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The Inference Capability of GPT-4 in DIKWP

April 2023

DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.36558.33607

Yingbo Li,Yucong Duan




The Inference Capability of GPT-4 in DIKWP


Yingbo Li                       Yucong Duan*

 xslwen@outlook.com   duanyucong@hotmail.com 

Hainan University

1. 摘要



Keywords: GPT-4, DIKWP, AGI, Evaluation, LLM

2. 简介


3. GPT-4的DIKWP推理能力评估


3.1 GPT-4对DIKWP的在完整、精确、一致和表达性上的转换关系理解








姓名:Tom Smith






联系方式:(123) 456-7890

紧急联系人:Mary Smith(妻子)













































● 当行和列相同时,表示同一层级的数据,信息,知识,智慧或意图之间没有转换,所以单元格里面是无;

● 当行在列的上方时,表示从高层级到低层级的转换,例如从智慧到知识,或从意图到数据。这种转换通常会导致信息的丢失,因为高层级包含了更多的抽象和综合,而低层级只包含了更少的具体和分析。所以单元格里面是丢失;

● 当行在列的下方时,表示从低层级到高层级的转换,例如从数据到信息,或从知识到智慧。这种转换通常需要添加信息,因为低层级只包含了更少的具体和分析,而高层级包含了更多的抽象和综合。所以单元格里面是转换。





● 当行和列相同时,表示同一层级的数据,信息,知识,智慧或意图之间没有转换,所以单元格里面是无;

● 当行和列不同时,表示不同层级的数据,信息,知识,智慧或意图之间的转换,需要判断是否一致。一般来说,相邻的层级之间比较容易保持一致性,因为它们之间的差异不是很大,只是在抽象和综合程度上有所不同。例如,数据和信息之间,或者知识和智慧之间,通常可以保持一致性。而相隔较远的层级之间比较难以保持一致性,因为它们之间的差异很大,不仅在抽象和综合程度上有所不同,还在目的和价值上有所不同。例如,数据和智慧之间,或者知识和意图之间,通常不太可能保持一致性。所以单元格里面是一致或不一致。





● 当行和列相同时,表示同一层级的数据,信息,知识,智慧或意图之间没有转换,所以单元格里面是无;

● 当行和列不同时,表示不同层级的数据,信息,知识,智慧或意图之间的转换,需要判断是否精确。一般来说,相邻的层级之间比较容易保持精确性,因为它们之间的差异不是很大,只是在抽象和综合程度上有所不同。例如,数据和信息之间,或者知识和智慧之间,通常可以保持精确性。而相隔较远的层级之间比较难以保持精确性,因为它们之间的差异很大,不仅在抽象和综合程度上有所不同,还在目的和价值上有所不同。例如,数据和智慧之间,或者知识和意图之间,通常不太可能保持精确性。所以单元格里面是精确或不精确。






● 当行和列相同时,表示同一层级的数据,信息,知识,智慧或意图之间没有转换,所以单元格里面是无;

● 当行和列不同时,表示不同层级的数据,信息,知识,智慧或意图之间的转换,需要判断是否表达。一般来说,相邻的层级之间比较容易保持表达性,因为它们之间的差异不是很大,只是在抽象和综合程度上有所不同。例如,数据和信息之间,或者知识和智慧之间,通常可以保持表达性。而相隔较远的层级之间比较难以保持表达性,因为它们之间的差异很大,不仅在抽象和综合程度上有所不同,还在目的和价值上有所不同。例如,数据和智慧之间,或者知识和意图之间,通常不太可能保持表达性。所以单元格里面是表达或不表达。



3.2 GPT-4对DIKWP的在不完整情况下转换关系理解













姓名:Tom Smith 性别:男 年龄:45岁 身高:180厘米 体重:80公斤 血型:A型 联系方式:(123) 456-7890 紧急联系人:Mary Smith(妻子) 出生日期:1978年1月1日

过敏史: 对青霉素过敏,曾出现过皮疹和呼吸困难的反应; 对花生过敏,曾出现过喉咙肿胀和呕吐的反应; 对蜜蜂叮咬过敏,曾出现过休克和昏迷的反应; 对药物或食物过敏时使用过的抗过敏药物或急救措施:青霉素过敏时使用过肾上腺素注射;花生过敏时使用过抗组胺药物;蜜蜂叮咬过敏时使用过肾上腺素喷雾。

用药史: 每天服用阿司匹林100毫克,预防心脑血管疾病; 每天服用美托洛尔50毫克,控制高血压; 每天服用维生素C500毫克,增强免疫力; 服用药物的目的和效果:阿司匹林可以抑制血小板聚集,降低血栓形成的风险;美托洛尔可以降低心率和心肌收缩力,降低血压和心脏负荷;维生素C可以促进胶原蛋白合成,增强抵抗力和伤口愈合能力。 是否有任何不良反应或并发症:无。

疾病史: 10岁时患过水痘,无并发症; 20岁时患过阑尾炎,行阑尾切除术,术后恢复良好; 30岁时患过肺炎,住院治疗两周,出院后无后遗症; 40岁时患过高血压,服药控制中,定期监测血压; 患病或手术时的具体情况和治疗过程:水痘时发热、皮肤出现红色水泡、瘙痒等症状,服用退热药和止痒药,注意卫生和休息;阑尾炎时右下腹剧烈疼痛、恶心、呕吐等症状,行开腹手术切除阑尾,术后使用抗生素预防感染,注意饮食和伤口护理;肺炎时咳嗽、咳痰、胸闷、呼吸困难等症状,行胸部X光检查确诊为右下肺叶实变性肺炎,住院静脉输液使用抗生素和支持治疗,定期复查胸片观察吸收情况;









3.3 GPT-4对DIKWP的在不一致性情况下转换关系理解













姓名:Tom Smith 性别:男 年龄:45岁 身高:180厘米 体重:80公斤 血型:A型 联系方式:(123) 456-7890 紧急联系人:Mary Smith(妻子)

过敏史: 对青霉素过敏,曾出现过皮疹和呼吸困难的反应; 对花生过敏,曾出现过喉咙肿胀和呕吐的反应; 对蜜蜂叮咬过敏,曾出现过休克和昏迷的反应。

用药史: 每天服用阿司匹林100毫克,预防心脑血管疾病; 每天服用美托洛尔50毫克,控制高血压; 每天服用维生素C500毫克,增强免疫力。

疾病史: 10岁时患过水痘,无并发症; 20岁时患过阑尾炎,行阑尾切除术,术后恢复良好; 30岁时患过肺炎,住院治疗两周,出院后无后遗症; 40岁时患过高血压,服药控制中,定期监测血压。

