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Earth-Science Reviews 11篇;GSA Bulletin 5篇;QSR 7篇

已有 1392 次阅读 2023-4-17 16:28 |系统分类:科研笔记

Earth-Science Reviews 11篇;GSA Bulletin 5篇;Quaternary Science Reviews 7

“意得辑”主要为英文非母语的科研作者提供英文润色、学术翻译、SCI/EI/SSCI发表指导等服务意得辑拥有2000多名具有专业学科背景的资深英文母语编辑、 翻译、发表专家团队



Glendonites throughout the Phanerozoic


Earth-Science Reviews


Late Mesozoic basin evolution in NE China and its surrounding areas, mechanisms of the continental-scale extensional regime in East Asia during the Late Jurassic–Early Cretaceous


Earth-Science Reviews


Evolution of the Zagros sector of Neo-Tethys: Tectonic and magmatic events that shaped its rifting, seafloor spreading and subduction history


Earth-Science Reviews


Prediction of acid mine drainage: Where we are?


Earth-Science Reviews


Effects of weathering and fluvial transport on detrital trace metals


Earth-Science Reviews


An early Precambrian “orogenic belt” exhumed by the Phanerozoic tectonic events: A case study of the eastern North China Craton


Earth-Science Reviews


Spatial and temporal control of Archean tectonomagmatic regimes


Earth-Science Reviews


Oceanic anoxic events, marine photic-zone euxinia, and controversy of sea-level fluctuations during the Middle-Late Devonian


Earth-Science Reviews


Analysis of fracturing processes leading to caldera collapse


Earth-Science Reviews


Importance of global spherical geometry for studying slab dynamics and evolution in models with data assimilation


Earth-Science Reviews


Late Triassic to Middle Jurassic tectonic evolution of the South China Block: Geodynamic transition from the Paleo-Tethys to the Paleo-Pacific regimes


Earth-Science Reviews


Tectonic and stratigraphic evolution of the late Paleozoic Darwin Basin, eastern California, USA, and implications for the onset of subduction along the southwestern Cordilleran margin of Laurentia


GSA Bulletin


Opening of the Sumdo Paleo-Tethys Ocean and rifting of the Lhasa terrane from Gondwana: Insights from early Carboniferous magmatism in southern Tibet


GSA Bulletin


Transition from breccia pipe to stratabound mineralization in Mississippi Valley-type hydrothermal systems: The Nayongzhi Zn-Pb deposit, world-class Sichuan−Yunnan−Guizhou triangle, South China


GSA Bulletin


Gold mineralized diorite beneath the Linglong ore field, North China craton: New insights into the origin of decratonization-related gold deposits


GSA Bulletin


Tracking isotopic sources of immiscible melts at the enigmatic magnetite-(apatite) deposit at El Laco, Chile, using Pb isotopes

用铅同位素示踪智利El Laco神秘磁铁矿(磷灰石)沉积物中不混溶熔体的同位素来源

GSA Bulletin


Paleoenvironments and climate at Nahal Me'arot (Mount Carmel, Israel) during the Middle and Late Pleistocene: The herpetofauna of Tabun Cave and el-Wad Terrace

Nahal Mearot(以色列卡梅尔山)中晚更新世古环境和气候研究:Tabun洞穴和el-Wad阶地的爬行动物

Quaternary Science Reviews


Developing a new testate amoeba hydrological transfer function for permafrost peatlands of NW Siberia


Quaternary Science Reviews


Visible or not? Reflection of the 8.2 ka BP event and the Greenlandian–Northgrippian boundary in a new high-resolution pollen record from the varved sediments of Lake Mondsee, Austria

可见与否?在奥地利Mondsee湖有叶沉积物的高分辨率花粉记录中反映8.2 ka BP事件和格陵兰-北格里皮的边界

Quaternary Science Reviews


Reconstructing terrestrial ice sheet retreat dynamics from hummocky topography using multiscale evidence: An example from central Ireland


Quaternary Science Reviews


Three thousand years of anthropogenic impact and water management and its impact on the hydro-ecosystem of the Mérantaise river, Paris conurbation (France)


Quaternary Science Reviews


The latest Early Pleistocene hippopotami from the human-bearing locality of Buia (Eritrea)


Quaternary Science Reviews


An integrated proximal-distal radiocarbon dating approach provides improved age constraints for a key Holocene tephra isochron


Quaternary Science Reviews




上一篇:Nature Communications 27篇;Nature Geoscience 3篇;Geology 7篇
下一篇:Earth and Planetary Science Letters 8篇;GCA 3篇;CG 6篇
收藏 IP: 222.85.139.*| 热度|


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