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EPSL-21篇 GCA-8篇 CG-16篇

已有 752 次阅读 2024-10-13 22:28 |系统分类:科研笔记

“意得辑”主要为英文非母语的科研作者提供英文润色、学术翻译、SCI/EI/SSCI发表指导等服务意得辑拥有2000多名具有专业学科背景的资深英文母语编辑、 翻译、发表专家团队


Earth and Planetary Science Letters-21

Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta-8

Chemical Geology-16

Lithium isotope stratigraphy and Ordovician weathering


Earth and Planetary Science Letters


Ring faulting and piston collapse in the mantle sustained the largest submarine eruption ever documented


Earth and Planetary Science Letters


Postseismic deformation due to the 2021 <em>M<sub>W</sub></em> 7.4 Maduo (China) earthquake and implications for regional rheology and seismic hazards around the Bayan Har block

2021年玛多<em>M<sub>W</sub></em> 7.4级地震的震后形变及其对巴颜喀尔地块周边区域流变学和地震危险性的影响

Earth and Planetary Science Letters


Influence of Terrigenious Inorganic Nitrogen on Marine Nitrogen Cycle Reconstruction Inferred from Sedimentary Bulk Nitrogen Isotope


Chemical Geology


Assessment of bi-metal paleo-redox proxies in the Bakken Formation black shales, Williston Basin, North Dakota, USA


Chemical Geology


Inferring relative sediment fluxes and landscape evolution trends from C, O and clumped isotopes and mineral composition in detrital carbonate


Earth and Planetary Science Letters


Abiotic origin of organics in the martian regolith


Earth and Planetary Science Letters


Rhenium isotope variations in Icelandic groundwaters and hydrothermal systems


Earth and Planetary Science Letters


Prolonged sediment aggradation in an internal Himalayan valley due to out-of-sequence lateral fault growth


Earth and Planetary Science Letters


Diahopane and diasterane as the proxies for paleoenvironment, hydrocarbon generation condition, and shale oil accumulation


Chemical Geology


A comparative study on the stability of Fe(III) minerals formed by the nitrate/nitrite-reducing Fe(II) oxidation processes


Chemical Geology


The use of combined C<img src="https://sdfestaticassets-eu-west-1.sciencedirectassets.com/shared-assets/16/entities/sbnd" />Mg isotope compositions of carbonates from orogenic Sb<img src="https://sdfestaticassets-eu-west-1.sciencedirectassets.com/shared-assets/16/entities/sbnd" />Au deposits as a tracer of fluid interaction with sea-floor altered crust

造山带Sb<img src="https://sdfestaticassets-eu-west-1.sciencedirectassets.com/shared-assets/16/entities/sbnd" />Au矿床碳酸盐C<img src="https://sdfestaticassets-eu-west-1.sciencedirectassets.com/shared-assets/16/entities/sbnd" />Mg同位素组成作为流体与海底蚀变地壳相互作用的示踪剂

Chemical Geology


Zinc isotopic composition of oceanic crust: Insights from oceanic gabbro cumulates and MORBs


Chemical Geology


Arsenic <em>K</em>-edge and Thallium <em>L3</em>-edge XANES, with XFM imaging and LA-ICP-MS to determine oxidation states and distribution in sphalerite


Chemical Geology


Nitrogen in the Orgueil meteorite: Abundant ammonium among other reservoirs of variable isotopic compositions


Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta


Correlating 300 million years of catastrophes


Earth and Planetary Science Letters


Control of stepwise subduction and slab breakoff on volcanism and uplift in the


Earth and Planetary Science Letters


Tracing the stepwise warming trend in the tropical Indian Ocean through a 40-year record of oxygen isotope composition in Maldives corals


Earth and Planetary Science Letters


Heterogeneous cooling subsidence of oceanic lithosphere controlled by spreading rate


Earth and Planetary Science Letters


Bioavailability of molybdenite to support nitrogen fixation on early Earth by an anoxygenic phototroph


Earth and Planetary Science Letters


Dynamic evolution of competing same-dip double subduction: New perspectives of the Neo-Tethyan plate tectonics


Earth and Planetary Science Letters


From birth to death: The role of upper-crustal thermal maturation and volcanism in porphyry ore formation revealed in the Yerington district


