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ChatGPT的本质"技术化社会"("technologized society" )部分

已有 1651 次阅读 2023-2-25 11:58 |系统分类:论文交流


The essence of ChatGPT is the subversion brought about by the combination of "technologized society" and "societized technology": "society technologization" and "technology socialization"

February 2023 DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.19000.42244


The essence of ChatGPT -"technologized society" section

段玉聪(Yucong Duan

DIKWP research group, Hainan University


ChatGPT的本质"技术化社会"和“社会化技术”结合带来的颠覆:“社会技术化”与 “技术社会化”

The essence of ChatGPT is the subversion brought about by the combination of "technologized society" and "societized technology": "society technologization" and "technology socialization":




“技术化社会”是指技术在塑造生活的各个方面(包括工作,沟通,娱乐甚至个人身份)中发挥普遍和有影响力的社会。 这个概念表明,技术已成为现代社会不可或缺的一部分,其影响力深深融入人们的思维,行动和互动方式。

在一个技术化的社会中,人们依靠技术来执行各种任务,生活的许多方面都受到技术的影响,包括教育,医疗保健,运输甚至社会关系。 例如,社交媒体平台已成为沟通和信息共享的主要手段,而电子商务已改变了人们购物和消费商品和服务的方式。

尽管技术化社会的好处是许多人,包括提高效率,便利性和获取信息,但也存在潜在的缺点,例如增加的隔离,隐私问题和某些工作的流离失所。 因此,重要的是要批判性地评估技术在社会中的作用,并仔细考虑其对个人和社区的影响。


技术趋势对社会以及个人如何适应技术变化产生重大影响可能会产生深远的后果。 以下是技术趋势会影响社会和适应的一些方式:

就业市场的变化:随着技术的进步,就业市场变化,工人需要调整其技能以保持竞争力。 这可能会导致技能差距,其中没有必要技能的工人将被遗留下来,并且可能很难找到就业。

沟通的变化:技术的进步导致了新的沟通形式,例如社交媒体和消息传递应用程序,这些应用程序改变了人们相互互动和沟通的方式。 这可能会导致社会规范和行为的变化,以及企业与客户互动的新机会。

隐私和安全性的变化:随着技术的进步,可能会出现对隐私和安全性的新威胁。 这可能导致法律和法规的变化,以保护个人和组织免受网络威胁。


生活方式的变化:技术趋势也会影响人们的生活方式选择,例如他们如何锻炼,购物和娱乐自己。 这可能会导致行为和期望的变化,以及企业提供产品和服务的新机会。


ChatGPT definition on---

what is "technologized society"?

"Technologized society" refers to a society in which technology plays a pervasive and influential role in shaping various aspects of life, including work, communication, entertainment, and even personal identity. This concept suggests that technology has become an integral part of modern society, and its influence is deeply embedded in the ways people think, act, and interact with each other.

In a technologized society, people rely on technology to perform various tasks, and many aspects of life are shaped by technology, including education, healthcare, transportation, and even social relationships. For example, social media platforms have become a primary means of communication and information sharing, while e-commerce has transformed the way people shop and consume goods and services.

While the benefits of a technologized society are many, including increased efficiency, convenience, and access to information, there are also potential drawbacks, such as increased isolation, privacy concerns, and the displacement of certain jobs. Therefore, it is important to critically assess the role of technology in society and to carefully consider its impact on individuals and communities.

what is the influence of technology trend on society adaptation?

Technology trends have a significant impact on society and how individuals adapt to changes in technology can have far-reaching consequences. Here are some ways technology trends can influence society and adaptation:

  1. Changes in the job market: As technology advances, the job market changes, and workers need to adapt their skills to remain competitive. This can lead to a skills gap, where workers who do not have the required skills are left behind, and may have difficulty finding employment.

  2. Changes in communication: Advances in technology have led to new forms of communication, such as social media and messaging apps, which have changed the way people interact and communicate with each other. This can lead to changes in social norms and behaviors, as well as new opportunities for businesses to engage with customers.

  3. Changes in privacy and security: As technology advances, new threats to privacy and security can emerge. This can lead to changes in laws and regulations to protect individuals and organizations from cyber threats.

  4. Changes in access to information: Advances in technology have made it easier to access information, but this can also lead to information overload and the need for new skills to navigate and filter the vast amount of available information.

  5. Changes in lifestyle: Technology trends can also impact people's lifestyle choices, such as how they exercise, shop, and entertain themselves. This can lead to changes in behavior and expectations, as well as new opportunities for businesses to provide products and services.

Overall, technology trends have a significant impact on society, and the ability to adapt to these changes is critical for individuals and organizations to remain competitive and successful.


上一篇:ChatGPT的本质"技术化社会"和“社会化技术”结合带来的颠覆:“社会技术化”与 “技术社会化”
下一篇:ChatGPT的本质"社会化技术"("societized technology")部分
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