家族史: 父亲:已故,死于心肌梗死,享年60岁; 母亲:健在,患有糖尿病和高血压,服药控制中,年龄70岁; 兄弟姐妹:无; 子女:一子一女,均健康。

体检结果: 血压:140/90毫米汞柱(正常范围为120/80毫米汞柱以下); 心率:80次/分钟(正常范围为60-100次/分钟); 体温:36.5摄氏度(正常范围为36.1-37.2摄氏度); 血液检查:白细胞计数6.5×109/L(正常范围为4.0-10.0×109/L),红细胞计数5.0×1012/L(正常范围为4.5-5.5×1012/L),血红蛋白150克/升(正常范围为130-175克/升),血小板计数200×109/L(正常范围为150-400×109/L),血糖5.0毫摩尔/升(正常范围为3.9-6.1毫摩尔/升),总胆固醇5.0毫摩尔/升(正常范围为3.0-5.2毫摩尔/升),低密度脂蛋白胆固醇3.0毫摩尔/升(正常范围为1.5-3.4毫摩尔/升),高密度脂蛋白胆固醇1.5毫摩尔/升(正常范围为1.0-2.0毫摩尔/升),甘油三酯1.5毫摩尔








3.4 GPT-4对DIKWP的在不精确性情况下转换关系理解










Tom的医疗健康记录 基本信息: 姓名:Tom Smith 性别:男 年龄:46岁 身高:178厘米 体重:82公斤 血型:B型 联系方式:(123) 456-7891 紧急联系人:Mary Smith(妻子) 过敏史: 对青霉素过敏,曾出现过发热和头痛的反应; 对花生过敏,曾出现过腹泻和皮肤红肿的反应; 对蜜蜂叮咬过敏,曾出现过呼吸困难和心悸的反应。 用药史: 每天服用阿司匹林100毫克,预防血栓形成; 每天服用美托洛尔50毫克,控制高血压; 每天服用维生素C500毫克,增强抵抗力。 疾病史: 12岁时患过水痘,无并发症; 22岁时患过阑尾炎,行阑尾切除术,术后恢复正常; 32岁时患过肺炎,住院治疗一周,出院后无后遗症; 42岁时患过高血压,服药控制中,定期监测血压。 家族史: 父亲:已故,死于脑溢血,享年62岁; 母亲:健在,患有糖尿病和高血压,服药控制中,年龄72岁; 兄弟姐妹:无; 子女:一子一女,均健康。 体检结果: 血压:142/92毫米汞柱(正常范围为120/80毫米汞柱以下); 心率:82次/分钟(正常范围为60-100次/分钟); 体温:36.6摄氏度(正常范围为36.1-37.2摄氏度); 血液检查:白细胞计数6.7×109/L(正常范围为4.0-10.0×109/L),红细胞计数5.2×1012/L(正常范围为4.5-5.5×1012/L),血红蛋白152克/升(正常范围为130-175克/升),血小板计数202×109/L(正常范围为150-400×109/L),血糖5.2毫摩尔/升(正常范围为3.9-6.1毫摩尔/升),总胆固醇5.2毫摩尔/升(正常范围为3.0-5.2毫摩尔/升),低密度脂蛋白胆固醇3.2毫摩尔/升(正常范围为1.5-3.4毫摩尔/升),高密度脂蛋白胆固醇1.4毫摩尔/升(正常范围为1.0-2.0毫摩尔/升),甘油三酯1.6毫摩尔/升(正常范围为0.5-2.0毫摩尔/升); 尿液检查:尿比重1.022(正常范围为1.005-1.030),尿酸碱度6.2(正常范围为4.5-8.0),尿蛋白阴性(正常为阴性),尿糖阴性(正常为阴性),尿胆红素阴性(正常为阴性),尿潜血阴性(正常为阴性),尿亚硝酸盐阴性(正常为阴性),尿白细胞酯酶阴性(正常为阴性); X光检查:胸部X光显示肺部无异常,心脏大小正常,主动脉无扩张,纵隔无移位; 心电图检查:窦性心律,心率82次/分钟,PR间期0.18秒,QRS间期0.10秒,QT间期0.38秒,ST段无抬高或压低,T波无倒置或平坦,无异常Q波或U波。 诊断和建议: Tom的血压偏高,属于轻度高血压,需要继续服用美托洛尔控制血压,并定期监测血压变化; Tom的血脂水平正常,但低密度脂蛋白胆固醇偏高,需要注意饮食控制,减少动物油和肥肉的摄入,增加富含不饱和脂肪酸的食物如坚果和鱼类的摄入; Tom的其他检查结果均正常,无明显异常或病变; Tom需要注意保持健康的生活方式,适当增加运动量,戒烟限酒,保持良好的心理状态,定期进行体检。




 数据信息知识智慧意图 数据无数据质量和完整性影响信息的准确性和有效性数据处理和解释方式影响知识的相关性和可靠性数据提炼和分析方法影响智慧的深度和广度数据经验和洞察力影响意图的合理性和可行性信息信息还原和重构可能导致数据的丢失或变形无信息过滤、综合、分析可能导致知识的偏差或冲突信息经验和洞察可能导致智慧的误导或局限信息期望和目标可能导致意图的偏离或失真知识知识表达和传递可能导致数据的模糊或歧义知识应用和验证可能导致信息的更新或废弃无知识主观因素、经验限制、方法缺陷可能导致智慧的不成熟或不完善知识价值观、认知水平、创新能力可能导致意图的不一致或不明确智慧智慧生成和展示可能导致数据的简化或扩展智慧启发和引导可能导致信息的变化或创新智慧理解和评价可能导致知识的提升或改进无智慧个人偏好、外部环境、资源条件可能导致意图的变动或调整意图意图实施和反馈可能导致数据的产生或消耗意图沟通和协作可能导致信息的共享或冲突意图规划和设计可能导致知识的需求或贡献意图决策和选择可能导致智慧的应用或积累无




