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已有 2845 次阅读 2019-5-8 11:05 |系统分类:论文交流| 全球变暖, 温室效应, 温室气体减排, 行星大气演化, 地震


Abstract: In this paper, the evolution law of planetary atmosphere is analyzed, and the conclusion is drawn that the main causes of Greenhouse Effect are the decelerating expansion of the universe and the decrease of vegetation on the earth. It is pointed out that the most effective measure to deal with Greenhouse Effect is to protect and increase land vegetation and marine plants in a large area.


Keywords: Global warming, greenhouse effect, greenhouse gas reduction, planetary atmosphere evolution


















[1]王建安,《论以太的存在及其在物理学中的重要地位和作用》 2018,中国预印本服务系统:


[2] B. Z. Houlton1,*,,  S. L. Morford1,2,*, R. A. Dahlgren1 , Science  06 Apr 2018: Vol. 360, Issue 6384, pp. 58-62

The formula (9.2) or (9.5) [1] tells us that as the universe expansion slows, all the atoms are getting bigger and bigger. As the atoms become bigger, the distance between the atoms becomes larger and the attraction between atoms becomes smaller, resulting in or accelerating the release of volatile substances from the bondage of magma to become gas. In addition, the decelerating expansion of the universe can also lead to the change of gas components separated from magma gasification (The molecular weight of the gas separated from the magma is increasing. This process is similar to the refining process of petroleum, i.e., the molecular weight of the oil evaporated from the crude oil increases with the increase of temperature)

Underground magma initially isolated mainly small molecular gases, such as hydrogen and helium, then medium molecular gases, such as nitrogen, methane, and water, finally large molecular gases such as carbon dioxide and sulfur dioxide.

The above inference is proved by the results of the paper published in Science on April 6, 2018 by the University of California [2]. It is found that up to 26% of nitrogen gas in the ecosystem comes from the lithospheric bedrock of the Earth (but the author of this paper believes that the nitrogen gas comes from underground magma, not the lithospheric bedrock) and the rest from the atmosphere.

In addition, with the decelerating expansion of the universe, the atoms are getting bigger and bigger, the planets and the atmosphere of the planets are expanding. So the gravity of the molecules at the top of the atmosphere is getting smaller and smaller, and solar energy that the molecules receives is getting more and more. So the speed of air reduction of the atmosphere is getting faster and faster, and the molecular of the gas that is being lost from the atmosphere is getting bigger and bigger. First, small molecules such as hydrogen and helium are lost, and then nitrogen, oxygen, methane and water vapor are lost, finally carbon dioxide and sulfur dioxide are lost.

Because the temperature of the underground magma of the planets continue to decline, the drop in temperature will lead to a decrease in the rate at which the magma releases out the gases. Little carbon dioxide remains in the Martian atmosphere, suggesting that the Martian magma is nearing solid. The lunar surface is almost vacuum, indicating that the lunar underground magma has been basically solidified into solid.

All primitive atmospheres of planets should be composed of gases separated from the magma of the planets (first the separation of hydrogen, and finally the separation of carbon dioxide). With the decelerating expansion of the universe and  the temperature drop of the underground magma, every planet should experience all the processes of the atmospheric loss (first the loss of hydrogen, and finally the loss of carbon dioxide). The smaller the gravitational mass of the planet, the smaller the specific gravity, the shorter the distance from the sun, the earlier the planet to complete all the processes of the above atmospheric loss and the shorter the period.

The gravitational mass of Mars is only about 10% of the earth, and the specific gravity (3.94g/cm3) is 71.6% of the earth. Now only a little carbon dioxide remains in the Martian atmosphere, suggesting that the Martian magma is nearing solid and Mars has almost completed all of the above processes of the atmospheric loss. Mars should had an atmosphere and an ocean before. With the decelerating expansion of the universe, the atmosphere of Mars and Mars are expanding, the gravitational force on atmospheric molecules is getting smaller, the velocity of atmospheric molecules flowing out of the atmosphere is accelerating, and the evaporation of water in the ocean is also accelerating. As a result of the near solidification of the magma and the low gravity of Mars, the atmosphere of Mars was almost completely lost. At the same time, the Martian ocean evaporates into gases, all of which eventually leave Mars. Mars's gravitational mass is the smallest of the nine planets in the solar system, so it has been the first to complete all the processes of the atmospheric loss. It is assumed that there was once an atmosphere on the moon, but because the gravitational mass is too small, the lunar atmosphere was quickly lost with the decelerating expansion of the universe and solidification of lunar underground magma.

Venus has a greater gravitational mass than Mars, which is about 80% of the earth, and the specific gravity of Venus (5.19 g/cm3) is 94.2% of the earth. At present, the atmosphere of Venus is mainly composed of carbon dioxide (96%), the atmospheric pressure of Venus is 90 times of the earth. It is assumed that the atmosphere of Venus experienced the hydrogen dominated stage, then the nitrogen dominated stage, and then entered the stage of carbon dioxide and greenhouse effect increasing. The changes in the atmosphere of Venus should be followed by the constant loss of carbon dioxide and the constant decline of atmospheric pressure with the decelerating expansion of the universe and solidification of the underground magma. The atmosphere of Venus will eventually reduce to just a thin layer of carbon dioxide that is now the atmosphere of Mars.

