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Consciousness is Just a Bug

已有 517 次阅读 2024-2-18 10:17 |系统分类:论文交流

Traditional Invention and Innovation Theory 1946-TRIZ Does Not Adapt to the Digital Era

-Innovative problem-solving methods combining DIKWP model and classic TRIZ

Purpose driven Integration of data, information, knowledge, and wisdom Invention and creation methods: DIKWP-TRIZ

(Chinese people's own original invention and creation methods:DIKWP - TRIZ)



If Human is a Word Solitaire Machine, Consciousness is Just a Bug




Yucong Duan, Shiming Gong

DIKWP-AC Artificial Consciousness Laboratory

AGI-AIGC-GPT Evaluation DIKWP (Global) Laboratory

World Association of Artificial Consciousness





1 The essence of human as a word solitaire machine

2 Consciousness as a BUG phenomenon

3 Transition from infinity to finiteness

4 Enlightenment to Artificial Intelligence and HumanComputer Interaction

5 Challenges to human self-cognition

1 人作为文字接龙机器的本质

2 意识作为BUG的现象

3 从无限到有限的转变

4 对人工智能和人机交互的启示

5 对人类自我认知的挑战



Professor Yucong Duan put forward the view that human beings are essentially a teleprompter, and consciousness is just a BUG caused by physical restrictions in the process of teleprompter. This phenomenon from infinite to limited provides a unique and profound perspective for us to understand the nature and evolution of human consciousness and language. This theory not only challenges the traditional understanding of human consciousness, but also provides a new thinking path for exploring the future development of Artificial Intelligence, HumanComputer Interaction and human self-cognition. The purpose of this report is to expand and deeply explore this view and explore its potential impact on modern science, philosophy and technology research.

1 The essence of human as a word solitaire machine

Professor Yucong Duan put forward the view that human beings are essentially a "word-answering machine", while consciousness is a "BUG" caused by physical limitations, which triggered the phenomenon from infinite to limited, and provided us with a brand-new perspective for understanding human consciousness and cognitive process. According to Professor Yucong Duan's theory, the cognitive process of human beings can be regarded as a complex word solitaire game, in which each individual is constantly receiving, processing and transmitting the content of DIKWP. This process includes not only the direct communication of language, but also non-verbal symbols, images and DIKWP information spread through technical media. In this game, the human brain acts as a processor, constantly analyzing and reorganizing information and creating new ideas and knowledge. In this game, each character or symbol not only carries a specific meaning, but also links with other characters or symbols to form a complex semantic network. This perspective emphasizes the core role of language in the formation of human cognition and consciousness, and also points out that language, as a tool, has limitations and occasional "bugs" in the process of transmitting and constructing meaning.

2 Consciousness as a BUG phenomenon

Professor Duan further pointed out that consciousness is actually a "BUG" in this information processing process, and it is the constraint of physical restrictions on infinite thinking ability. In this framework, consciousness is regarded as a phenomenon caused by physical restrictions, that is, accidental errors or bugs in the process of word solitaire. This view implies that the generation of human consciousness is not entirely the result of high order and purpose, but a by-product formed by chance in the complex interaction between language and thinking. This theory challenges many traditional understandings of consciousness as an advanced cognitive process and puts forward a more dynamic and unpredictable consciousness formation mechanism. This view implies the dual nature of consciousness: it is not only the source of human cognition and creativity, but also the fundamental obstacle that limits our understanding of the universe and our own nature. This feature of consciousness enables human beings to survive and develop in the limited physical world, but it also limits our pursuit of infinite knowledge.

3 Transition from infinity to finiteness

Professor Duan's theory also puts forward an important point: the change of consciousness from infinite to limited. In this process, human beings frame infinite possibilities in a limited semantic space through language and symbols. This change is not only an important feature in the cognitive process, but also the basis for human beings to understand the world and build a knowledge system. This limitation of consciousness is not only the premise that human beings can effectively process information and make decisions, but also the root of the limitation of creative thinking and imagination.

4 Enlightenment to Artificial Intelligence and HumanComputer Interaction

Professor Yucong Duan's theory has important implications for the fields of Artificial Intelligence and HumanComputer Interaction. First of all, it reminds us that we need to consider the limitations and contingency in the process of language and symbol processing when designing intelligent systems and HumanComputer Interaction interfaces. Secondly, understanding human consciousness as a BUG in the process of word solitaire helps us to design more flexible and adaptable Artificial Intelligence systems, which can simulate the uncertainty and creativity of human thinking. On the technical level, Professor Duan's views inspire us to explore new ways to expand human cognitive ability and consciousness. Through technologies such as Artificial Intelligence, Brain-Machine Interface and virtual reality, we may break through the limitation of traditional consciousness, optimize and accelerate information processing, and even come into contact with areas that human thinking can't touch at present.