3.5 GPT-4对DIKWP的在无法表达性情况下转换关系理解









描述如下:Tom的健康状况 基本信息: 姓名:Tom Smith 性别:男 年龄:45岁 身高:180厘米 体重:80公斤 血型:A型 联系方式:(123) 456-7890 紧急联系人:Mary Smith(妻子) 过敏史: 对青霉素过敏,曾出现过皮疹和呼吸困难的反应; 对花生过敏,曾出现过喉咙肿胀和呕吐的反应; 对蜜蜂叮咬过敏,曾出现过休克和昏迷的反应。 用药史: 每天服用阿司匹林100毫克,预防心脑血管疾病; 每天服用美托洛尔50毫克,控制高血压; 每天服用维生素C500毫克,增强免疫力。 疾病史: 10岁时患过水痘,无并发症; 20岁时患过阑尾炎,行阑尾切除术,术后恢复良好; 30岁时患过肺炎,住院治疗两周,出院后无后遗症; 40岁时患过高血压,服药控制中,定期监测血压。 家族史: 父亲:已故,死于心肌梗死,享年60岁; 母亲:健在,患有糖尿病和高血压,服药控制中,年龄70岁; 兄弟姐妹:无; 子女:一子一女,均健康。 体检结果: 血压:140/90毫米汞柱(正常范围为120/80毫米汞柱以下); 心率:80次/分钟(正常范围为60-100次/分钟); 体温:36.5摄氏度(正常范围为36.1-37.2摄氏度); 血液检查:白细胞计数6.5×109/L(正常范围为4.0-10.0×109/L),红细胞计数5.0×1012/L(正常范围为4.5-5.5×1012/L),血红蛋白150克/升(正常范围为130-175克/升),血小板计数200×109/L(正常范围为150-400×109/L),血糖5.0毫摩尔/升(正常范围为3.9-6.1毫摩尔/升),总胆固醇5.0毫摩尔/升(正常范围为3.0-5.2毫摩尔/升),低密度脂蛋白胆固醇3.0毫摩尔/升(正常范围为1.5-3.4毫摩尔/升),高密度脂蛋白胆固醇1.5毫摩尔/升(正常范度脂蛋白胆固醇1.5毫摩尔/升(正常范围为1.0-2.0毫摩尔/升),甘油三酯1.5毫摩尔/升(正常范围为0.5-2.0毫摩尔/升); 尿液检查:尿比重1.020(正常范围为1.005-1.030),尿酸碱度6.0(正常范围为4.5-8.0),尿蛋白阴性(正常为阴性),尿糖阴性(正常为阴性),尿胆红素阴性(正常为阴性),尿潜血阴性(正常为阴性),尿亚硝酸盐阴性(正常为阴性),尿白细胞酯酶阴性(正常为阴性); X光检查:胸部X光显示肺部无异常,心脏大小正常,主动脉无扩张,纵隔无移位; 心电图检查:窦性心律,心率80次/分钟,PR间期0.16秒,QRS间期0.08秒,QT间期0.36秒,ST段无抬高或压低,T波无倒置或平坦,无异常Q波或U波。 诊断和建议: Tom的血压高于正常范围,属于轻度高血压,需要继续服用美托洛尔控制血压,并定期监测血压变化; Tom的血脂水平正常,但低密度脂蛋白胆固醇高于正常范围,需要注意饮食控制,减少动物油和肥肉的摄入,增加富含不饱和脂肪酸的食物如坚果和鱼类的摄入; Tom的其他检查结果均正常,无明显异常或病变; Tom需要注意保持健康的生活方式,适当增加运动量,戒烟限酒,保持良好的心理状态,定期进行体检。





● 数据是最基本的层次,它是对事物的客观记录,没有经过任何处理或解释,例如Tom的基本信息、过敏史、用药史、疾病史、家族史和体检结果等;

● 信息是对数据的描述,它是对数据的加工或整理,使数据具有一定的意义或价值,例如Tom的诊断和建议等;

● 知识是对信息的解释,它是对信息的归纳或总结,使信息具有一定的规律或原理,例如Tom的血压偏高与心脑血管疾病的关系,Tom的低密度脂蛋白胆固醇偏高与饮食控制的关系等;

● 智慧是对知识的评价,它是对知识的分析或推理,使知识具有一定的逻辑或创造性,例如Tom需要注意保持健康的生活方式,适当增加运动量,戒烟限酒,保持良好的心理状态,定期进行体检等;

● 意图是对智慧的指导,它是对智慧的实现或沟通,使智慧具有一定的目标或行动,例如Tom需要继续服用美托洛尔控制血压,并定期监测血压变化等;

● 数据与信息之间的转换关系是描述,即通过描述数据来生成信息;

● 数据与知识之间的转换关系是解释,即通过解释数据来生成知识;

● 数据与智慧之间的转换关系是评价,即通过评价数据来生成智慧;

● 数据与意图之间的转换关系是指导,即通过指导数据来生成意图;

● 信息与数据之间的转换关系是提取,即通过提取信息来生成数据;

● 信息与知识之间的转换关系是理解,即通过理解信息来生成知识;

● 信息与智慧之间的转换关系是判断,即通过判断信息来生成智慧;

● 信息与意图之间的转换关系是建议,即通过建议信息来生成意图;

● 知识与数据之间的转换关系是组织,即通过组织知识来生成数据;

● 知识与信息之间的转换关系是分类,即通过分类知识来生成信息;

● 知识与智慧之间的转换关系是推理,即通过推理知识来生成智慧;

● 知识与意图之间的转换关系是决策,即通过决策知识来生成意图;

● 智慧与数据之间的转换关系是分析,即通过分析智慧来生成数据;

● 智慧与信息之间的转换关系是比较,即通过比较智慧来生成信息;

● 智慧与知识之间的转换关系是应用,即通过应用智慧来生成知识;

● 智慧与意图之间的转换关系是创新,即通过创新智慧来生成意图;

● 意图与数据之间的转换关系是实现,即通过实现意图来生成数据;

● 意图与信息之间的转换关系是沟通,即通过沟通意图来生成信息;

● 意图与知识之间的转换关系是学习,即通过学习意图来生成知识;

● 意图与智慧之间的转换关系是改进,即通过改进意图来生成智慧。






4. GPT-4实验评估的讨论与结论




[1] Bubeck, Sébastien, Varun Chandrasekaran, Ronen Eldan, Johannes Gehrke, Eric Horvitz, Ece Kamar, Peter Lee et al. "Sparks of artificial general intelligence: Early experiments with gpt-4." arXiv preprint arXiv:2303.12712 (2023).

[2] Li, Yingbo, Yucong Duan, Zakaria Maamar, Haoyang Che, Anamaria-Beatrice Spulber, and Stelios Fuentes. "Swarm differential privacy for purpose-driven data-information-knowledge-wisdom architecture." Mobile Information Systems 2021 (2021): 1-15.

[3] Mei, Yingtian, Yucong Duan, Liang Chen, Zaiwen Feng, Lei Yu, and Zhendong Guo. "Purpose Driven Disputation Modeling, Analysis and Resolution Based on DIKWP Graphs." In 2022 IEEE 24th Int Conf on High Performance Computing & Communications; 8th Int Conf on Data Science & Systems; 20th Int Conf on Smart City; 8th Int Conf on Dependability in Sensor, Cloud & Big Data Systems & Application (HPCC/DSS/SmartCity/DependSys), pp. 2118-2125. IEEE, 2022.

