environment and physical body, relevant to studies on animal behavior and cognition.

[46] "Animal Intelligence: From Individual to Social Cognition" by Zhanna Reznikova - Investigates intelligence from individual problem-solving to social interactions.

[47] "Deep Thinkers: An Exploration of Intelligence in Whales, Dolphins, and Porpoises" by Janet Mann - Discusses intelligence in marine mammals, expanding concepts applicable to other species.

[48] "Tool Use and Causal Cognition" edited by Teresa McCormack, Christoph Hoerl, & Stephen Butterfill - Examines the use of tools as an indicator of complex cognitive processes.

[49] "The Ecological Approach to Visual Perception" by James J. Gibson - Classic text that can be applied to understanding how animals perceive and interact with their environments.

[50] "Philosophy of Animal Minds" edited by Robert W. Lurz - Explores philosophical perspectives on the study of animal minds, relevant for contextualizing findings within broader philosophical debates.



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