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ChatGPT的本质"社会化技术"("societized technology")部分

已有 1480 次阅读 2023-2-25 12:09 |系统分类:论文交流


The essence of ChatGPT is the subversion brought about by the combination of "technologized society" and "societized technology": "society technologization" and "technology socialization"

February 2023 DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.19000.42244


The essence of ChatGPT -"societized technology" section

段玉聪(Yucong Duan

DIKWP research group, Hainan University


ChatGPT的本质"技术化社会"和“社会化技术”结合带来的颠覆:“社会技术化”与 “技术社会化”

The essence of ChatGPT is the subversion brought about by the combination of "technologized society" and "societized technology": "society technologization" and "technology socialization":




“社会化技术”是一个概念,它是指对于所有社会所有成员的访问,公平和有益的方式将技术整合到社会中。 这意味着技术不仅是由少数人开发和使用的,而且旨在满足各种用户的需求,包括传统上可能无法使用技术的用户。

社会化技术考虑了社会,文化和经济因素,这些因素可能影响不同的人群使用和体验技术的方式。 它试图确保以促进社会利益并应对社会挑战的方式开发技术,而不仅仅是为了利润或效率。


开源软件:可以免费提供的软件,可以由用户修改。 这允许更多的人为软件的开发做出贡献,无论其背景或财务资源如何。

辅助技术:旨在帮助残疾人的技术。 这可以包括屏幕读取器,语音识别软件以及帮助有身体障碍的人的移动设备等工具。

基于社区的技术:由当地社区开发和实施的技术,以应对特定的社会或环境挑战。 这可以包括净水系统,可持续农业实践或可再生能源解决方案等工具。

总体而言,社会化技术旨在通过使技术更容易获得和响应不同社区的需求来促进更具包容性和公平的社会。 这可能导致更多样化,更可持续的技术景观,从而使每个人受益。


革命技术的突破不仅对技术而且对社会变革产生重大影响,这是工业革命所证明的。 以下是技术突破可以带来社会变革的一些方法:

经济变化:技术突破可以创造新的行业,产品和服务,从而导致经济变化。 例如,在工业革命期间引入蒸汽机导致创造了新行业,例如纺织品,运输和能源,这改变了经济并导致了重大的社会和经济变化。

劳动力的变化:技术突破也可能导致劳动力的变化,因为在创造新工作时某些工作变得过时了。 这可能导致劳动力市场的转变以及就业所需技能的变化。

社会规范的变化:随着人们适应新的生活方式,技术突破也会导致社会规范和行为的变化。 例如,引入汽车导致运输和旅行的变化,这影响了围绕流动性,休闲和距离的社会规范。

政治变化:技术突破也会影响政治变革,因为新技术可能需要新的法规或政策来确保其安全和负责任的使用。 例如,核技术的发展导致制定了旨在防止核战争和促进国际合作的新政策和条约。

总体而言,技术突破会对社会产生深远的影响,从而导致经济,劳动力,社会规范和政治变化。 因此,重要的是要仔细考虑新技术的含义,并致力于确保其利益公平地共享并解决其潜在缺点。

ChatGPT definition on---

what is "socialized technology"?

"Socialized technology" is a concept that refers to the integration of technology into society in a way that is accessible, equitable, and beneficial for all members of society. This means that technology is not just developed and used by a select few, but is instead designed to meet the needs of a diverse range of users, including those who may not have traditionally had access to technology.

Socialized technology takes into account social, cultural, and economic factors that may influence how technology is used and experienced by different groups of people. It seeks to ensure that technology is developed in a way that promotes social good and addresses societal challenges, rather than just for profit or efficiency.

Some examples of socialized technology include:

  1. Open-source software: Software that is freely available and can be modified by users. This allows for a wider range of people to contribute to the development of software, regardless of their background or financial resources.

  2. Assistive technology: Technology that is designed to assist people with disabilities. This can include tools like screen readers, speech recognition software, and mobility devices that help people with physical impairments.

  3. Community-based technology: Technology that is developed and implemented by local communities to address specific social or environmental challenges. This can include tools like water purification systems, sustainable agriculture practices, or renewable energy solutions.

Overall, socialized technology aims to promote a more inclusive and equitable society by making technology more accessible and responsive to the needs of different communities. This can lead to a more diverse and sustainable technological landscape that benefits everyone.

what is the influence of revolutionary techonology breakthroughs which influence only technology but also bringing in social change such as industralization?

Revolutionary technology breakthroughs can have a significant influence not only on technology but also on social change, as evidenced by the Industrial Revolution. Here are some ways in which technological breakthroughs can bring about social change:

  1. Changes in the economy: Technological breakthroughs can create new industries, products, and services, leading to changes in the economy. For example, the introduction of the steam engine during the Industrial Revolution led to the creation of new industries such as textiles, transportation, and energy, which transformed the economy and led to significant social and economic changes.

  2. Changes in the workforce: Technological breakthroughs can also lead to changes in the workforce, as certain jobs become obsolete while new jobs are created. This can lead to shifts in the labor market and changes in the skills required for employment.

  3. Changes in social norms: Technological breakthroughs can also lead to changes in social norms and behavior, as people adapt to new ways of living and working. For example, the introduction of the automobile led to changes in transportation and travel, which influenced social norms around mobility, leisure, and distance.

  4. Changes in politics: Technological breakthroughs can also influence political change, as new technologies may require new regulations or policies to ensure their safe and responsible use. For example, the development of nuclear technology led to the creation of new policies and treaties aimed at preventing nuclear war and promoting international cooperation.

Overall, technological breakthroughs can have a profound impact on society, leading to changes in the economy, workforce, social norms, and politics. As such, it is important to carefully consider the implications of new technologies and to work towards ensuring that their benefits are shared equitably and their potential drawbacks are addressed.


上一篇:ChatGPT的本质"技术化社会"("technologized society" )部分
下一篇:ChatGPT的本质"社会技术化"("society technologization")部分
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