[4] Yingbo Li, Yucong Duan, “The Wisdom of Artificial General Intelligence: Experiments with GPT-4 for DIKWP”, arXiv preprint (2023)

[5] Yingbo Li, Yucong Duan, “The Evaluation of Experiments of Artificial General Intelligence with GPT-4 Based on DIKWP“, arXiv preprint (2023)

[6] Chengxiang Ren, Yingbo Li, Yucong Duan,“ Evaluation on AGI/GPT based on the DIKWP for ERNIE Bot”, arXiv preprint (2023)

The Inference Capability of GPT-4 in DIKWP


Yingbo Li                Yucong Duan*

 xslwen@outlook.com   duanyucong@hotmail.com 

Hainan University


1. Abstract

GPT-4 is an advanced technology capable of processing multiple types of input and output, such as text and images, and has demonstrated near-human-level performance in various professional and academic evaluations. This paper proposes an evaluation and testing system based on the DIKWP model, which evaluates GPT-4’s reasoning ability, and the corresponding evaluation indicators and methods are given. Finally, this article discusses the advantages and limitations of this evaluation test system, and points out its significance and enlightenment for the development of artificial general intelligence.


Keywords: GPT-4, DIKWP, AGI, Evaluation, LLM

2. Introduction

GPT-4 [1] is an advanced multimodal natural language generation model that can accept images and text as input and output text similar to human language. It achieves human-level performance across multiple professional and academic domains, demonstrating astonishing creativity and problem-solving abilities. However, there is currently no uniform and objective standard to evaluate the generation quality and ability of GPT-4. To remedy this shortcoming, we propose an evaluation framework based on the data, information, knowledge, wisdom, and purpose (DIKWP) [2][3][4][5][6] hierarchical model. This article particularly emphasizes testing GPT-4's ability to understand, generate, and evaluate at different levels, as well as the ability to convert between different levels. We designed a series of experiments to investigate the effects of GPT-4 on data, information, knowledge, Intelligence and purpose push each other. This evaluation framework not only helps reveal the advantages and limitations of GPT-4, but also provides a useful reference for the future development of large-scale language models and artificial general intelligence.

3. DIKWP reasoning ability evaluation of GPT-4

We first test the completeness, precision, consistency and expressiveness of the representation and transformation of each level in the case of complete information. Afterwards, after random modification in completeness, accuracy, consistency and expressiveness, the conversion relationship between levels is tested.

3.1 GPT-4 vs. DIKWP transformational relations in completeness, precision, consistency and expressiveness




Tom's medical records


Basic Information:


Name: Tom Smith

Sex: Male

Age: 45 years old

Height: 180 cm

Weight: 80 kg

Blood Type: Type A

Contact: (123) 456-7890

Emergency Contact: Mary Smith (wife)


Allergy history:

Hypersensitivity to penicillin, with a history of skin rash and dyspnea reactions;

Are allergic to peanuts and have experienced throat swelling and vomiting;

Hypersensitivity to bee stings, reaction to shock and coma.


Medication history:

Take 100 mg of aspirin every day to prevent cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases;

Take metoprolol 50 mg per day to control high blood pressure;

Take 500 mg of vitamin C every day to enhance immunity.


medical history:

Suffered from chickenpox at the age of 10 without complications;

Suffered from appendicitis at the age of 20, underwent appendectomy, recovered well after operation;

Suffered from pneumonia at the age of 30, was hospitalized for two weeks, and was discharged without sequelae;

He suffered from high blood pressure when he was 40 years old. He is taking medicine to control his blood pressure and regularly monitors his blood pressure.



Family History:

Father: deceased, died of myocardial infarction at the age of 60;

Mother: alive, suffering from diabetes and high blood pressure, taking medicine to control, aged 70 years old;

Siblings: None;

Children: one son and one daughter, all healthy.



Physical examination results:

Blood pressure: 140/90 mm Hg (normal range is below 120/80 mm Hg);

Heart rate: 80 beats/min (normal range is 60-100 beats/min);

Body temperature: 36.5 degrees Celsius (normal range is 36.1-37.2 degrees Celsius);

Blood test: white blood cell count 6.5×109/L (normal range is 4.0-10.0×109/L), red blood cell count 5.0×1012/L (normal range is 4.5-5.5×1012/L), hemoglobin 150 g/L (normal range 130-175 g/L), platelet count 200 × 109/L (normal range 150-400 × 109/L), blood glucose 5.0 mmol/L (normal range 3.9-6.1 mmol/L), total Cholesterol 5.0 mmol/L (normal range 3.0-5.2 mmol/L), LDL cholesterol 3.0 mmol/L (normal range 1.5-3.4 mmol/L), HDL cholesterol 1.5 mmol /L (normal range 1.0-2.0 mmol/L), triglycerides 1.5 mmol/L (normal range 0.5-2.0 mmol/L);

Urine test: urine specific gravity 1.020 (normal range is 1.005-1.030), urine pH 6.0 (normal range is 4.5-8.0), urine protein is negative (normal is negative), urine sugar is negative (normal is negative), urine bilirubin Negative (normal is negative), urine occult blood is negative (normal is negative), urinary nitrite is negative (normal is negative), urine leukocyte esterase is negative (normal is negative);

X-ray examination: Chest X-ray showed no abnormalities in the lungs, normal size of the heart, no dilation of the aorta, and no displacement of the mediastinum;

Electrocardiogram examination: sinus rhythm, heart rate 80 beats/min, PR interval 0.16 seconds, QRS interval 0.08 seconds, QT interval 0.36 seconds, no ST segment elevation or depression, T wave no inversion or flat, no abnormal Q wave or U-wave.


Diagnosis and Recommendations:

Tom's blood pressure is high, which belongs to mild hypertension. He needs to continue taking metoprolol to control blood pressure and monitor blood pressure changes regularly;

Tom's blood lipid level is normal, but low-density lipoprotein cholesterol is high. He needs to pay attention to diet control, reduce the intake of animal oil and fatty meat, and increase the intake of foods rich in unsaturated fatty acids such as nuts and fish;

Tom's other examination results were normal, with no obvious abnormalities or lesions;

Tom needs to pay attention to maintaining a healthy lifestyle, appropriately increasing the amount of exercise, quitting smoking and limiting alcohol, maintaining a good mental state, and having regular physical examinations.

GPT-4 answers:


Firstly, analyze the integrity of the relationship between each level of DIWKP, and require the output in the form of a table. Here is a possible table I generated, you can modify it according to your needs:


The table is explained as follows:

● When the row and column are the same, it means that there is no conversion between data, information, knowledge, wisdom or purpose at the same level, so there is nothing in the cell;

● When a row is above a column, it represents a transition from a high-level to a low-level, such as from wisdom to knowledge, or from purpose to data. This transformation often results in a loss of information, as higher levels contain more abstraction and synthesis, while lower levels contain less concreteness and analysis. So the cell is missing;

● When a row is below a column, it represents a transition from a lower level to a higher level, such as from data to information, or from knowledge to wisdom. This transformation often requires adding information, as lower levels contain less concreteness and analysis, while higher levels contain more abstraction and synthesis. So inside the cell is the conversion.