5 Challenges to human self-cognition

Professor Yucong Duan's theory poses new challenges and opportunities for the study of modern science and philosophy. It requires us to re-examine the essence of human consciousness and explore how to transcend physical limitations and expand our cognitive boundaries. This process may involve deeply studying the working mechanism of the human brain, exploring the potential of Artificial Intelligence and Brain-Machine Interface, and developing new philosophical theories to explain the relationship between human consciousness and the universe. Professor Duan's theory also challenges human self-cognition. If human consciousness is really a BUG, then our understanding of ourselves, others and the world is based on an accidental and incomplete basis. This requires us to re-examine the process of self-cognition, and explore the more complex relationships among consciousness, language and cognition, and how these relationships are shaping global consciousness.

Professor Yucong Duan's theory opens up a new way to study human consciousness and cognitive process. Future research may focus on how to overcome the "BUG" in consciousness, realize the expansion and promotion of consciousness through technical means, and explore the role and significance of consciousness in the universe.




1 人作为文字接龙机器的本质


2 意识作为BUG的现象


3 从无限到有限的转变


4 对人工智能和人机交互的启示


5 对人类自我认知的挑战






[1] Duan Y. Which characteristic does GPT-4 belong to? An analysis through DIKWP model. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.25042.53447. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/375597900_Which_characteristic_does_GPT-4_belong_to_An_analysis_through_DIKWP_model_GPT-4_shishenmexinggeDIKWP_moxingfenxibaogao. 2023.

[2] Duan Y. DIKWP Processing Report on Five Personality Traits. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.35738.00965. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/375597092_wudaxinggetezhide_DIKWP_chulibaogao_duanyucongYucong_Duan. 2023.

[3] Duan Y. Research on the Application of DIKWP Model in Automatic Classification of Five Personality Traits. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.15605.35047. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/375597087_DIKWP_moxingzaiwudaxinggetezhizidongfenleizhongdeyingyongyanjiu_duanyucongYucong_Duan. 2023.

[4] Duan Y, Gong S. DIKWP-TRIZ method: an innovative problem-solving method that combines the DIKWP model and classic TRIZ. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.12020.53120. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/375380084_DIKWP-TRIZfangfazongheDIKWPmoxinghejingdianTRIZdechuangxinwentijiejuefangfa. 2023.

[5] Duan Y. The Technological Prospects of Natural Language Programming in Large-scale AI Models: Implementation Based on DIKWP. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.19207.57762. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/374585374_The_Technological_Prospects_of_Natural_Language_Programming_in_Large-scale_AI_Models_Implementation_Based_on_DIKWP_duanyucongYucong_Duan. 2023.

[6] Duan Y. The Technological Prospects of Natural Language Programming in Large-scale AI Models: Implementation Based on DIKWP. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.19207.57762. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/374585374_The_Technological_Prospects_of_Natural_Language_Programming_in_Large-scale_AI_Models_Implementation_Based_on_DIKWP_duanyucongYucong_Duan. 2023.

[7] Duan Y. Exploring GPT-4, Bias, and its Association with the DIKWP Model. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.11687.32161. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/374420003_tantaoGPT-4pianjianjiqiyuDIKWPmoxingdeguanlian_Exploring_GPT-4_Bias_and_its_Association_with_the_DIKWP_Model. 2023.

[8] Duan Y. DIKWP language: a semantic bridge connecting humans and AI. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.16464.89602. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/374385889_DIKWP_yuyanlianjierenleiyu_AI_deyuyiqiaoliang. 2023.

[9] Duan Y. The DIKWP artificial consciousness of the DIKWP automaton method displays the corresponding processing process at the level of word and word granularity. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.13773.00483. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/374267176_DIKWP_rengongyishide_DIKWP_zidongjifangshiyiziciliducengjizhanxianduiyingdechuliguocheng. 2023.

[10] Duan Y. Implementation and Application of Artificial wisdom in DIKWP Model: Exploring a Deep Framework from Data to Decision Making. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.33276.51847. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/374266065_rengongzhinengzai_DIKWP_moxingzhongdeshixianyuyingyongtansuocongshujudaojuecedeshendukuangjia_duanyucongYucong_Duan. 2023.

Data can be regarded as a concrete manifestation of the same semantics in our cognition. Often, Data represents the semantic confirmation of the existence of a specific fact or observation, and is recognised as the same object or concept by corresponding to some of the same semantic correspondences contained in the existential nature of the cognitive subject's pre-existing cognitive objects. When dealing with data, we often seek and extract the particular identical semantics that labels that data, and then unify them as an identical concept based on the corresponding identical semantics. For example, when we see a flock of sheep, although each sheep may be slightly different in terms of size, colour, gender, etc., we will classify them into the concept of "sheep" because they share our semantic understanding of the concept of "sheep". The same semantics can be specific, for example, when identifying an arm, we can confirm that a silicone arm is an arm based on the same semantics as a human arm, such as the same number of fingers, the same colour, the same arm shape, etc., or we can determine that the silicone arm is not an arm because it doesn't have the same semantics as a real arm, which is defined by the definition of "can be rotated". It is also possible to determine that the silicone arm is not an arm because it does not have the same semantics as a real arm, such as "rotatable".