Because the earth's specific gravity and location are close to Venus, the matter composition of the magma inside the earth should be similar to that of Venus. The gravitational mass of the earth is slightly larger than that of Venus, and the distance from the sun is slightly larger than that of Venus, so the earth's atmosphere change may be following the footsteps of Venus. The earth's magma began to release carbon dioxide long time ago that can be known from the gas composition of volcanic eruptions in the past and the present.

As the universe expansion slows down, the speed of carbon dioxide release from the earth's magma is accelerating. The increase of carbon dioxide in the earth's atmosphere accelerates the growth of plants on earth, and the speed of carbon dioxide decomposition by plant’s photosynthesis. Plants break down carbon dioxide to release oxygen and to solidify carbon into biomass. In earth's history most of this biomass was buried underground by volcanoes or earthquakes, and turned into coal and oil. So in the history the earth's carbon dioxide production rate and decomposition rate have been in a balance state. As the universe expansion slows down, the speed of carbon dioxide release from underground magma is accelerating. We can measure the rocks near the crater of different eras to show that the lava ejected from the volcano is getting lighter and lighter. More and more pores of the volcanic rocks are growing, and the pores are getting bigger and bigger, this suggests that the speed of gas separation from underground magma is increasing. On the other hand, with the increasing of the human population, the land vegetation and marine plants are decreasing, and the rate of decomposition of carbon dioxide by the plants is decreasing. Eventually, the earth's underground magma releases carbon dioxide faster than the earth's plants decompose carbon dioxide, leading to an increase in carbon dioxide content in the earth's atmosphere and an increase in the greenhouse effect.

In addition, because carbon dioxide is heavier than oxygen and nitrogen, the carbon dioxide released by underground magma stays at the bottom of the atmosphere, forcing oxygen and nitrogen to rise and break away from the earth. So, if the earth’s vegetation and marine plants are continually destroyed and reduced, as the universe expansion slows down the proportion of carbon dioxide in the earth's atmosphere will become higher and higher, and the earth will gradually become a planet like the current Venus. With the decelerating expansion of the universe and solidification of the underground magma the earth will finally become a planet like the current Mars.

The earth produces about 220 billion tons of biomass per year by photosynthesis of the plants, which contains about 10 times as much energy as the world's energy consumption in 2007. This data shows that the speed of carbon dioxide absorption from the atmosphere by plant’s photosynthesis is 10 times higher than the speed of carbon dioxide emissions by human production and living activities. Therefore, the increase of the earth's greenhouse effect is not mainly the cause of fossil energy burning by human production and life, but the natural process and the reduction of the earth's vegetation.

The fact that there are no humans on Venus but that the atmospheric carbon dioxide content of Venus is as high as 96% proves the above argument. Without plants, Earth will soon become a planet like Venus.

Therefore, the first task to deal with the greenhouse effect should be to protect the land vegetation and marine plants, and to plant a large number of trees and marine aquatic plants, and the second task is to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases. In addition, to develop practical technologies that can solidify carbon on a large scale from carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is an important measures to deal with Greenhouse Effect in the Future.

 Jupiter’s mass is 318 times the mass of the earth, and Jupiter's atmosphere is now composed of 86% hydrogen and 14% helium. According to natural processes, as the universe expansion slows and the underground magma solidification goes on, Jupiter's atmosphere will also experience the nitrogen dominant process, then the carbon dioxide dominant process, and eventually the process of losing all the carbon dioxide.

The greater the gravitational mass, the greater the specific gravity, and the farther away from the sun, the more slowly the planet’s atmosphere changes. But however, all the planets will go through all of the above processes and will eventually lose all of the atmosphere (including water) with the decelerating expansion of the universe and the solidification of the underground magma.

Through the above analysis, we can draw the following conclusions:

1. All planetary atmospheres are in dynamic equilibrium. On one hand, the decelerating expansion of the universe causes the underground magma to release gases into the atmosphere, on the other hand, the atmospheric molecules escape from the atmosphere into space. Once the underground magma becomes solids, the atmosphere of the planet will soon disappear and the planet will become like Mars or the moon.

2.Much of the carbon dioxide and nitrogen needed by plants to grow on earth are released by underground magma (caused by the decelerating expansion of the universe), and the rest from the atmosphere (in fact, the atmosphere is all from underground magma)

3.The increase of Earth Greenhouse Effect is mainly caused by the decelerating expansion of the universe and the decrease of the total amount of plants on the earth.

4. The primary task of dealing with Greenhouse Effect should be to protect land vegetation and marine plants and to plant large quantities of trees and marine aquatic plants.



[1] Jianan Wang,《On the Existence of Ether and Its Important Position and Role in Physics 2018 China preprint service system: http://prep.nstl.gov.cn/preprint/main.html?action=showFile&id=2c928282641b5f6b01657f450a9e039a

[2] B. Z. Houlton1,*,,  S. L. Morford1,2,*, R. A. Dahlgren1 , Science,06 Apr 2018: Vol. 360, Issue 6384, pp. 58-62


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