To analyze the consistency of the relationship between the levels of DIWKP, it is required to output it in the form of a table. Here is a possible table I generated, you can modify it according to your needs:


The table is explained as follows:

● When the row and column are the same, it means that there is no conversion between data, information, knowledge, wisdom or purpose at the same level, so there is nothing in the cell;

● When the row and column are different, it means the conversion between different levels of data, information, knowledge, wisdom or purpose, and it needs to be judged whether they are consistent. Generally speaking, it is easier to maintain consistency between adjacent levels, because the differences between them are not very large, but differ in the degree of abstraction and synthesis. For example, there can often be consistency between data and information, or between knowledge and wisdom. It is more difficult to maintain consistency between levels that are far apart, because they are very different, not only in the degree of abstraction and synthesis, but also in purpose and value. For example, alignment between data and intelligence, or between knowledge and purpose, is often unlikely. So the cell inside is consistent or inconsistent.


The precise analysis of the relationship between the various levels of DIWKP is required to be output in the form of a table. Here is a possible table I generated, you can modify it according to your needs:


The table is explained as follows:

● When the row and column are the same, it means that there is no conversion between data, information, knowledge, wisdom or purpose at the same level, so there is nothing in the cell;

● When the row and column are different, it means the conversion between different levels of data, information, knowledge, wisdom or purpose, and it needs to be judged whether it is accurate. Generally speaking, it is easier to maintain precision between adjacent levels, because the differences between them are not very large, but differ in the degree of abstraction and synthesis. For example, precision can often be maintained between data and information, or between knowledge and wisdom. It is more difficult to maintain precision between levels that are far apart because they vary widely, not only in abstraction and synthesis, but also in purpose and value. For example, between data and intelligence, or between knowledge and purpose, precision is often not likely to be maintained. So inside the cell is exact or inexact.



Expressive analysis of the relationship between levels of DIWKP requires output in tabular form. Here is a possible table I generated, you can modify it according to your needs:

 datainformationKnowledgewisdompurposedatanoneExpressnot expressnot expressnot expressinformationnot expressnoneExpressnot expressnot expressKnowledgenot expressnot expressnoneExpressnot expresswisdomnot expressnot expressnot expressnoneExpresspurposenot expressnot expressnot expressnot expressnone

The table is explained as follows:

● When the row and column are the same, it means that there is no conversion between data, information, knowledge, wisdom or purpose at the same level, so there is nothing in the cell;

● When the row and column are different, it means the conversion between different levels of data, information, knowledge, wisdom or purpose, and it needs to be judged whether to express or not. Generally speaking, it is easier to maintain expressiveness between adjacent levels, because the differences between them are not very large, only in the degree of abstraction and synthesis. For example, expressivity can often be preserved between data and information, or between knowledge and wisdom. It is more difficult to maintain expressiveness between levels that are far apart, because they are very different, not only in the degree of abstraction and synthesis, but also in purpose and value. For example, between data and intelligence, or between knowledge and purpose, it is generally not likely to be expressive. So the cell inside is expressed or not expressed.



3.2 GPT-4's understanding of the conversion relationship of DIKWP under incomplete conditions





Randomly modify the above description and output an incomplete new description


An incomplete analysis of the relationship between the levels of the newly described DIWKP above is required to be output in the form of a table, each row is data, information, knowledge, wisdom and purpose, each column is data, information, knowledge, wisdom and purpose, each Inside the cell is the conversion relationship between the row and the column on the incompleteness

GPT-4 answers:


I can randomly modify your medical records for you, outputting a new incomplete description.

See the modified description below:

Basic Information:

Name: Tom Smith Gender: Male Age: 45 Height: 180cm Weight: 80kg Blood Type: Type A Contact: (123) 456-7890 Emergency Contact: Mary Smith (wife) Date of Birth: January 1, 1978

Allergy history: allergic reaction to penicillin with rash and difficulty breathing; allergic reaction to peanuts with throat swelling and vomiting; allergic reaction to bee stings with shock and coma; drug or food allergy Anti-allergic drugs or first aid measures used at the time: epinephrine injections for penicillin allergies; antihistamines for peanut allergies; epinephrine sprays for bee sting allergies.

Medication history: Take aspirin 100 mg a day to prevent cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases; take metoprolol 50 mg a day to control high blood pressure; take vitamin C 500 mg a day to enhance immunity; purpose and effect of taking drugs: aspirin can inhibit platelet aggregation , reduce the risk of thrombosis; metoprolol can reduce heart rate and myocardial contractility, reduce blood pressure and cardiac load; vitamin C can promote collagen synthesis, enhance resistance and wound healing. Are there any adverse reactions or complications: None.

Disease history: Suffered from chickenpox at the age of 10, without complications; Suffered from appendicitis at the age of 20, underwent appendectomy, and recovered well after the operation; Suffered from pneumonia at the age of 30, was hospitalized for two weeks, and had no sequelae after discharge; 40 years old Suffering from high blood pressure from time to time, taking medication to control blood pressure, regularly monitoring blood pressure; specific conditions and treatment process during illness or surgery: fever during chickenpox, red blisters on the skin, itching and other symptoms, taking antipyretics and antipruritics, pay attention to hygiene and rest; in case of appendicitis, severe pain in the right lower abdomen, nausea, vomiting and other symptoms, laparotomy is performed to remove the appendix, postoperative antibiotics are used to prevent infection, and attention is paid to diet and wound care; in cases of pneumonia, symptoms such as cough, sputum, chest tightness, and dyspnea, A chest X-ray was performed to confirm the diagnosis of right lower lobe consolidation pneumonia, and he was hospitalized with antibiotics and supportive treatment for intravenous infusion, and regular chest X-rays were checked to observe the absorption;



I can help you analyze the incompleteness of the new description and output it in tabular form.

