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Quaternary Science Reviews 37篇

已有 1981 次阅读 2022-2-6 16:14 |系统分类:科研笔记

Quaternary Science Reviews  37



A multi-isotope and modelling approach for constraining hydro-connectivity in the East African Rift System, southern Ethiopia

多同位素方法以及模拟方法 研究东非裂谷体系

Quaternary Science Reviews


Four widespread East Asian tephra marker horizons during early MIS 3: ~60–50 ka tephrostratigraphy of Huguangyan Maar Lake southern China


Quaternary Science Reviews


Variability in effective moisture inferred from inclusion fluid δ<sup>18</sup>O and δ<sup>2</sup>H values in a central Sierra Nevada stalagmite (CA)


Quaternary Science Reviews


Neodymium isotopes as a paleo-water mass tracer: A model-data reassessment


Quaternary Science Reviews


Paleotsunami history along the northern Japan trench based on sequential dating of the continuous geological record potentially inundated only by large tsunamis


Quaternary Science Reviews


Geoarchaeological Excavations at the Guest Mammoth Site (8MR130), Florida, USA


Quaternary Science Reviews


Indian Summer Monsoon variability 140–70 thousand years ago based on multi-proxy records from the Bay of Bengal

根据孟加拉湾的多指标记录研究14 - 7万年前的印度夏季季风变化

Quaternary Science Reviews


Late Pleistocene palaeoenvironments and a possible glacial refugium on northern Vancouver Island, Canada: Evidence for the viability of early human settlement on the northwest coast of North America


Quaternary Science Reviews


Paleoclimatic and paleoenvironmental changes in Amazonian lowlands over the last three millennia


Quaternary Science Reviews


<sup>10</sup>Be chronology of deglaciation and ice-dammed lake regression in the vicinity of the Mylodon Cave (Cerro Benítez, Patagonia, Chile)

10 Mylodon洞穴附近的冰川消退和冰坝湖泊消退年表(Cerro Benítez巴塔哥尼亚,智利)

Quaternary Science Reviews


New zooarchaeological perspectives on the early Upper Paleolithic Rostamian sequence of Ghar-e Boof (southern Zagros Mountains, Iran)

伊朗Zagros山脉南部ghare Boof地区旧石器时代早期Rostamian序列的动物考古学新视角

Quaternary Science Reviews


Exploring Late Pleistocene hominin dispersals, coexistence and extinction with agent-based multi-factor models


Quaternary Science Reviews


A climatic evaluation of the southern dispersal route during MIS 5e

MIS 5e南向扩散路径的气候评价

Quaternary Science Reviews


Oxygen isotopes of land snail shells in high latitude regions


Quaternary Science Reviews


On the influence of vertical ground movements on Late-Quaternary sea-level records. A comprehensive assessment along the mid-Tyrrhenian coast of Italy (Mediterranean Sea)


Quaternary Science Reviews


Relative sea level changes during the Last Glacial Maximum and deglaciation (33–15 ka) inferred from the δ<sup>18</sup>O records of planktic foraminifera from the Sea of Japan

从日本海浮游有孔虫的δ18O记录推断末次盛冰期和消冰期(33-15 ka)的相对海平面变化

Quaternary Science Reviews


Range expansion of tropical shallow-water marine molluscs in the NE Atlantic during the last interglacial (MIS 5e): Causes, consequences and utility of ecostratigraphic indicators for the Macaronesian archipelagos

末次间冰期东北大西洋热带浅水海洋软体动物的范围扩展(MIS 5e):马卡罗西亚群岛生态地层指标的原因、后果和效用

Quaternary Science Reviews


Regional precipitation variations during Heinrich events and Dansgaard-Oeschger cycles in the northern margin of the East Asian summer monsoon region


Quaternary Science Reviews


Equatorial Pacific bulk sediment <em>δ</em><sup>15</sup>N supports a secular increase in Southern Ocean nitrate utilization after the mid-Pleistocene Transition


Quaternary Science Reviews


Indian summer monsoon variations during the Younger Dryas as revealed by a laminated stalagmite record from the Tibetan Plateau


Quaternary Science Reviews


Climate adaptation of pre-Viking societies


Quaternary Science Reviews


Regional heterogeneity of environmental stressors for the Early, Middle and Late Palaeolithic European human populations related to the evolutionary lineage of Neanderthals


Quaternary Science Reviews


Ice-sheet expansion from the Ross Sea into McMurdo Sound, Antarctica, during the last two glaciations


Quaternary Science Reviews


The Monte San Nicola section (Sicily) revisited: A potential unit-stratotype of the Gelasian Stage


Quaternary Science Reviews


Natural and anthropogenic dynamics of the coastal environment in northwestern Corsica (western Mediterranean) over the past six millennia


Quaternary Science Reviews


A comparison of orbital-resolution, Late Pleistocene Alkenone and foraminiferal assemblage-based sea surface temperature reconstructions from the Southwest Pacific


Quaternary Science Reviews


A 5000-year lacustrine sediment oxygen isotope record of late Holocene climate change in Newfoundland, Canada


Quaternary Science Reviews


A hydrological tipping point and onset of Neolithic wetland occupation in Pestenacker (Lech catchment, S Germany)


Quaternary Science Reviews


Landscape dynamics and fire regime since 17,550 cal yr BP in the Cantabrian region (La Molina peat bog, Puente Viesgo, Spain)

Cantabrian地区17550 calyr BP以来的景观动态和火灾状况(西班牙Puente Viesgo La Molina泥炭沼泽)研究

Quaternary Science Reviews


Iceberg discharge events in the northwest Pacific and related sequence of Kamchatka glaciations over the last 190 kyr


Quaternary Science Reviews


Intensified climate drying and cooling during the last glacial culmination (20.8–17.5 cal ka BP) in the south-eastern Asian monsoon domain inferred from a high-resolution pollen record

高分辨率花粉记录推断,东南亚季风域末次冰期(20.8-17.5 cal ka BP)气候干燥和冷却加剧研究

Quaternary Science Reviews


Bayesian inference about Plio-Pleistocene climate transitions in Africa


Quaternary Science Reviews


Impacts of active tectonics on geogenic arsenic enrichment in groundwater in the Hetao Plain, Inner Mongolia


Quaternary Science Reviews


Revised chronology of northwest Laurentide ice-sheet deglaciation from <sup>10</sup>Be exposure ages on boulder erratics


Quaternary Science Reviews


Sea-level changes in the Bohai Sea, northern China, constrained by coastal loess accumulation over the past 200 ka


Quaternary Science Reviews


Investigating the roles of relative sea-level change and glacio-isostatic adjustment on the retreat of a marine based ice stream in NW Scotland


Quaternary Science Reviews


Marmot hunting during the Upper Palaeolithic: The specialized exploitation at Grotte di Pradis (Italian pre-Alps)


Quaternary Science Reviews


Developing lacustrine sedimentary records of storminess in southwestern New Zealand


Quaternary Science Reviews



上一篇:OGR 17篇 MD 6篇
下一篇:Lithos 18篇;Journal of Petrology 3篇
收藏 IP: 183.251.126.*| 热度|


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