Information, on the other hand, corresponds to the expression of different semantics in cognition. Typically, Information refers to the creation of new semantic associations by linking cognitive DIKWP objects with data, information, knowledge, wisdom, or purposes already cognised by the cognising subject through a specific purpose. When processing information, we identify the differences in the DIKWP objects they are cognised with, corresponding to different semantics, and classify the information according to the input data, information, knowledge, wisdom or purpose. For example, in a car park, although all cars can be classified under the notion of 'car', each car's parking location, time of parking, wear and tear, owner, functionality, payment history and experience all represent different semantics in the information. The different semantics of the information are often present in the cognition of the cognitive subject and are often not explicitly expressed. For example, a depressed person may use the term "depressed" to express the decline of his current mood relative to his previous mood, but this "depressed" is not the same as the corresponding information because its contrasting state is not the same as the corresponding information. However, the corresponding information cannot be objectively perceived by the listener because the contrasting state is not known to the listener, and thus becomes the patient's own subjective cognitive information.

Knowledge corresponds to the complete semantics in cognition. Knowledge is the understanding and explanation of the world acquired through observation and learning. In processing knowledge, we abstract at least one concept or schema that corresponds to a complete semantics through observation and learning. For example, we learn that all swans are white through observation, which is a complete knowledge of the concept "all swans are white" that we have gathered through a large amount of information.

Wisdom corresponds to information in the perspective of ethics, social morality, human nature, etc., a kind of extreme values from the culture, human social groups relative to the current era fixed or individual cognitive values. When dealing with Wisdom, we integrate this data, information, knowledge, and wisdom and use them to guide decision-making. For example, when faced with a decision-making problem, we integrate various perspectives such as ethics, morality, and feasibility, not just technology or efficiency.

Purpose can be viewed as a dichotomy (input, output), where both input and output are elements of data, information, knowledge, wisdom, or purpose. Purpose represents our understanding of a phenomenon or problem (input) and the goal we wish to achieve by processing and solving that phenomenon or problem (output). When processing purposes, the AI system processes the inputs according to its predefined goals (outputs), and gradually brings the outputs closer to the predefined goals by learning and adapting.

Yucong Duan, male, currently serves as a member of the Academic Committee of the School  of Computer Science and Technology at Hainan University. He is a professor and doctoral supervisor and is one of the first batch of talents selected into the South China Sea Masters Program of Hainan Province and the leading talents in Hainan Province. He graduated from the Software Research Institute of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2006, and has successively worked and visited Tsinghua University, Capital Medical University, POSCO University of Technology in South Korea, National Academy of Sciences of France, Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic, Milan Bicka University in Italy, Missouri State University in the United States, etc. He is currently a member of the Academic Committee of the School of Computer Science and Technology at Hainan University and he is the leader of the DIKWP (Data, Information, Knowledge, Wisdom, Purpose) Innovation Team at Hainan University, Distinguished Researcher at Chongqing Police College, Leader of Hainan Provincial Committee's "Double Hundred Talent" Team, Vice President of Hainan Invention Association, Vice President of Hainan Intellectual Property Association, Vice President of Hainan Low Carbon Economy Development Promotion Association, Vice President of Hainan Agricultural Products Processing Enterprises Association, Director of Network Security and Informatization Association of Hainan Province, Director of Artificial Intelligence Society of Hainan Province, Visiting Fellow, Central Michigan University, Member of the Doctoral Steering Committee of the University of Modena. Since being introduced to Hainan University as a D-class talent in 2012, He has published over 260 papers, included more than 120 SCI citations, and 11 ESI citations, with a citation count of over 4300. He has designed 241 serialized Chinese national and international invention patents (including 15 PCT invention patents) for multiple industries and fields and has been granted 85 Chinese national and international invention patents as the first inventor. Received the third prize for Wu Wenjun's artificial intelligence technology invention in 2020; In 2021, as the Chairman of the Program Committee, independently initiated the first International Conference on Data, Information, Knowledge and Wisdom - IEEE DIKW 2021; Served as the Chairman of the IEEE DIKW 2022 Conference Steering Committee in 2022; Served as the Chairman of the IEEE DIKW 2023 Conference in 2023. He was named the most beautiful technology worker in Hainan Province in 2022 (and was promoted nationwide); In 2022 and 2023, he was consecutively selected for the "Lifetime Scientific Influence Ranking" of the top 2% of global scientists released by Stanford University in the United States. Participated in the development of 2 international standards for IEEE financial knowledge graph and 4 industry knowledge graph standards. Initiated and co hosted the first International Congress on Artificial Consciousness (AC2023) in 2023.


Prof. Yucong Duan

DIKWP-AC Artificial Consciousness Laboratory

AGI-AIGC-GPT Evaluation DIKWP (Global) Laboratory

DIKWP research group, Hainan University




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