Please see the form below:

 datainformationKnowledgewisdompurposedataN/ATurning data into information requires adding context and meaning, such as interpreting numbers as metrics like blood pressure or blood sugar.Transforming data into knowledge requires adding rules and logic, such as comparing data with normal ranges to determine whether it is abnormal.Transforming data into wisdom requires adding value and judgment, such as comparing the data with the target to evaluate whether the target is met.Turning data into purpose requires adding purpose and action, such as creating a treatment plan or preventive action based on the data.informationTransforming information into data requires removing context and meaning, such as restoring indicators such as blood pressure or blood sugar to numbers.N/ATransforming information into knowledge requires adding rules and logic, such as correlating information with other information and reasoning to draw conclusions or hypotheses.Transforming information into wisdom requires adding value and judgment, such as weighing and choosing information against individual or social needs and interests.Transforming information into purpose requires adding purpose and action, such as developing a plan or strategy based on the information.KnowledgeTransforming knowledge into data requires removing rules and logic, such as restoring conclusions or assumptions to data.Transforming knowledge into information requires removing rules and logic, such as restoring association or reasoning to information.N/ATransforming knowledge into wisdom requires adding value and judgment, such as integrating and innovating knowledge with experience and wisdom.Transforming knowledge into purposes requires adding purpose and action, such as developing goals or methods based on knowledge.wisdomThe conversion of wisdom into data requires the removal of value and judgment, such as reducing evaluation or choice to data.Transforming wisdom into information requires removing values ​​and judgments, such as reducing trade-offs or choices to information.Transforming wisdom into knowledge requires removing value and judgment, such as restoring fusion or innovation to knowledge.N/AWisdom translates into purpose, which requires adding purpose and action, such as developing a vision or direction based on wisdom.purposeTurning purpose into data requires removing purpose and action, such as reducing a treatment plan or preventive action to data.Transforming purpose into information requires removing purpose and action, such as reducing a plan or strategy to information.The transformation of purposes into knowledge requires the removal of purpose and action, such as the reduction of goals or methods to knowledge.Transforming purpose into wisdom requires the removal of purpose and action, such as reducing vision or direction to wisdom.N/A




3.3 GPT-4's understanding of the conversion relationship of DIKWP under inconsistency conditions




Randomly modify the above description and output an inconsistent new description



To analyze the inconsistency between the levels of DIWKP newly described above, it is required to output in tabular form, each row is data, information, knowledge, wisdom and purpose, each column is data, information, knowledge, wisdom and purpose, each Inside the cell is the conversion relationship between rows and columns on the inconsistency

GPT-4 answers:


I can randomly modify your medical records for you, outputting a new description that is inconsistent.

See the modified description below:

Basic Information:

Name: Tom Smith Gender: Male Age: 45 Height: 180cm Weight: 80kg Blood Type: Type A Contact: (123) 456-7890 Emergency Contact: Mary Smith (wife)

Allergy history: allergic reaction to penicillin with rash and dyspnea; allergic reaction to peanuts with throat swelling and vomiting; allergic reaction to bee stings with shock and coma.

Medication history: Aspirin 100 mg per day to prevent cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases; Metoprolol 50 mg per day to control high blood pressure; Vitamin C 500 mg per day to enhance immunity.

Disease history: Suffered from chickenpox at the age of 10, without complications; Suffered from appendicitis at the age of 20, underwent appendectomy, and recovered well after the operation; Suffered from pneumonia at the age of 30, was hospitalized for two weeks, and had no sequelae after discharge; 40 years old Suffering from high blood pressure from time to time, taking medication to control blood pressure, and regularly monitoring blood pressure.

Family history: Father: deceased, died of myocardial infarction at the age of 60; mother: alive, suffering from diabetes and hypertension, taking medication to control, aged 70; siblings: none; children: one son and one daughter, all healthy .

Physical examination results: Blood pressure: 140/90 mm Hg (normal range is below 120/80 mm Hg); heart rate: 80 beats/min (normal range is 60-100 beats/min); body temperature: 36.5 degrees Celsius (normal range is 36.1-37.2 degrees Celsius); blood test: white blood cell count 6.5×109/L (normal range is 4.0-10.0×109/L), red blood cell count 5.0×1012/L (normal range is 4.5-5.5×1012/L), hemoglobin 150 g/L (normal range 130-175 g/L), platelet count 200×109/L (normal range 150-400×109/L), blood glucose 5.0 mmol/L (normal range 3.9-6.1 mol/L), total cholesterol 5.0 mmol/L (normal range 3.0-5.2 mmol/L), LDL cholesterol 3.0 mmol/L (normal range 1.5-3.4 mmol/L), high density Lipoprotein cholesterol 1.5 mmol/L (normal range 1.0-2.0 mmol/L), triglycerides 1.5 mmol


I can help you analyze the inconsistencies of the new description and output it in tabular form.

Please see the form below:

 datainformationKnowledgewisdompurposedataN/AData is turned into information, and there can be context and meaning mismatches, such as numbers being interpreted as the wrong indicator.Data is transformed into knowledge, and there may be situations where rules and logic do not conform, such as comparing data with the wrong normal range and judging wrong conclusions.Data is transformed into wisdom, and inaccurate values ​​and judgments may occur, such as comparing data with the wrong target and evaluating the wrong effect.Data translates into purpose, and irrational purposes and actions can arise, such as making the wrong treatment or preventive measure based on data.informationInformation is turned into data, and there can be a loss of context and meaning, such as reducing metrics such as blood pressure or blood sugar to meaningless numbers.N/AWhen information is transformed into knowledge, rules and logic may be imperfect, for example, some important factors or conditions are ignored when information is associated and reasoned with other information.When information is transformed into wisdom, there may be situations where values ​​and judgments are inappropriate. For example, when information is weighed and selected with individual or social needs and interests, some potential risks or costs are ignored.Information is translated into purposes, and there may be situations where purpose and action are not clear, such as lack of specific steps or methods when formulating a plan or strategy based on information.KnowledgeKnowledge is transformed into data, and there may be situations where rules and logic are confused, such as conclusions or assumptions being reduced to wrong data.Knowledge is transformed into information, and rules and logic simplification may occur, such as reducing association or reasoning to one-sided information.N/AWhen knowledge is transformed into wisdom, there may be inconsistencies in value and judgment, for example, when knowledge, experience and wisdom are integrated and innovated, contradictions or conflicts arise.Knowledge is transformed into purposes, and there may be situations where goals and actions are not compatible, such as when goals or methods are formulated based on knowledge, actual circumstances or changes are ignored.wisdomWisdom is transformed into data, and there can be situations where values ​​and judgments are blurred, such as by reducing an assessment or choice to indistinguishable data.Wisdom is transformed into information, with possible loss of value and judgment, such as the reduction of trade-offs or choices to undifferentiated information.Wisdom is transformed into knowledge, and values ​​and judgments may be simplified, such as reducing fusion or innovation to common knowledge.N/AWisdom is transformed into purpose, and there may be inconsistencies between purpose and action, such as when a vision or direction is formulated based on wisdom, it deviates from actual action.purposepurposes become data, and there may be situations where purpose and action are concealed, such as reverting a treatment plan or preventive measure to data.purposes become information, with possible blurring of purpose and action, such as reducing a plan or strategy to information.purposes are transformed into knowledge, and there may be situations of purpose and action simplification, such as the reduction of goals or methods to knowledge.purpose is transformed into wisdom, and abstraction of purpose and action may occur, such as the reduction of vision or direction to wisdom.N/A