Earth and Planetary Science Letters


Noble gases in shocked igneous rocks from the 380Ma-old Siljan impact structure (Sweden): A search for paleo-atmospheric signatures

来自380Ma-old Siljan撞击构造(瑞典)的激波火成岩中的惰性气体:对古大气特征的研究

Chemical Geology


Cold-subduction biogeodynamics boost deep energy delivery to the forearc


Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta


Composition and age constraints on a Hadean enriched mantle source revealed by the Paleoarchean São Tomé layered intrusion, NE Brazil

巴西东北部古太古代s<s:1> o tom<s:1>层状侵入体揭示的冥古宙富地幔源的组成和年龄限制

Earth and Planetary Science Letters


Isotopic Fractionation during Sublimation of Low Porosity Ice


Chemical Geology


The roles of celestine and barite in modulating strontium and barium water column concentrations in the northeast Pacific Ocean


Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta


The behavior of nickel isotopes during mantle melting


Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta


Lithium isotopes track changes in continental weathering regimes across the end-Permian mass extinction in Southwest China


Earth and Planetary Science Letters


Magnetotelluric evidence for the formation of the layered Sask Craton by flat slab subduction


Earth and Planetary Science Letters


Clumped isotopes constrain thermogenic and secondary microbial methane origins in coal bed methane


Earth and Planetary Science Letters


2D geochemical imaging of biogenic marine carbonates using LA-TOF-ICP-MS at 1 and 2 μm pixel resolution

1和2 μm分辨率的LA-TOF-ICP-MS海洋生物碳酸盐二维地球化学成像

Chemical Geology


Fossilization and low-grade metamorphism of Triassic marine reptiles from southwest China: A continuum of apatite transformation and fluorite precipitation


Chemical Geology


Tracking subduction-related metasomatism of the subcontinental lithospheric mantle using Ca-, O-, and H-isotopes

利用Ca-、O-和h -同位素追踪与俯冲有关的次大陆岩石圈地幔交代作用

Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta


Dissolved silicon as a beneficial factor for biomineralization of disordered dolomite by a halophilic cyanobacterium


Chemical Geology


Redox-sensitive metals and δ<sup>238</sup>U in red and grey shales: Exploring a new archive for palaeo-redox studies


Chemical Geology


The evolution of amino acids under asteroidal aqueous alteration


Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta


Coupled effects of iron (hydr)oxides and clay minerals on the heterogeneous oxidation of aqueous Mn(II) and crystallization of manganese (hydr)oxides


Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta


Experimental investigation of hydrogen isotope fractionation during hydration of olivine-hosted melt inclusions: Implications for D/H in Baffin Island picrites


Earth and Planetary Science Letters


Martian seismic anisotropy underneath Elysium Planitia revealed by direct <em>S</em> wave splitting


Earth and Planetary Science Letters


Regional-scale, high-resolution measurements of hilltop curvature reveal tectonic, climatic, and lithologic controls on hillslope morphology


Earth and Planetary Science Letters


Triple oxygen isotope variability of precipitation in a tropical mountainous region


Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta


Helium, carbon and nitrogen isotope evidence for slab influence on volcanic gas emissions at Rabaul caldera, Papua New Guinea


Chemical Geology


Immiscibility of carbonatitic and alkaline silicate melts from an evolved ultramafic magma: Titanite geochronology and in-situ Ti<img src="https://sdfestaticassets-eu-west-1.sciencedirectassets.com/shared-assets/16/entities/sbnd" />Nd isotope insights

演化的超镁质岩浆中碳酸盐岩和碱性硅酸盐熔体的不混溶性:钛矿年代学和原位Ti<img src="https://sdfestaticassets-eu-west-1.sciencedirectassets.com/shared-assets/16/entities/sbnd" />Nd同位素的见解

Chemical Geology


Interpretation of vertical migration and enrichment processes of rare earth elements (REEs) in ion-adsorption-type mineralization in Japan based on REE speciation analyses


Chemical Geology




上一篇:GSAB-7篇 ESR-12篇 QSR-9篇 Elements-27篇
下一篇:CMP-7篇 JP-6篇 Lithos-17篇
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