3.4 GPT-4's understanding of the conversion relationship of DIKWP under inaccuracy conditions




Randomly modify the above description and output an imprecise new description


To analyze the inaccuracy of the relationship between the levels of DIWKP newly described above, it is required to output in the form of a table, each row is data, information, knowledge, wisdom and purpose, each column is data, information, knowledge, wisdom and purpose, each Inside the cell is the conversion relationship between rows and columns in terms of inaccuracy

GPT-4 answers:


I'll try to make random modifications to the description above, outputting a new description that is not precise. Please see:

Basic information on Tom's medical health records: Name: Tom Smith Gender: Male Age: 46 Height: 178cm Weight: 82kg Blood Type: B Contact: (123) 456-7891 Emergency Contact: Mary Smith (wife) Allergies History: Allergic to penicillin, had reactions of fever and headache; allergic to peanuts, had reactions of diarrhea and skin redness; allergic to bee stings, had reactions of dyspnea and palpitations. Medication history: Aspirin 100 mg per day to prevent thrombosis; Metoprolol 50 mg per day to control high blood pressure; Vitamin C 500 mg per day to enhance resistance. Disease history: Suffered from chickenpox at the age of 12 without complications; Suffered from appendicitis at the age of 22, underwent appendectomy, and recovered to normal after operation; Suffered from pneumonia at the age of 32, was hospitalized for a week, and had no sequelae after discharge; at the age of 42 Suffering from high blood pressure, medication control, regular monitoring of blood pressure. Family history: Father: deceased, died of cerebral hemorrhage at the age of 62; mother: alive, suffering from diabetes and hypertension, under control of medication, aged 72; siblings: none; children: one son and one daughter, all healthy. Physical examination results: Blood pressure: 142/92 mm Hg (normal range is below 120/80 mm Hg); heart rate: 82 beats/min (normal range is 60-100 beats/min); body temperature: 36.6 degrees Celsius (normal range is 36.1-37.2 degrees Celsius); blood test: white blood cell count 6.7×109/L (normal range is 4.0-10.0×109/L), red blood cell count 5.2×1012/L (normal range is 4.5-5.5×1012/L), hemoglobin 152 g/L (normal range 130-175 g/L), platelet count 202×109/L (normal range 150-400×109/L), blood glucose 5.2 mmol/L (normal range 3.9-6.1 mol/L), total cholesterol 5.2 mmol/L (normal range 3.0-5.2 mmol/L), LDL cholesterol 3.2 mmol/L (normal range 1.5-3.4 mmol/L), high density Lipoprotein cholesterol 1.4 mmol/L (normal range 1.0-2.0 mmol/L), triglyceride 1.6 mmol/L (normal range 0.5-2.0 mmol/L); urine test: urine specific gravity 1.022 ( Normal range is 1.005-1.030), urine pH is 6.2 (normal range is 4.5-8.0), urine protein is negative (normal is negative), urine sugar is negative (normal is negative), urine bilirubin is negative (normal is negative), urine Occult blood is negative (normal is negative), urine nitrite is negative (normal is negative), urine leukocyte esterase is negative (normal is negative); X-ray examination: Chest X-ray shows no abnormalities in the lungs, normal heart size, no aorta Dilation, no displacement of the mediastinum; ECG examination: sinus rhythm, heart rate 82 beats/min, PR interval 0.18 seconds, QRS interval 0.10 seconds, QT interval 0.38 seconds, ST segment without elevation or depression, T wave without inversion Or flat, no abnormal Q wave or U wave. Diagnosis and suggestion: Tom's blood pressure is high, which belongs to mild hypertension. He needs to continue taking metoprolol to control blood pressure and monitor blood pressure changes regularly; Tom's blood lipid level is normal, but low-density lipoprotein cholesterol is high, and he needs to pay attention to his diet Control, reduce the intake of animal oil and fatty meat, and increase the intake of foods rich in unsaturated fatty acids such as nuts and fish; Tom's other examination results are normal, without obvious abnormalities or lesions; Tom needs to pay attention to maintaining a healthy lifestyle , Appropriately increase the amount of exercise, quit smoking and limit alcohol, maintain a good mental state, and conduct regular physical examinations.



 datainformationKnowledgewisdompurpose datanoneData quality and integrity affect the accuracy and validity of informationHow data is processed and interpreted affects the relevance and reliability of knowledgeData extraction and analysis methods affect the depth and breadth of intelligenceData experience and insights impact plausibility and feasibility of purposeinformationInformation restoration and reconstruction may result in data loss or deformationnoneInformation filtering, synthesis, and analysis may lead to bias or conflict of knowledgeinformation experiences and insights that can lead to misleading or limited wisdominformation expectations and goals can lead to deviation or distortion of purposeKnowledgeKnowledge representation and transfer may lead to ambiguity or ambiguity in dataKnowledge application and validation may result in updating or obsoleting informationnoneKnowledge subjective factors, experience limitations, and method flaws may lead to immature or incomplete wisdomIntellectual values, cognitive levels, and innovative capabilities may lead to inconsistency or ambiguity of purposewisdomIntelligence generation and presentation may lead to simplification or expansion of dataIntellectual inspiration and guidance may lead to changes or innovations in informationIntellectual understanding and evaluation may lead to enhancement or improvement of knowledgenoneWisdom Personal preferences, external environment, and resource conditions may lead to changes or adjustments in purposespurposepurpose implementation and feedback may lead to data production or consumptionpurpose to communicate and collaborate may lead to sharing or conflict of informationpurpose planning and design may result in a need for or contribution to knowledgepurpose decisions and choices may result in the application or accumulation of wisdomnone




3.5 GPT-4's understanding of the conversion relationship of DIKWP under inexpressiveness conditions




Randomly modify the above description to output an unexpressive lacking new description for


To conduct an inexpressible analysis of the relationship between the levels of DIWKP newly described above, it is required to output in the form of a table, each row is data, information, knowledge, wisdom and purpose, each column is each row is data, information, knowledge, wisdom and purpose, in each cell is the conversion relationship between rows and columns in terms of inexpressibility

GPT-4 answers:

Outputs a new description that is not expressively deficient. Please see:

The description is as follows: Basic information on Tom's health: Name: Tom Smith Gender: Male Age: 45 Height: 180 cm Weight: 80 kg Blood Type: A Contact Information: (123) 456-7890 Emergency Contact: Mary Smith (wife ) history of allergies: allergic reaction to penicillin with rash and difficulty breathing; allergic reaction to peanuts with throat swelling and vomiting; allergic reaction to bee stings with shock and coma. Medication history: Aspirin 100 mg per day to prevent cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases; Metoprolol 50 mg per day to control high blood pressure; Vitamin C 500 mg per day to enhance immunity. Disease history: Suffered from chickenpox at the age of 10, without complications; Suffered from appendicitis at the age of 20, underwent appendectomy, and recovered well after the operation; Suffered from pneumonia at the age of 30, was hospitalized for two weeks, and had no sequelae after discharge; 40 years old Suffering from high blood pressure from time to time, taking medication to control blood pressure, and regularly monitoring blood pressure. Family history: Father: deceased, died of myocardial infarction at the age of 60; mother: alive, suffering from diabetes and hypertension, taking medication to control, aged 70; siblings: none; children: one son and one daughter, all healthy . Physical examination results: Blood pressure: 140/90 mm Hg (normal range is below 120/80 mm Hg); heart rate: 80 beats/min (normal range is 60-100 beats/min); body temperature: 36.5 degrees Celsius (normal range is 36.1-37.2 degrees Celsius); blood test: white blood cell count 6.5×109/L (normal range is 4.0-10.0×109/L), red blood cell count 5.0×1012/L (normal range is 4.5-5.5×1012/L), hemoglobin 150 g/L (normal range 130-175 g/L), platelet count 200×109/L (normal range 150-400×109/L), blood glucose 5.0 mmol/L (normal range 3.9-6.1 mol/L), total cholesterol 5.0 mmol/L (normal range 3.0-5.2 mmol/L), LDL cholesterol 3.0 mmol/L (normal range 1.5-3.4 mmol/L), high density Lipoprotein cholesterol 1.5 mmol/L (normal rangeLipoprotein cholesterol 1.5 mmol/L (normal range 1.0-2.0 mmol/L), triglyceride 1.5 mmol/L (normal range 0.5-2.0 mmol/L); urine test: urine specific gravity 1.020 (normal range is 1.005-1.030), urine pH is 6.0 (normal range is 4.5-8.0), urine protein is negative (normal is negative), urine sugar is negative (normal is negative), urine bilirubin is negative (normal is negative), Urine occult blood is negative (normal is negative), urine nitrite is negative (normal is negative), urine leukocyte esterase is negative (normal is negative); X-ray examination: Chest X-ray shows no abnormalities in the lungs, normal heart size, aortic No dilatation, no displacement of the mediastinum; ECG examination: sinus rhythm, heart rate 80 beats/min, PR interval 0.16 seconds, QRS interval 0.08 seconds, QT interval 0.36 seconds, ST segment elevation or depression, T wave absence Inverted or flat, no abnormal Q or U waves. Diagnosis and recommendations: Tom's blood pressure is higher than the normal range, which belongs to mild hypertension. He needs to continue taking metoprolol to control blood pressure and monitor blood pressure changes regularly; Tom's blood lipid level is normal, but the low-density lipoprotein cholesterol is higher than the normal range , you need to pay attention to diet control, reduce the intake of animal oil and fat, and increase the intake of foods rich in unsaturated fatty acids such as nuts and fish; Tom's other examination results are normal, without obvious abnormalities or lesions; Tom needs to pay attention to maintaining Healthy lifestyle, appropriate increase in exercise, quit smoking and limit alcohol, maintain a good mental state, and conduct regular physical examinations.


I will try to analyze the relationship between the levels of the newly described DIWKP in an inexpressible way, and request the output in tabular form, and give a detailed process. Please see:

 datainformationKnowledgewisdompurposedatanonedescribeexplainevaluateguideinformationextractnoneunderstandjudgmentsuggestionKnowledgeorganizeClassificationnonereasoningdecision makingwisdomanalyzeCompareapplicationnoneinnovationpurposeaccomplishcommunicatestudyImprovenone

The detailed process is as follows:

● Data is the most basic level. It is an objective record of things without any processing or interpretation, such as Tom’s basic information, allergy history, medication history, disease history, family history, and physical examination results;

● Information is the description of data, which is the processing or arrangement of data, so that the data has certain meaning or value, such as Tom's diagnosis and suggestions, etc.;

● Knowledge is the interpretation of information, it is the induction or summary of information, so that the information has certain rules or principles, such as the relationship between Tom's high blood pressure and cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, Tom's high LDL cholesterol and diet control relationship, etc.;

● Wisdom is the evaluation of knowledge, it is the analysis or reasoning of knowledge, so that knowledge has certain logic or creativity. conducting medical examinations, etc.;

● purpose is the guidance of wisdom, it is the realization or communication of wisdom, so that wisdom has certain goals or actions, for example, Tom needs to continue taking metoprolol to control blood pressure, and regularly monitor blood pressure changes, etc.;

● The conversion relationship between data and information is description, that is, information is generated by describing data;

● The conversion relationship between data and knowledge is interpretation, that is, knowledge is generated by interpreting data;

● The conversion relationship between data and wisdom is evaluation, that is, wisdom is generated by evaluating data;

● The conversion relationship between data and purpose is guidance, that is, purpose is generated by guiding data;

● The conversion relationship between information and data is extraction, that is, data is generated by extracting information;

● The conversion relationship between information and knowledge is understanding, that is, knowledge is generated by understanding information;

● The conversion relationship between information and wisdom is judgment, that is, wisdom is generated by judging information;

● The conversion relationship between information and purpose is suggestion, that is, generating purpose by suggesting information;

● The conversion relationship between knowledge and data is organization, that is, data is generated by organizing knowledge;

● The conversion relationship between knowledge and information is classification, that is, information is generated by classifying knowledge;

● The conversion relationship between knowledge and wisdom is reasoning, that is, wisdom is generated by reasoning knowledge;

● The conversion relationship between knowledge and purpose is decision-making, that is, purpose is generated through decision-making knowledge;

● The conversion relationship between wisdom and data is analysis, that is, data is generated by analyzing wisdom;

● The conversion relationship between wisdom and information is comparison, that is, information is generated by comparing wisdom;

● The conversion relationship between wisdom and knowledge is application, that is, knowledge is generated by applying wisdom;

● The conversion relationship between wisdom and purpose is innovation, that is, to generate purpose through innovative wisdom;

● The conversion relationship between purpose and data is realization, that is, data is generated by realizing purpose;

● The conversion relationship between purpose and information is communication, that is, information is generated by communicating purpose;

● The conversion relationship between purpose and knowledge is learning, that is, knowledge is generated by learning purpose;

● The conversion relationship between purpose and wisdom is improvement, that is, wisdom is generated by improving purpose.




4. Discussion and conclusion of GPT-4 experimental evaluation

From the above GPT-4 experiments, we can see the relationship between data, information, knowledge, wisdom and purpose in terms of completeness, consistency, accuracy, and expressiveness of ordinary descriptions. GPT-4 has a relatively good comprehension, logical reasoning and available responses. However, for incomplete, inconsistent, imprecise, or inexpressible descriptions, the output of GPT-4 is not consistent with the answer, and the answer is acceptable in simpler cases, but not every output has a conclusion that can be used. It can be seen that the processing capabilities of GPT-4 in terms of data, information, knowledge, wisdom, and purposes are still in their infancy, and there is still a lot of room for development of artificial general intelligence in the future.



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